The attached URL has a list with ebuilds still using the deprecated qt4 eclass. These ebuilds should be migrated to use qt4-r2.eclass instead. Things to note regarding this migration: 1. ebuilds with an EAPI <2 should be migrated to use EAPI=3 this means using separate src_prepare and src_configure stages, as well as implementing use deps and slot notation 2. QT4_BUILT_WITH_USE_CHECK and QT4_OPTIONAL_BUILT_WITH_USE_CHECK should be replaced with use deps 3. eqmake4 can now find most .pro files automatically, so you most likely can simply use the default qt4-r2_src_configure function 4. we now have exported default src_configure, src_compile and src_install functions 5. LANGS and LANGSLONG variables provide automatic generation of expanded linguas_* useflags 6. DOCS and DOCSDIR variables will install documentation using the default qt4-r2_src_install function
Consult the Qt4-based-ebuild-howto documentation for extended info
it seems it's impossible anymore to call eqmake4 with arguments like: MY_QMAKE_FLAG="VAL1 VAL2 VAL3" worked fine with previous eclass i have ebuild in my overlay which executes eqmake4 ENABLED_PLUGINS="plugin1 plugin2" and this doesn't work. just "qmake" works fine.
There must be something wrong with your ebuild eqmake4 <> "<parameter>=<value>" works on eqmake4 Please attach build.log and your ebuild
Markos, try to read more closely my message, it contains useful info ;-) PS values separated by space PS2
when executing qmake in the eclass you must surround ${qmake_args} with quotes to make it work properly
All ebuilds have been migrated or removed from the tree. The qt4.eclass was lastrited a month ago and has now been removed.