Following the new java policy, packages shouldn't rely on packed jars, dependencies need to be added on our own packages and used.
why does dom4j depends on the ebuild for the avalon framework? there is no jar which belongs to it, as i would say. these is the list of dependencies: lib/ ---- jaxen-1.1-beta-4.jar jaxme-api-0.3.jar jsr173_1.0_api.jar msv-20030807.jar pull-parser-2.jar relaxngDatatype-20030807.jar xsdlib-20030807.jar lib/endorsed ------------ xml-apis-2.0.2.jar lib/test -------- jsr173_1.0_ri.jar junitperf-1.8.jar lib/tools --------- clover-1.3.1.jar isorelax-20030108.jar jaxme-0.3.jar jaxme-js-0.3.jar jaxme-xs-0.3.jar jtidy-4aug2000r7-dev.jar xalan-2.5.1.jar xercesImpl-2.6.2.jar some of them are already available in the portage tree, i'll try to add the others during the week. i expect to have the new ebuild ready on the next weekend.
Created attachment 58371 [details] dom4j-1.4-r2.ebuild At first, I had thought this bug refered to dom4j-1.4... so I had worked on that version, but I'll take a stab at 1.5 soon. * Now has dependencies for, and uses jars from, most of the packages in portage * Added a patch for a compile error I encountered, where a particular exception wasn't being caught in a try statement * Added a patch to the build.xml so that it can be used instead of the It mostly involved adding some classpath directives to the build.xml * Docs are now only built if the doc useflag is set. * Added some TODO comments for packages that still need to ebuilds, or that I couldn't find corresponding packages for, or that I wasn't 100% sure were the right jar files.
Created attachment 58372 [details, diff] patch for the build.xml of dom4j-1.4 This patch allows ant to be called directly, instead of using the included.
Created attachment 58373 [details, diff] fixes the exception throwing of dom4j-1.4
Created attachment 58392 [details] dom4j-1.5-r1.ebuild * Added src_unpack * Now uses jar files from packages which are in portage, with notes for ones that still need to be replaced. * Added corresponding dependencies.
Created attachment 62084 [details] dom4j-1.6.1.ebuild Version bump, and no longer uses packed jars.
Josh Nichols <>
Thanks, added to the tree