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Bug 352152 (admincd) - Create a new administration-cd target for amd64/x86
Summary: Create a new administration-cd target for amd64/x86
Alias: admincd
Product: Gentoo Release Media
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LiveCD/DVD/USB (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED)
Depends on: 143910 189286 199444 208076 210075 213228 287301 311495 387563
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2011-01-19 19:58 UTC by Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED)
Modified: 2022-03-31 11:53 UTC (History)
11 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-01-19 19:58:20 UTC
Gentoo users and developers have asked before for the RelEng team to add a few tools and some "toys" to help repair or test features on the live-cd / minimal cds. Such bugs have been closed as the RelEng team has no interest in adding more deps to the minimal cds.
Therefore, I'm opening this bug so interested parties can contribute with ideas and list of useful packages for an administration cd target for the amd64 and x86 arches.
Please note that the goal of this is not to create a sysrescuecd like ISO - there's sysrescuecd for that already. My goal here is to add a "few" relevant tools and enable experimental features of the kernel to allow "some" repairing and testing.

I'll reassign this bug to the release team if other members want to contribute or want to directly follow this discussion.
Comment 1 Fernando (likewhoa) 2011-01-20 02:18:20 UTC
Comment 2 Don Bishop 2011-01-26 11:27:25 UTC
I have been waiting years for rsync to get added to the minimalcd.  I have not commented before because it seems to be a 'third rail' topic.  I must admit that in all my years using Gentoo, the only tool i have ever consistently needed from the minimalcd has been rsync.  I have had tons of problems with various hardware booting the livecd, not to mention it's huge size just o gain rsync.  I would ask for vim, but I admit that with nano I can get the job done.  I think I'm just going to create my own minimalcd in the meantime and then write a gentoo wiki page howto for all the rest that would like this feature. Unless a gentoo minimalcd maintainer or other enterprising would-be developer beats me to it ;-) Or unless it actually gets added to the minimalcd.  Please don't flame me, and no, I am not dense, I have been following this issue for years and have kept low because of all the irrational bile that gets spewed by both sides regarding this very reasonable request.
Comment 3 Don Bishop 2011-01-26 12:59:22 UTC
I apologize for the successive posts, but I have found a potential solution for those in need (I am probably late to the party, I know...)  There is a nice system rescue CD image along with excellent documentation (including how to customize the image) at  It is Gentoo-based and actively maintained.  Nice alternative between the minimal-cd's compact size and the livedvd's whopping 2.6GB.  It weighs in at 290MB (currently).  I'm working with it now, seems okay :-)
Comment 4 Russell Knighton 2011-05-26 16:32:06 UTC
I too want rsync - it can be a very useful tool to have either during installation (i.e. rsync corporate configs into place) or for rescue purposes...
Comment 5 Christian Ruppert (idl0r) gentoo-dev 2011-06-13 12:25:24 UTC It contains almost all that is
needed for admin stuff. I'd either add a note + link to sysrescuecd or we
create a image with a similar package list. 3xxM isn't that much IMHO.
Comment 6 Christian Ruppert (idl0r) gentoo-dev 2011-06-13 12:27:02 UTC
Oh, without X of course.
Comment 7 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-08-27 17:58:37 UTC
17:55 <+CIA-100> jmbsvicetto * r801 /trunk/releases/weekly/specs/amd64/ (admincd-stage1.spec admincd-stage2.spec): Add initial specs for the admin cd - bug 352152.

Initial specs added to the repo. Any feedback and suggestion to improve it are welcome.
I'll see if I get them running on my server this weekend.
Comment 8 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-08-27 18:44:16 UTC
18:39 <+CIA-100> jmbsvicetto * r802 /trunk/releases/weekly/specs/amd64/admincd-stage1.spec: 
18:39 <+CIA-100> Added multiple requests for the admincd specs:
18:39 <+CIA-100> sys-block/aoetools - bug 199444
18:39 <+CIA-100> app-misc/mc - bug 208076
18:39 <+CIA-100> benchmarks - bug 213228
18:39 <+CIA-100> ntfs resize - bug 287301
18:39 <+CIA-100> app-admin/testdisk - bug 311495.
18:39 < willikins> CIA-100: "aoe driver/tools not on install media"; Gentoo Release Media, Everything; RESO, FIXE; mennis:jmbsvicetto
18:39 < willikins> CIA-100: "Add Midnight Commander to LiveCD/LiveDVD"; Gentoo Release Media, LiveCD/DVD; IN_P; wolf31o2:jmbsvicetto
18:39 < willikins> CIA-100: "Add benchmarks (bonnie++, dbench, iozone, etc) to release media"; Gentoo Release Media, Everything; IN_P; beolach:jmbsvicetto
18:40 < willikins> CIA-100: "Would be nice if ntfs resize was possible with minimal install cds"; Gentoo Release Media, InstallCD; IN_P; 
18:40 < willikins> CIA-100: "Please include app-admin/testdisk in liveCD"; Gentoo Release Media, LiveCD/DVD; IN_P; pacho:jmbsvicetto

