Created attachment 334074 [details] libodialog license Ebuilds are currently labelled "BSD GPL-2 as-is". This needs to be updated, because "as-is" will soon be removed from the MISC-FREE license group. Most files that are being unpacked are under BSD (3-clause) and GPL-2+ licenses. Some files in the libodialog subdirectory are under the license that is attached. (I couldn't find a name for it, so I'd suggest to call it "libodialog".) It's obviously a Free Software license, so it can be added to MISC-FREE. Furthermore, the file gnu/usr.bin/patch/patch.c has the following copyright/license notice: Copyright 1986, Larry Wall This program may be copied as long as you don't try to make any money off of it, or pretend that you wrote it. This would be non-free, because neither selling the program nor distribution of derived works are allowed. However, in the README file of GNU patch (version 2.2 and later) there is the following remark: [Larry Wall] has graciously agreed to let GNU `patch' be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. So presumably we can distribute the file under GPL-2+ too. In summary: Ebuilds should be changed to LICENSE="BSD GPL-2+ libodialog".