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Bug 695996 (python3.7-compat) - [TRACKER] python 3.7 compatibility
Summary: [TRACKER] python 3.7 compatibility
Alias: python3.7-compat
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Python Gentoo Team
Keywords: PullRequest, Tracker
Depends on: 666568 683174 684988 685536 685910 688414 691338 691532 691742 691788 691790 691856 696392 696394 696398 697080 697082 697084 697648 697652 697656 697664 697668 697670 697928 697958 699326 699332 705530 706146 708270 708272 708274 708276 708280 708702 709004 709850 710538 712964 713096 714046 715828 718112 718162 718166 718172 718176 718178 718180 718182 718184 718186 718188 718190 718192 718196 718198 718200 718202 718204 718206 718208 718210 718212 718214 718216 718218 718220 718222 718226 718228 718230 718232 718234 718236 718238 718242 718244 718246 718248 718250 718252 718254 718256 718258 718260 718262 718264 718266 718268 718270 718272 718274 718276 718280 718282 718284 718286 718288 718290 718292 718294 718296 718298 718300 718302 718304 718306 718308 718310 718312 718314 718316 718318 718320 718322 718324 718326 718330 718332 718334 718336 718338 718340 718398 718400 718402 718404 718406 718408 718412 718414 718416 718420 718422 718424 718426 718428 718430 718432 718434 718436 718438 718440 718442 718444 718446 718450 718452 718456 718460 718462 718464 718466 718468 718470 718472 718474 718476 718478 718480 718482 718484 718486 718488 718490 718492 718494 718496 718498 718500 718502 718504 718506 718508 718510 718512 718514 718516 718518 718522 718524 718526 718528 718530 718532 718534 718536 718538 718540 718542 718546 718548 718762 718814 718820 718832 718834 718838 718846 718848 718850 718858 718862 718864 718878 718882 718886 718890 718894 718898 718900 718902 718904 718940 718968 718970 718990 718996 719002 719004 719006 719010 719038 719040 719042 719044 719080 719082 719090 719092 719094 719096 719098 719100 719104 719106 719152 719280 719282 719286 719288 719290 719292 719294 719354 719364 719370 719372 719374 719378 719394 719396 719404 719406 719408 719410 719412 719414 719420 719422 719426 719428 719430 719486 719490 719492 719494 719496 719498 719506 719508 719518 719520 719522 719524 719526 719528 719530 719532 719536 719538 719540 719542 719544 719550 719552 719554 719556 719564 719566 719570 719572 719580 719582 719586 719588 719590 719592 719594 719596 719598 719600 719602 719614 719654 719656 719658 719664 721016 python37-stable-needed 725664 732164 733996 737350 737352 737354 737356 737358 737360 737364 737366 737368 737370 737372 737376 737378 737382 737384 737386 737390 737392 737394 737398 737400 737402 737410 737412 737414 737416 762211
Blocks: 696084
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2019-10-01 16:01 UTC by Joel Berendzen
Modified: 2022-04-15 08:04 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Joel Berendzen 2019-10-01 16:01:39 UTC
I'm trying to get python3.7 as my default, and I have a lot of dependencies installed.  There are many bug reports mentioning python 3.7.  A tracker would be nice.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Joel Berendzen 2019-10-09 15:19:59 UTC
I have python3.7 successfully running now as my only python3 installation with 366 packages from dev-python/.

The blockers were:
1. adding +threads to dev-lang/python-3.7.4-r1 IUSE.

2. removing "-python_targets_python3_7" and "-python_single_target_python3_7" in profile/arch/amd64/use.stable.mask.  You may be able to accomplish this using the proper entry in /etc/portage/use.stable.mask or /etc/portage/use.stable.force, but I wasn't able to do it in a timely manner.

3. keywording nearly every dev-python package because only the unstable versions have python3_7 in PYTHON_COMPAT.  I now have keyworded 237 dev-python packages.  For this step, I was guided by "equery hasuse python_targets_python3_7" and doing a diff against the same command with 3.6.

4. adding python3_7 to PYTHON_COMPAT for some 35 packages (in a private repo).

5. Updating cytoolz to 0.10.0 and adding python3_7 to its PYTHON_COMPAT.

6. Adding python3_7 to PYTHON_TARGETS and setting it as PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET, then doing an "emerge --newuse -uD world".

7. Selecting python3.7 with "eselect python".

8. Removing python3_6 from PYTHON_TARGETS and doing another emerge.

I have submitted bug reports for steps 1, 2, and 5, which hopefully will reference this tracker.  I'm running out of time for submitting the additional bug reports for step 4, so I'm listing the dev-python/ packages here:

anyqt, arrayfire-python, autopep8, backports, bcbio-gff, bcolz, bitstring, blaze, blist, blosc, bloscpack, bokeh, bz2file, CacheControl, cloudpickle, construct, coverage, cx_Freeze, dask, datashape, dockerpty, dynd-python, feedparser, flake8-polyfill, h4py, intervaltree, into, jsmin, jupyter, jupyter_console, keyrings_alt, kiwisolver, lockfile, mando, mmtf-python, multipledispatch, natsort, networkx, nltk, numba, numpy, odo, pandas, pint, pip-tools, promises, py2neo, pyalsa, pyconstruct, pycuda, pyparsing, pyprof2calltree, pyqtgraph, python-dateutil, pytoolz, pytz, radon, requests, seaborn, serverfiles, simplekv, twine, xopen, zc-buildout

Yes, this list is much larger than 35 because some of them represent private version bumps (e.g., pandas, numpy).
Comment 2 Aurelien Minet 2020-04-25 21:58:00 UTC
Salt-2019.2.x is blocking upgrade to python 3.7 so it may depends on bug 717612
Comment 3 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2020-09-05 07:27:09 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit 6af275b39b57cc7e008d7c6c4e816948b8f555ff
Author:     Horea Christian <>
AuthorDate: 2020-08-23 07:25:44 +0000
Commit:     Michał Górny <>
CommitDate: 2020-09-05 07:25:28 +0000

    dev-python/pydotplus: PYTHON_COMPAT and EAPI update
    Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.2, Repoman-2.3.23
    Signed-off-by: Horea Christian <>
    Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>

 .../pydotplus/files/pydotplus-2.0.2-tests.patch    | 17 +++++++++
 dev-python/pydotplus/metadata.xml                  |  4 +--
 dev-python/pydotplus/pydotplus-2.0.2.ebuild        | 40 +++++++++-------------
 profiles/package.mask                              |  1 -
 4 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
Comment 4 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-04-15 08:04:26 UTC
Long done.