Track packages that install to site. They should install to vendor
A probably not complete list of packages installing to site_perl, generate from flameeyes tinderbox: app-arch/rpm app-backup/amanda app-backup/backup-manager app-mobilephone/obexftp app-pda/coldsync app-text/freepwing app-text/htag dev-lang/eleven dev-libs/clearsilver dev-libs/libprelude dev-libs/libpreludedb dev-libs/redland-bindings dev-perl/Cflow dev-perl/jcode_pl games-arcade/frozen-bubble media-gfx/imagemagick media-libs/ming media-libs/pdflib net-analyzer/munin net-analyzer/net-snmp net-analyzer/rrdtool net-analyzer/symon net-im/sendxmpp net-im/silc-plugin net-mail/cyrus-imap-admin net-mail/mhonarc net-misc/bwwhois sci-biology/vienna-rna sys-cluster/onesis sys-fs/owfs www-apache/libapreq2 www-servers/nginx x11-misc/adesklets xfce-base/xfconf
dev-lang/perl installs packages to _core_, distributed packages go to _vendor_ and locally installed modules (not packaged) go to _site_. <> Site is where tools like cpan and cpanp should install perl modules. Think of /usr/bin/ and /usr/local/bin and see also bug 280730 about moving site to /usr/local.
- econf $(use_with perl perl-bindings) --disable-static + econf $(use_with perl perl-bindings INSTALLDIRS=vendor) --disable-static
^ wrong bug :(
Closing the tracker after all bugs have been fixed.