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Bug 260867 (werror) - [TRACKER] Packages using -Werror for build
Summary: [TRACKER] Packages using -Werror for build
Alias: werror
Product: Quality Assurance
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Trackers (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Quality Assurance Team
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 686010 711090 713488 744109 749879 755179 769746 771216 771288 788250 856583 856694 874525 884609 887285 887385 888835 888944 889012 889056 889334 889346 889796 890433 891601 891831 898900 904127 904378 905448 906055 908677 910099 916577 916580 916702 919755 920208 922604 925000 927007 927785 928086 930584 932357 933512 934033 934418 934953 934967 935731 936121 937563 939506 940699 941098 941613 942785 943720 946405 950449 950631 198257 208010 227861 238060 251740 257265 260817 260840 260847 260868 260869 260870 260871 260873 260874 260876 260878 260880 260881 260882 260884 260886 260888 260889 260890 260893 260894 260895 260896 260897 260899 260900 260901 260902 260903 260905 260907 260908 260910 260911 260915 260917 260919 260920 260921 260923 260925 260927 260931 260932 260934 260936 260937 260939 260941 260943 260945 260946 260947 260948 260953 261144 261147 265921 266463 271251 271533 272295 272301 277158 277765 287746 303077 310503 320759 320785 321275 326761 347879 362301 362303 362671 362675 362733 363009 363477 363723 363727 364285 365195 366097 367497 369639 369761 370015 378179 387841 407189 414323 415943 415949 415953 416069 418359 438424 440972 441986 442278 442828 447374 448160 451392 452530 453910 455426 456642 456654 460404 462898 465048 469026 470638 474686 474790 475010 475350 475734 477674 482576 485682 485774 489172 493940 499442 508178 515114 526384 527358 527360 528354 528768 528934 528936 528938 529026 529318 539814 545398 557486 558892 567428 568746 574884 580808 594898 606898 607158 609192 618422 618426 618428 618432 618434 618438 621178 626752 626754 630406 630702 640076 640492 641382 654202 656106 663928 664294 665464 666696 667104 673698 674996 675344 675836 686006 686100 686394 688286 688634 691260 692366 698442 698774 699152 699636 700200 704254 705438 714132 714742 716760 717952 722414 722920 732088 733678 738156 741344 744106 744118 744250 744286 744289 744313 744430 744436 744439 744442 744445 744610 744616 744634 744658 744661 744841 744928 744946 744970 744979 745009 745012 745069 745087 745090 745093 746767 746770 747379 747445 747481 747577 747580 747583 747586 747589 749165 750512 750548 750707 750710 751277 751301 751322 751613 751637 751661 751850 751874 751883 753542 754120 754123 754180 754279 756142 756706 758065 758725 759289 759796 762277 762949 763291 764305 764899 765364 766468 770019 770355 770940 770943 771219 772329 774162 775623 775752 776853 776925 777546 779466 780912 781614 781887 783978 785832 786198 787854 787980 789762 789795 798864 812461 826606 828083 830096 830988 831339 832212 832365 832818 834912 840152 840263 840616 841020 841734 845099 846938 847796 847895 848765 851681 854984 855386 859277 866153 867424 882727 886265 886441 887109 887191 887229 887293 887383 887613 887981 888137 888442 888557 888813 888837 888867 889336 889444 889644 889648 889840 889910 890206 890881 891297 891679 891681 891683 892023 892165 892732 894498 895014 895066 895102 895156 895854 898142 898228 899564 899744 901485 902201 902811 903694 903984 905121 905469 906024 906124 906343 906641 906862 906972 907263 907384 909290 909301 909501 909504 909558 909560 911479 911481 912855 913883 914189 915572 916722 916732 917149 919040 920029 920320 920457 920638 920758 920891 920929 921663 921674 921710 922461 923594 924112 924715 925324 925361 926538 926705 927062 927670 927935 928969 930336 931110 932365 932785 933585 933876 935749 936027 936466 936870 936966 939944 941509 942807 942975 947154 948536 948537 948538 948539 948540 948941
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2009-03-02 13:49 UTC by Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED)
Modified: 2025-03-05 12:59 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-03-02 13:49:52 UTC
This tracker bug is going to be used to report all the packages that currently use -Werror during build, and thus are likely to fail when new GCC releases add more warnings. This also is the cause of many failures related to _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 in GCC 4.3.3 ebuild.
Comment 1 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2009-03-02 16:58:53 UTC
i see no need to spam toolchain with this
Comment 2 Alin Năstac (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-03-03 11:36:14 UTC
IMO upstream should be allowed to add -Werror to CFLAGS if they want to. This shows upstream commitment to keep their source tree clean.

Could that break the compilation on newer gcc versions? Of course! 
Should we ignore the warnings instead of fixing the code? I think not!
Comment 3 Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-03-03 11:49:29 UTC
Upstream should use -Werror _during development_, not in release. In release it'll be a waste of time for users.

If GCC adds a warning in version 4.4 "foo bar will be removed from version 4.5", you want NOT to ignore it but also not want to make it fail before. It's a _warning_ for a good reason.

Please read where I already discussed the problem.
Comment 4 pash 2017-03-18 07:32:47 UTC
Comment 5 Nikita Zlobin 2017-12-24 22:04:07 UTC
Comment 6 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2024-05-13 17:48:37 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit a36e877ff03e95cbdfee1002330990176b3a22d2
Author:     Lucio Sauer <>
AuthorDate: 2024-05-12 16:58:55 +0000
Commit:     Lucio Sauer <>
CommitDate: 2024-05-12 17:00:28 +0000

    gui-apps/lswt: fix CFLAGS and support EPREFIX
    Signed-off-by: Lucio Sauer <>

 gui-apps/lswt/{lswt-1.0.4.ebuild => lswt-1.0.4-r1.ebuild} | 10 +++++++---
 gui-apps/lswt/lswt-9999.ebuild                            |  9 ++++++---
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)