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Bug 561854 (libressl-support) - [TRACKER] LibreSSL support in gentoo
Summary: [TRACKER] LibreSSL support in gentoo
Alias: libressl-support
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo LibreSSL
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 508750 560936 561906 561922 562048 562050 562122 562256 562286 562324 562336 562374 562500 562502 563358 563362 564448 565236 565238 565240 565242 565244 565246 565250 565252 565256 565258 565264 565266 565268 565270 565272 565274 565276 565372 565374 565378 565380 565388 565390 565392 565394 565396 565398 566068 566070 567262 567352 569112 569764 569912 569916 571138 573272 573276 573352 574004 574294 574936 574996 575922 576248 576272 578098 578150 580670 580966 582050 583934 585052 585672 587696 587970 588768 588782 590154 590316 590436 590910 591294 591940 592712 592816 593256 593272 593296 595092 595094 595328 595778 595844 595960 597810 598402 598410 600454 601774 601880 602324 602326 602328 603300 605460 607008 607412 607416 608118 608124 608398 608400 609006 610808 610854 613272 613344 613402 614222 614224 614460 617264 618526 619648 620784 620854 620864 621428 621430 621776 622216 622234 622410 622478 622660 622810 625450 625544 626084 626298 626506 626636 627256 627696 627722 630142 630272 633466 633832 633876 635438 635890 637498 640722 640872 644638 645252 645386 645684 646354 646888 647420 649602 651162 651170 651172 651174 651178 651564 652586 654582 655276 655280 655356 655562 655748 655808 655864 656414 656736 657296 657720 658610 658802 659224 659496 659754 662594 662654 662712 662826 663320 663602 663648 664202 664308 664500 664758 666562 666629 667390 667956 668060 668314 668794 668796 668818 668832 668894 668962 669052 669216 669596 669612 669614 669708 669806 669886 670124 670170 671156 671288 671630 672094 672632 672718 672834 673450 673800 674158 674268 674348 674350 674522 674898 674942 675512 675610 675722 675808 676066 676284 677242 677960 678000 678230 678286 678430 678440 678502 678504 678594 678604 678682 678784 678888 680066 681158 681638 681734 682894 684224 684234 684290 684302 684308 684482 684752 684804 684892 685030 685554 685812 685948 687084 687096 687228 687372 687418 688222 688974 689818 689824 690506 690546 691308 692240 692314 693100 693158 695630 695820 697934 699546 700228 702320 703910 705740 706914 709480 709640 709980 710102 710992 711266 712026 714882 715134 715332 716040 723396 723464 723866 724000 725776 730294 732908 736990 737126 738988 739064 739472 739722 740438 741981 741984 741987 743157 743226 744127 750938 751103 751481 751634 756319 757123 757147 757288 757777 757936 760854 761406 761981 762445 764014
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2015-09-29 19:32 UTC by Julian Ospald
Modified: 2021-04-30 21:33 UTC (History)
26 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Julian Ospald 2015-09-29 19:32:30 UTC
no talk
Comment 1 Ulenrich 2015-11-18 20:47:50 UTC
depends on
see comment 2
Comment 2 Sandino Araico Sanchez 2018-10-18 00:41:37 UTC
#668314 - dev-embedded/u-boot-tools-2018.05 libressl support
Comment 3 pagorman 2019-02-22 23:22:47 UTC
677960 - the previously uploaded patch seems to work. passing the '--nodeps' argument to portage makes sys-apps/kmod-26 emerge successfully on my Amd64 system

678430 - patch submitted for review.

678440 - builds without effort. has all the same useflags and dependencies in and out of the libressl overlay (aside from libre vs open ssl). I'm not sure I understand what's here to fix.

678502 - patch submitted for review.

678504 - version bump seems to have addressed this.

562050 - not sure which versions we're talking about. a patch from 670170 seems to handle qtnetwork-5.11.x and libressl-2.8.x , the overlay handles it well for libressl-2.7.x, and I'm not sure where else to go from here. 

588782 - looks like a fun challenge, the way DES is renamed in LibreSSL. And then, suddenly things break. I look foward to seeing/making a solution.
Comment 4 Mikle Kolyada (RETIRED) archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2021-04-30 21:33:52 UTC
The package has been removed. LibreSSL support removal is in progress and will have been finished by the end of the next week.