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Bug 69972 (bundled-jars) - [TRACKER] don't build packages using bundled jars
Summary: [TRACKER] don't build packages using bundled jars
Alias: bundled-jars
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High normal
Assignee: Java team
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 179801 447904 617722 689752 838010 839528 841632 843134 847817 858557 936549 63255 63256 63257 63258 63259 63260 63261 63262 63263 63264 63265 63266 63267 63268 63270 63271 63272 63273 63274 63275 63276 63281 63283 63287 63288 63293 63295 63299 63300 63301 63302 63305 63306 63308 63309 63310 70843 76738 89328 92873 98865 99435 110905 174173 174614 179817 179851 190387 245705 258358 792606 853100 892703 896244
Blocks: bundled-libs
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Reported: 2004-11-03 12:58 UTC by Karl Trygve Kalleberg (RETIRED)
Modified: 2024-12-17 18:01 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Karl Trygve Kalleberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-11-03 12:58:33 UTC
As part of our policy, we require
that all .jar files are built entirely from source code whenever possible. 

Among other things, this means that a package is not allowed to install 
"bundled" jar files, such as junit.jar, xml-apis.jar, etc. Rather, they should
add these libraries in their RDEPENDS, and use java-pkg_jar-from to set up
the build environment before invoking ant (or whatever other build tool is
in use).

The typical procedure for removing bundled jars is:

1) ebuild dev-java/<packagename>/<packagename>-<version>.ebuild unpack
2) (As root) Inspect /var/tmp/portage/<packagename>/work/ for .jar files
3) Create or modify the src_unpack in the ebuild to
 3.1) Remove all bundled .jar files by rm <list-of-jarfiles>
 3.2) Install symbolic links for the required jars using java-pkg_jar-from
4) Update the RDEPENDS to ensure the require libraries are available to
5) Recompile and test that everything works.
6) Submit a patch for the ebuild.