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Bug 8694 - Bugzilla 2.16.1 Released
Summary: Bugzilla 2.16.1 Released
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: John Davis (zhen) (RETIRED)
: 9523 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-10-03 07:51 UTC by Rigo
Modified: 2003-04-20 14:45 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Rigo 2002-10-03 07:51:58 UTC
Too many updates to mention ;-):

Bugzilla 2.16 Release Notes

After (as usual) far too long a period, the Bugzilla Team
is relieved to finally announce Bugzilla 2.16.

This release adds significant new abilities to Bugzilla,
both for the administrator and the user. The most important,
and time-consuming of these features is the templatisation
of all user-facing scripts, allowing administrators to 
easily customise the look and feel of their Bugzilla.


Bug numbers referenced in this document are all on unless otherwise specified.

*** Recommended Practice For The Upgrade ***

As always, please ensure you have ran after
replacing the files in your installation.

It is recommended that you view the sanity check page
(sanitycheck.cgi) both before the upgrade and after running after the upgrade, to see if there are any
problems with your installation.

It is also recommended that if you can, you immediately fix
any problems you find.  Be aware that if the sanity check page
contains more errors after an upgrade, it doesn't necessarily
mean there are more errors in your database, as it is likely
they weren't being checked for in the old version.

Failure to do this may mean that bugzilla will not
work correctly.

Administrators must make sure that certain files are
inaccessible or confidential information might become
available to enterprising individuals.  This includes the
localconfig file and the entire data directory.  Please
see the Bugzilla Guide for more information.

*** Dependency Requirements ***

MySQL v3.22.5
Perl v5.005
DBI v1.13
DBD::MySQL v1.2209
AppConfig v1.52
Template Toolkit v2.07
Text::Wrap v20001.0131
File::Spec v0.82
Data::Dumper, Date::Parse, CGI::Carp (any)
GD v1.19 (optional)
Chart::Base v0.99 (optional)
XML::Parser (any)

*** Deprecated Features ***

- This is possibly the last stable release that will work with
  MySQL version 3.22.  Soon Bugzilla will require at least
  version 3.23.x.  The exact minimum version number required
  has not yet been decided.
  (bug 87958)

- This is possibly the last stable release to support the
  shadow database.  The replacement (using MySQL's built in
  replication) is not present in 2.16, but we expect that
  very few sites use this feature, so we are not planning a
  transition period.  If this would cause a problem for you,
  please comment on the below bug.
  (bug 124589)

- Placing comments in localconfig is deprecated.  If you have done
  this, they will likely get nuked with future version of
  Bugzilla, as will likely automatically rewrite localconfig
  to automatically get the latest comments.
  (bug 147776)

*** Outstanding Issues Of Note ***

These issues may have been fixed in later stable or development
versions of Bugzilla.  If you are interested in tracking these
bugs, please see the bug report numbers listed to find out the
status of the fix for these bugs, or to obtain a patch that can
fix the problem on your installation.

- Renaming or removing keywords that are in use will not update
  the "keyword cache" on bugs, and queries on keywords may not work
  properly, until you rebuild the cache on the sanity check page
  (sanitycheck.cgi).  The changer will receive a warning to do
  this when altering the keyword.
  (bug 69621)

- Email notifications will not work out of the box if you are
  using Postfix, Exim or possibly other non-SendMail mail
  transfer agents, as Bugzilla sends mail by default in
  "deferred" mode using the "-ODeliveryMode=deferred" command
  line option, which needs to be supported by the sendmail
  program.  To fix this, you can turn on the "sendmailnow"
  parameter on the Edit Parameters page (editparams.cgi).
  (bug 37765)

- Users behind rotating transparent proxies or otherwise having
  an IP that changes each URL fetch will find they need to log in
  (bug 20122)

- If you search on any CC or added comments, as well as at least
  one other of CC, added comments, assignee, reporter, etc, then
  the search can be very slow.  This is because of limitations of
  the MySQL optimiser.
  (bug 96101)

- It is recommended you use the high speed XS Stash of the Template
  Toolkit, in order to achieve best performance.  However, there are
  known problems with XS Stash and Perl 5.005_02 and lower.  If you
  wish to use these older versions of Perl, please use the regular
  stash.  You are asked which stash you want to use at Template Toolkit
  installation time.
  (bug 140674)

- Querying on CC takes too long on big databases.
  (bug 127200)

