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Bug 526268 (nonbash) - [TRACKER] Packages failing with /bin/sh != bash
Summary: [TRACKER] Packages failing with /bin/sh != bash
Alias: nonbash
Product: Quality Assurance
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Trackers (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Quality Assurance Team
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 526178 540114 552142 607672 687382 776652 822033 884247 885503 885739 885741 885783 885787 885887 885891 886291 886301 887135 887137 887189 888833 889356 889462 889700 890296 890505 890784 890835 890995 891055 891289 913018 921164 922118 922301 922351 922460 922910 923920 923923 923988 923989 923990 924138 924282 924552 925585 925618 925628 925846 926318 926319 926633 926750 926818 927070 927107 927166 927167 927168 927329 927537 927538 927581 927582 927778 927874 929193 944811 308805 446212 489002 490050 495988 500942 510918 523874 524332 524698 525454 525928 526200 526270 526380 526408 526410 526548 526554 526712 526716 526722 526772 526828 526906 526972 527030 527136 527172 527202 527236 527244 527256 527270 527310 527388 527492 527496 527526 527566 527826 527830 528012 528022 528182 528314 528380 528384 528608 528770 529732 529744 529748 529758 529794 529798 529806 529898 529974 529978 529992 530740 531020 531244 532166 532200 533368 533902 536540 540952 545710 545756 548736 553596 555026 555074 555360 555704 561016 561386 561798 567660 579688 581358 596940 600488 602462 602638 612540 620520 622274 622360 622552 637598 639054 668408 669702 673064 678288 685932 688284 689728 710184 715202 719438 719442 720038 720334 721370 721374 721582 722292 722536 723084 723090 723092 723094 723128 723130 723286 723312 723314 723452 723516 724092 724304 728222 731126 732796 733022 738010 738810 738826 739274 745459 751472 754987 760408 760869 762823 762946 763570 764881 769716 773955 774363 775158 775617 775869 776970 777087 779187 780432 786564 788649 789084 796407 799377 801535 808945 818532 829494 831029 832733 832851 833206 837869 856436 857162 865719 872080 877049 879533 880633 881381 883389 884891 885809 886069 886075 886079 886297 886619 889002 889144 889298 889426 889656 889744 890869 890873 890939 890993 891181 891183 895086 903291 905419 913928 913947 917576 920346 921561 922152 922205 922300 922592 923921 923922 923991 924116 924139 924140 924200 924862 925676 925847 926600 926819 927055 927069 928733 929138 930086 931239 932098 934768 937357 942917
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2014-10-21 15:43 UTC by Michał Górny
Modified: 2025-03-19 00:38 UTC (History)
14 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Michał Górny archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2014-10-21 15:43:27 UTC
Packages that rely on /bin/sh being a non-POSIX bash shell.
Comment 1 Alexander Tsoy 2014-10-31 18:22:15 UTC
See also: bug 527644