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Bug 436214 (as-is-license) - [Tracker] "as-is" license cleanup
Summary: [Tracker] "as-is" license cleanup
Alias: as-is-license
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Licenses team
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 113798 263551 418067 418455 436064 436178 436220 436452 436476 436608 436630 436698 437162 437166 437168 437172 437228 437774 438330 440752 440844 440846 440910 440938 441636 441640 441656 441662 441702 441704 441710 441734 441752 441762 441826 441830 441832 441922 441924 441930 441936 441992 441994 442004 442008 442012 442018 442022 442026 443606 443618 443806 444314 444316 444320 444322 444330 444332 444334 444338 444342 444352 444378 444408 444410 444412 444414 444424 444426 444474 444476 444480 444482 444490 444492 444494 444498 444500 444504 444576 444578 444580 444582 444628 444744 444746 444812 444850 444852 444854 444856 444858 444860 444862 444864 444866 444868 444968 444970 444972 444978 444980 444982 444984 445040 445042 445046 445234 445238 445256 445258 445260 445262 445264 445266 445300 445302 445304 445310 445314 445354 445382 445384 445386 445406 445410 445412 445414 445416 445418 445422 445424 445426 445428 445454 445456 445458 445608 445610 445640 445642 445644 445646 445648 445650 445654 445656 445670 445672 445674 445750 445754 445756 445808 445828 445830 445832 445834 445836 445860 445862 445866 445868 445870 445872 445876 445934 445942 445946 445950 445952 445964 446048 446050 446052 446054 446056 446058 446060 446064 446066 446068 446150 446154 446156 446158 446160 446162 446164 446166 446168 446216 446218 446220 446222 446294 446296 446298 446300 446302 446306 446352 446354 446380 446382 446474 446476 446478 446480 446482 446484 446486 446488 446492 446502 446504 446536 446538 446540 446542 446544 446546 446550 446590 446616 446618 446630 446634 446650 446668 446686 446688 446708 446756 446758 446760 446762 446764 446766 446768 446776 446778 446782 446784 446786 446792 446794 446798 446800 446802 446818 447268 447272 447276 447278 447286 447290 447292 447296 447362 447390 447394 447456 447458 447516 447610 447636 447640 448064 448166 448180 448184 448186 448212 448274 448284 448324 448326 448396 448410 448412 448646 448650 448652 449152 449170 449174 449344 449680 449682 449796 449832 449834 449836 449944 449946 449954 450210 450244 450304 450310 450418 450450 450454 450932 451516 451890 452012 452014 452194 452342 452356 452372 452380 452402 452412 452416 452418 452420 452600 452914 452920 452924 452928 452964 452966 453004 453166 453184 453214 453290 453292 453490 453496 455530 455566 455568 455570 455572 455836 455970 460118 463874 463876 463996 463998 464000 464110 464114 464768 464770 464774 464870 464888 464904 464926 464934 464938 464970 464988 465014 465020 465030 465050 465086 465088 465102 465112 465140 465142 465144 465196 465274 465280 465554 465566 465568 465592 465690 465692 465694 465698 465704 465774 465784 465850 465852 465958 465986 466066 467512 467890 470776 470778 470780 470782 470784 470786 470788 470790 470794 470796 470798 470800 470980 470982 505606 505608 505610 505612 505616 505618 505620 505622 505624 505626 505628 505630 505634 505636 505708 505710 505716 505718 505720 505722 505724 505726 505728 505730 505732 505734 505736 505738 505740 505742 505746 505748 505750 505752 505754 505756 505758 505766 505768 505770 505772 505774 505776 505778 505780 505782 505858 506790 506806 506810 506850 506852 506858 506860 506950 506952 506968 509260
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2012-09-25 13:12 UTC by Ulrich Müller
Modified: 2017-11-14 08:17 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2012-09-25 13:12:30 UTC
See note in licenses/as-is:
| Note: Most all license have an "as is" clause. For our purposes this does
| not make all software in this category. This category is for software with
| very little restrictions.

This is a tracker bug for packages marked improperly or imprecisely with LICENSE="as-is". For packages using "as-is" as originally intended, it should be checked if they can be labelled as "HPND" or some BSD-like license.
Comment 1 Ulrich Müller gentoo-dev 2017-11-14 08:17:34 UTC
All done (464 blocking bugs!). Closing.