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Bug 174380 (future-eapi) - [TRACKER] Future EAPI tracker
Summary: [TRACKER] Future EAPI tracker
Alias: future-eapi
Product: Gentoo Hosted Projects
Classification: Unclassified
Component: PMS/EAPI (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High enhancement
Assignee: Package Manager Specification
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 4315 164529 186454 249059 283587 327701 340763 364487 371735 391439 392239 402581 414817 424283 431348 431408 449094 462138 465192 480762 481434 482666 486778 487474 489458 498106 515666 516014 516614 516616 517658 526456 539124 551430 563270 566342 566614 583544 584604 585432 598521 598523 598525 598627 599584 600020 604080 604108 604566 609338 630422 676016 680496 688354 702134 702464 703258 721088 729464 781950 789669 790422 794181 795006 795414 796245 806181 806592 832962 833567 860363 870121 870130 889640 933420 934514 934804 937150 937512 938948 945110 946179 946193 946279 947530 948001 21310 33544 41417 glep27 75936 103615 124360 133327 138792 173630 174406 174407 174408 174536 174552 176467 177860 177863 179800 179932 182028 185567 force-rebuild 197859 199722 201499 203891 205557 211529 229521 230725 231158 233278 238887 239190 240227 241442 249166 256765 258696 260118 263120 263565 264130 273101 275641 282296 287192 296716 303919 310363 311731 311795 317337 322873 334275 341761 347351 347353 351103 354219 357561 363005 364343 370225 371413 373323 373349 373351 379497 380391 382963 384147 384157 387583 390765 394211 399307 399601 401239 414811 414813 414815 415045 417229 422533 423245 423893 424429 431078 431340 433577 444366 444568 445073 446450 449806 449862 451938 452880 454202 458102 459054 459692 463586 463692 463736 463768 463822 465008 465772 467766 468202 469086 470612 471658 475288 476730 480580 481980 482170 482884 483240 483244 483296 491834 499288 520546 524112 564490 566382 566384 566412 567474 568884 585428 593026 593786 595030 595924 608280 609340 622894 623984 630416 632000 636596 636652 644366 651958 652050 653884 657580 660306 667682 674562 690968 692774 699798 701132 708360 714082 744868 744871 744880 744883 752486 787008 879347
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Reported: 2007-04-13 07:36 UTC by SpanKY
Modified: 2025-01-12 21:06 UTC (History)
14 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description SpanKY gentoo-dev 2007-04-13 07:36:33 UTC
tracker bug for EAPI-1 changes