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Bug 239866 (prestripped) - [TRACKER] Packages installing pre-stripped files (for built-from-source programs)
Summary: [TRACKER] Packages installing pre-stripped files (for built-from-source progr...
Alias: prestripped
Product: Quality Assurance
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Trackers (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Quality Assurance Team
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 924141 931646 932447 933510 935694 942856 946632 188405 204877 209560 215913 221213 222309 232306 235026 238947 239867 239869 239871 239874 239875 239877 239878 239890 239937 239939 239958 240001 240027 240031 240043 240106 240108 240110 240111 240115 240153 240161 240215 240216 240218 240258 240762 240764 240766 240770 240772 240918 240920 240922 240926 240928 240930 240932 240934 240938 241014 241016 241018 241020 241022 241024 241026 241102 241184 241238 241242 241306 241320 241428 241456 241458 241488 241532 241534 242076 242188 248711 248713 248714 248715 248717 248719 248723 248725 249202 250544 251851 251852 251853 251855 251857 251859 251868 251870 251871 251872 251876 251878 251879 251881 251882 251883 251884 251886 251888 251890 251891 251892 251918 251919 251920 251922 251923 251924 251925 251926 251935 251936 251937 251939 251941 251942 251943 251944 251946 251948 251949 251951 251953 251954 251955 251956 251957 251959 251960 251961 251962 251964 251966 251968 251969 251971 251973 251974 251977 251978 251980 251981 251982 251984 251985 251987 251989 251990 251992 251994 251995 251997 251998 252000 252003 252005 252007 252009 252010 252011 252012 252013 252015 252017 252019 252020 252021 252022 252024 252025 252026 252028 252030 252032 252034 252035 252036 252038 252039 252041 252043 252045 252047 252049 252050 252052 252054 252056 252059 252061 252063 252064 252065 252067 252068 252069 252070 252072 252074 252076 252078 252082 252086 252088 252089 252091 252092 252094 252096 252097 252098 252099 252101 252104 252106 252107 252109 252110 252112 252113 252115 252117 252118 252119 252121 252122 252124 255797 255802 255809 255810 255811 255815 255822 255830 255833 255837 255860 255866 255870 255876 255881 255884 255889 255890 255892 255898 255900 255902 255904 255908 255911 255912 255914 255917 255918 255920 255923 255925 255928 255930 255931 255934 255937 255939 255942 257297 262944 265202 265209 268237 274321 274323 274324 274326 274329 282733 285682 295110 296952 297150 297151 297989 298210 298320 299754 299918 304993 313163 314111 314955 315723 335274 337236 337608 339125 339476 383483 426696 430818 438416 439270 439528 441962 443720 460112 874825 881779 882763 895668 911693 912866 914231 914287 923068 924170 925262 927571 927572 930020 931304 934648 934800 940506 941744 946655
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Reported: 2008-10-05 10:34 UTC by Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED)
Modified: 2024-12-19 07:44 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-10-05 10:34:01 UTC
Tracking here all the packages that install files pre-stripped (and thus disallow portage splitdebug feature from working, and even if the user wants to have full debug info to look into backtraces).

For the developers going to look into it, what you have to look out for, to find what is stripping the files, is one of these conditions:

- explicit "strip" command run on the produced files;
- "install -s" command to install the binary files;
- "-Wl,-s" flag passed during linking

Remove the "strip" commands, remove the "-s" option at install, and remove "-Wl,-s" and the problem should be gone.