This is the tracker for GCC 4.8. Do NOT report bugs here. - create a NEW bug assigned to the maintainer of the package in question (ie. NOT - Don't use this bug for issues in GCC 4.8 itself. File a new bug and assign it to the toolchain team. - Please keep this tracker free from comments. Discussion should take place on the relevant bugs.
Please stop filing bugs encountered when using gcc 4.8 ebuilds from overlays, other than the toolchain overlay. We obviously don't support these versions.
Ryan this is probably a silly question but where is the gcc-4.8 ebuild in the toolchain overlay? It seems there's an alpha from last year and a live one of 4.8.1
4.8.0 is in the tree now.
Ryan I've tried removing and readding the toolchain overlay but I'm still not seeing gcc-4.8
It's in the gentoo tree, not an overlay. $ equery which gcc:4.8 /usr/portage/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-4.8.0.ebuild
gcc-4.8.1 has just been released today.
I think GCC 4.8 shouldn't be unmasked as there are many wrong code bugs in GCC's bugzilla
4.8 is now unmasked. Please continue to add any porting bugs you encounter to this tracker so we have an accurate list of packages for stabilization.
4.8.x is in stable. not a lot left to do here.