- Attachment changes have no midair collision detection, unlike bug changes.
  (bug 99215)

- The email preferences option "Priority, status, severity, and/or milestone
  changes" does not actually report status changes.  You can however use the
  option "The bug is resolved or verified" to achieve part of this.
  (bug 130821)



- The bug reporter could set the priority even when
  'letsubmitterchoosepriority' was off.
  (bug 63018)

- Most CGIs are now templatised.  This helps to make it
  easier to remember to HTML filter values and easier to spot
  when they are not, preventing cross site scripting attacks.
  (bug 86168)

- Most CGIs now run in taint mode.  This helps to prevent
  failure to validate errors.
  (bug 108982)


- 2.16 introduces "templatisation", a new feature that allows
  administrators to easily customise the HTML output (the "look and feel")
  of Bugzilla without altering Perl code.  Bugzilla uses the
  "Template Toolkit" for this.  Please see the "Template Customisation"
  section of the Bugzilla Guide for more details.

  Administrators who ran the 2.15 development version and customised
  templates should check the templates are still valid, as file names
  and file paths have changed.

  Most output is now templatised.  This process will be complete next

  For speed, compiled templates are cached on disk.  If you modify the
  templates, the toolkit will normally detect the changes, and recompile the
  changed templates.

  Adding new directories anywhere inside the template directory may cause 
  permission errors if you don't have a webservergroup specified in
  localconfig.  If you see these, rerun as root.  If you do not
  have root access, or cannot get someone who does to do this for you, you can
  rename the data/template directory to data/template.old (or any other name
  Bugzilla doesn't use).  Then rerun to regenerate the compiled
  (bug 86168, 97832)

- Administrators can now configure maximum attachment sizes.  These
  should remain below the maximum size for your MySQL server, or you
  will get obscure MySQL errors if you attach a bigger attachment.

  To find out the current size attachment that MySQL can accept, type
  the command 'mysqladmin variables' and find out the value of the
  'max_allowed_packet' varible in bytes.

  To change the maximum size that MySQL can accept you can alter this
  variable in your 'my.cnf' file.
  (bug 91664)

- Perl 5.004 is no longer supported because the Template Toolkit
  requires 5.005.
  (bug 97721)

- New module requirements: Text::Wrap, Template [requires AppConfig],
  (bugs 97784, 84338, 103778)

- The index page is now a CGI instead of an HTML page.  You should remove
  any existing index.html file and make sure your web server allows index.cgi
  to be the default page in a directory.  If you are not able to do that you
  can instead set index_html in the 'localconfig' file to 1 and
  will create a redirect page for you.
  (bug 80183)

- It is now recommended that administrators run "processmail rescanall"
  after upgrading to 2.16 or beyond.

  This will send out notification emails for changes that were
  made but not emailed, due to Bugzilla bugs.  All known
  causes of this have been fixed in this version (bug 104589 and 99519).

  It is also recommended that this be run nightly to avoid
  lengthy delays in future if this problem reoccurs.
  (bug 106377)

- In parallel with templatisation, a lot of changes have been made to the HTML
  output of the Bugzilla CGIs.  This could break code that attempts to parse
  such code.  For example, this breaks mozbot.
  (no bug number)

- The "HTML template" parameters (headerhtml, bodyhtml, footerhtml,
  errorhtml, bannerhtml, blurbhtml, mostfreqhtml, entryheaderhtml) have now
  been moved to Template Toolkit templates.  If you have modified these
  parameters you will need to make corresponding changes to the corresponding
  templates.  Your old parameter values will be moved to a file called
  old-params.txt by

  The old parameters correspond to files in template/en/default as follows:

  headerhtml:      global/header.html.tmpl
  footerhtml:      global/footer.html.tmpl
  bannerhtml:      global/banner.html.tmpl
  blurbhtml:       global/banner.html.tmpl
  mostfreqhtml:    reports/duplicates*.html.tmpl
  entryheaderhtml: bug/create/user-message.html.tmpl

  (bug 140437)

