Following the new java policy, packages shouldn't rely on packed jars, dependencies need to be added on our own packages and used.
I'm trying to make an ebuild for javahelp-2.0.02. I'm having trouble compiling from source. Some source files are missing (not included?) in I looked at an older version's, but they're not there either. Apparently, the classes are present in bytecode in Some of the offending classes are in package XmlReader, ParserListener, Parser, ParserEvent, Tag, TagProperties, LangElement. Any suggestions on where I should go with the ebuild? (methinks that I can extract jhall.jar, and use the offending binary-only classes, but that would defeat the whole "anti-trojan" thing as mentioned in Is this an upstream bug?
I haven't looked at the specifics, but anything that relies on com.sun.* which is not Sun's own stuff should be eyed with some suspicion. It may be worthwhile to report this as a bug upstream, but I fear you wont get much sympathy.
Now it should be possible.
javahelp-bin is package.masked and going away.