Hello, you're receiving this canned bug because the package in summary uses the flag -Werror during build, which transforms warnings in errors, and is prone to break software when new GCC releases are added to Gentoo. Please make sure your package does not use -Werror during build, so that it can be more future-proof for the new GCC releases. Thanks, Diego
Patched this in bug 262765.
Created attachment 193463 [details] Build log
WTF nstx is masked for removal?! See bug 262765, it compiles with -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 (default for Gentoo) and nstx-1.1_beta6-r3 works OK for me. -Werror is not at issue for removal.
-Werror alone is not an issue for removal. -Werror causing _FORTIFY_SOURCE build failures which are not fixed after nine months is enough of a reason for removal. Want to save it? Become a dev or find a dev sponsoring you to proxy-maintain the package.
ebuild is fixed.