*** Other changes of note ***

- The query page has been redesigned for better user friendliness.
  (bug 98707)
- Users can now change their email account.
  (bug 23067)
- "Dependent Bug Changed" notification emails now contain the
  dependent bug's summary and URL.
  (bug 28736, 113383)
- Bugs with severity "critical", "blocker", and "enhancement" are
  visually differentiated on bug lists for browsers with sufficient
  CSS support.
  (bug 28884)
- Bugzilla now has a sidebar for the Mozilla browser.
  (bug 37339)
- A link to just created attachments now appears in notification
  (bug 66651)
- Comments now have numbers and can be referenced with
  autohyperlinkifying similar to bugs.
  (bug 71840)
- The attachment system has been rewritten, supporting new
  "attachment statuses" (like keywords, but for attachments),
  the ability to obsolete attachments, edit attachment MIME type,
  and edit whether the attachment is a patch.
  (bugs 84338, 75176)
- syncshadowdb now supports a configurable temp file location,
  and properly shuts down Bugzilla while running.
  (bug 75840)
- Dependency tree now lets you exclude resolved bugs and bugs
  below a specified depth.
  (bugs 83058)
- The "strictvaluechecks" parameter has gone away.  These checks
  are now always done.
  (bug 119715)
- The midair collision page now shows all changes since the bug
  page was loaded, not just the last one.
  (bug 108312)
- Added support for making dependency graphs with 'dot', which
  is better at creating complex graphs than 'webdot'.
  (bug 120537)

*** Bug fixes of note ***

- Bugzilla scripts are now usually not terminated when the browser
  window they are running in is closed.  This caused hard to
  reproduce bugs.
  (bug 104589)
- On browsers that "reflow" the page, large component / milestone /
  version fields were extremely slow to reflow when you altered
  the product field.
  (bug 96534)
- The selection in the component / milestone / version fields is
  no longer lost when you change the selection in the product
  field or use the back/forward buttons in your browser to return
  to the page.
  (bug 97966)
- You could not reverse dependencies in one step.
  (bug 82143)
- Mass reassignment of non-open bugs will no longer reopen them.
  (bug 30731)
- Attempting to bulk change no bugs will now give a user-friendly
  error message.
  (bug 90333)
- If you make a change to a bug where you only add yourself to CC,
  email notifications are now properly sent out for MySQL 3.23.
  (bug 99519)
- Bug entry now properly validates the data it has been sent.
  (bug 107743)
- Midair collision checks will now properly work in all situations
  where dependencies have changed.
  (bug 73502)
- Browsers can no longer corrupt the params file if they use the "wrong"
  end-of-line markers.
  (bug 92500)
- The MySQL port defined in localconfig is now properly honoured.
  (bug 98368)
- Apostrophes in component/milestone/version names no longer cause
  a problem on the query page.
  (bug 30689/42810)
- File attachment comments will now wrap.
  (bug 52060)
- Saved queries are no longer mangled if you need to log in again,
  for example if you had cookies off.
  (bug 38835)
- Bug counts (on reports.cgi) were very slow if you had to
  count a lot of bugs.
  (bug 63249)
- 2.14 introduced options to let people see a bug when their name
  is on it but who aren't in the groups the bug is restricted
  to.  These only allowed the people to view the bugs directly,
  and not see them on buglists and receive email about them.
  (bugs 95024, 97469)
- A new 'cookiepath' parameter on editparams.cgi allows multiple
  Bugzilla installations to exist on one host without problems.
  (bug 19910)
- now respects the 'sendmailnow' parameter.
  (bug 52782)
- The query page came up even when Bugzilla was shut down.
  (bug 121747)
- Quicksearch gave a weird error message when Bugzilla was
  shut down.
  (bug 121741)
- Operating system detection fixes.
  (bugs 92763, 135666)
- QA contacts now receive emails when a new bug is created and
  their only email preference was being added or removed from QA.
  (bug 143091)
Comment 1 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2002-10-22 21:36:23 UTC
*** Bug 9523 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Douglas Pollock 2002-10-23 07:21:04 UTC
Just as a note, I'm not itching for an ebuild.  I'm itching for Gentoo to
upgrade their servers.  But I suppose your servers are all Gentoo.  So this
leads to a weird loop....
Comment 3 Rigo 2002-10-24 01:56:53 UTC
Same here.... 
Comment 4 John Davis (zhen) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-12-27 00:27:57 UTC
This will happen soon, as I am waiting for the new server to be installed,
tested, etc.

Comment 5 Martin Holzer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-03-17 18:12:12 UTC
Comment 6 John Davis (zhen) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-04 01:20:29 UTC
db fix
Comment 7 John Davis (zhen) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-04 01:25:23 UTC
db fix
Comment 8 Martin Holzer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-20 14:45:16 UTC