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Bug 430702 (musl-porting) - [TRACKER] sys-libs/musl porting
Summary: [TRACKER] sys-libs/musl porting
Alias: musl-porting
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo musl team
Keywords: Tracker
: 493876 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 546692 550228 552616 589094 590094 712462 712652 713624 715578 738450 782565 792567 828141 828709 828813 828843 828906 829174 829176 829188 829236 829248 829249 829294 832422 834276 834326 836632 839972 863077 864449 868732 876520 879193 892079 894260 894596 910426 918872 934773 937322 944439 944834 945159 945161 947607 947680 951050 430838 431686 PR55807 448592 473328 477290 498114 498394 503914 504142 504200 525136 527788 529348 529350 529354 529384 530080 531168 531368 531846 532514 533570 533660 535974 536834 538306 538474 538482 538956 539210 540032 541508 541694 541728 542026 542030 542484 542780 543826 543834 543836 543838 544022 544032 544062 544128 544306 544476 545006 545502 546272 546556 546890 547368 548422 548474 548886 549100 549108 549116 549506 549942 549966 549976 550204 550298 550300 550842 551606 551610 551612 551614 551616 551620 551622 551624 551626 551628 551630 551640 551818 552708 553936 554032 554416 557042 559516 559518 559520 559688 559784 559788 559818 560228 560728 560826 560860 561672 563732 564586 565978 566752 567506 567674 567678 570474 570522 570524 570838 570936 571036 571220 571230 571374 571444 573170 574160 574356 574366 574610 574654 574830 575098 575394 575614 575984 577098 577658 578424 579104 580242 580362 580686 581010 581470 581660 582824 PR68470 584352 584416 585560 585576 585698 586002 586432 588186 588248 588270 589666 590098 590738 590994 591982 592268 593030 595950 597076 597646 600860 600934 602092 602102 602104 602106 602108 602114 602116 602118 602120 602124 602126 602714 603626 603648 604212 604260 604590 604594 606126 607562 607618 608172 609296 609306 609364 609382 609488 610936 615534 615736 622588 624316 624320 644518 646188 648008 660648 665164 676528 687008 687234 687236 688396 693324 703210 703212 706792 708426 712624 712626 713316 713378 713386 713422 713470 713514 713618 714106 714652 715758 715910 716126 716296 716564 716806 719512 737474 739474 747346 747934 761352 762442 762484 762997 763000 763996 764113 766833 766866 768027 768069 768078 768099 777375 779109 792555 799266 799281 807763 818700 818757 819543 819549 825458 828671 828677 828687 828696 828704 828726 828772 828773 828809 828830 828859 828871 828894 828901 828917 828918 828919 829147 829150 829151 829152 829154 829239 829240 829242 829245 829246 829247 829285 829325 829328 829345 829574 829580 829581 829599 829607 829608 829618 829690 830108 830245 830471 830558 830930 830945 832259 832260 832549 832573 832700 832980 833033 833753 834341 834347 835017 836577 836705 836872 837275 838466 838469 848420 853118 853763 862462 862645 862888 863554 863962 867343 869128 870001 870187 870577 872263 879321 880061 884027 888467 890553 890555 890953 892868 892870 894330 896374 903749 906605 907177 915835 921110 923004 923233 923257 923647 924648 925169 925195 928734 935232 936048 939463 944253 947637
Blocks: 577280
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2012-08-10 01:31 UTC by Anthony Basile
Modified: 2025-03-09 17:09 UTC (History)
20 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

initial musl ebuild (musl-9999.ebuild,1.69 KB, text/plain)
2012-08-16 19:51 UTC, Luca Barbato

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Anthony Basile gentoo-dev 2012-08-10 01:31:23 UTC
musl is a new standard library which aims to be small, fast, and conform to standards.  It should be of interest to embedded systems development as an alternative to other small libc's like uclibc.  It is currently undergoing heavy development.

This bug will track issues to including musl the gentoo maintree.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Luca Barbato gentoo-dev 2012-08-16 19:51:09 UTC
Created attachment 321498 [details]
initial musl ebuild

Here the initial ebuild for musl

there are problems in installing it either on /usr or /usr/${chost} (gcc and binutils consider musl a bare-metal libc and expect everything to reside in /usr/${chost} instead of /usr/${chost}/usr/
Comment 2 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2012-08-16 21:01:11 UTC
we work around that by creating a usr->. symlink in /usr/${CTARGET}/
Comment 3 Anthony Basile gentoo-dev 2012-08-16 21:49:07 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> Created attachment 321498 [details]
> initial musl ebuild
> Here the initial ebuild for musl
> there are problems in installing it either on /usr or /usr/${chost} (gcc and
> binutils consider musl a bare-metal libc and expect everything to reside in
> /usr/${chost} instead of /usr/${chost}/usr/

Luca, take a look at the ebuild I posted on the dep bug #430838, comment #1.  musl does allow you to install it on a glibc system as an alternative standard library which can be used as via musl-gcc, a wrapper which calls gcc with a spec file pointing to the musl install location.  I'd like to keep that since I use musl that way.  So mine has

	if [ ${CTARGET} == ${CHOST} ] ; then
		case ${CHOST} in
			*-musl*) do_native_config ;;
			*) do_alternative_config ;;

while yours has

	if [[ ${CTARGET} == ${CHOST} ]] ; then
		case ${CHOST} in
			*-musl) ;;
			*) die "Use sys-devel/crossdev to build a musl toolchain"
Comment 4 Luca Barbato gentoo-dev 2012-12-25 17:42:14 UTC
You are right, I'll update the new mine with your change to allow side-install.
Comment 5 Anthony Basile gentoo-dev 2012-12-25 20:39:23 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> You are right, I'll update the new mine with your change to allow
> side-install.

Why did you decide against the side by side?
Comment 6 Tim Harder gentoo-dev 2013-12-12 20:13:47 UTC
*** Bug 493876 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Anthony Basile gentoo-dev 2015-06-12 19:34:35 UTC
Note to everyone.   The musl overlay has been moved from the musl branch of the hardened-dev overlay to its own overlay at:

I will be removing all the ebuilds from the hardened-dev::musl in a few days and place a deprecation notice in place.  The history in that branch, however, will remain forever.

Also note, I did not migrate the history to the new overlay but started fresh.  There was way too much cruft in the hardened-dev::musl branch since it pulled in all the history from the uclibc and master branch going all the way back to 2008.  The disadvantage is that for patch authorship you have to go back to the old hardened-dev::musl but I will make sure to do so to properly assign credit if I pass any patches upstream.