All linked bugs were addressed. Does anyone have any more suggestions before I start working on building the CD?


do you have any specific requests from the sysrescuecd package list? If not, I'll work on that list later.
Comment 9 Christian Ruppert (idl0r) gentoo-dev 2011-08-27 19:44:24 UTC
(In reply to comment #8)
> @Christian,
> do you have any specific requests from the sysrescuecd package list? If not,
> I'll work on that list later.

Yeah. Some of them may be included already so I'll just write everything...
pwgen, sysstat, bzip2, cpio, gzip, mt-st, p7zip, pbzip2, tar, unrar, unzip, xz-utils, duplicity? some benchmarks?, cd / dvd recording tools, gnupg, hexcurse/hexedit, vim!, some forensics tools? colordiff, pax-utils, screen, tmux? eix with a pre-initialized db?, bash-completion, dos2unix, wgetpaste!, gentoo-syntax, perl, netcat/netcat6/gnu-netcat?, traceroute, tcpdump, nmap?, minicom, bind-tools, ftp/ncftp, irssi, curl, openvpn?, rsync! wget, whois, cciss_vol_status, diffutils, dmidecode!, dstat?, ethtool?, file, findutils, flashrom!, gawk, grep, hdparm, ipmitool, iproute2, less, man/-pages/-posix!, mlocate!, pciutils, sdparm, sed, setserial, sg3_utils, smartmontools!, usbutils, which, lsiutil, megacli, megarc, mtx, tw_cli!, dosfstools, lsscsi, lvm2, mdadm, ntfs-3g, ntfsprogs, htop!

That's everything from the list which is IMO important/useful. I'll let you know if I miss anything else. And robbat2 should read this, there may be some HP tools or so which would be very useful for us(infra) as well.
Comment 10 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-08-27 21:17:27 UTC
Packages requested in the previous list, not already present, were added to the admincd specs.

I didn't commit the following as that's not a list of packages:
cd / dvd recording tools
some forensics tools

Even though eix was already in the specs, I don't know what to do about the db. We either need an ebuild (live ebuild?) providing the db or we'll have to add it to a root_overlay.
Comment 11 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-08-29 12:16:32 UTC
The first build for amd64 can be find on my server[1].

 [1] -
Comment 12 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-05-26 21:16:46 UTC
Current builds can be found in the following links:
Comment 13 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-12-08 04:15:51 UTC
I'm going to close this bug as the specs are done, the admin-cd was added to the amd64 automated builds and I've been building it on my build box and skimmer.
If you hit any issue with the admin-cd or have any requests for it, please open a new bug.
Comment 14 Christian Nilsson 2021-07-19 11:33:21 UTC
Documentation of the purpose (features) of the admincd target over minimal would be nice, I have looked in quite a few places, and it is mostly guesses or angry comments in gentoo forum or stackoverflow.

Should this be mentioned in the wiki in some good way?
Comment 15 Matt Turner gentoo-dev 2021-07-19 18:42:13 UTC
(In reply to Christian Nilsson from comment #14)
> Documentation of the purpose (features) of the admincd target over minimal
> would be nice, I have looked in quite a few places, and it is mostly guesses
> or angry comments in gentoo forum or stackoverflow.

Angry comments in the gentoo forum?! Impossible! :p
> Should this be mentioned in the wiki in some good way?

Yes. Feel free to create an account on and propose some text.
Comment 16 Christian Nilsson 2021-07-19 19:05:02 UTC
Haha, Thanks for the reply!
If I could, I would, but I don't even know what the real differences are. ;)

But if no-one has a good explanation here then of course I can try to diff it out and try to come up with my own explanation as to propose and differences.

I'm still hoping that someone better suited than me can shed some light, before I start wandering to far in the darkness.
Comment 17 Matt Turner gentoo-dev 2021-07-19 19:35:30 UTC
(In reply to Christian Nilsson from comment #16)
> Haha, Thanks for the reply!
> If I could, I would, but I don't even know what the real differences are. ;)
> But if no-one has a good explanation here then of course I can try to diff
> it out and try to come up with my own explanation as to propose and
> differences.

Ah, okay. The admincd is a more fully-featured livecd. E.g., here's the list of packages on the admincd:

vs the list of packages on the regular minimal iso:

That's the main difference.

> I'm still hoping that someone better suited than me can shed some light,
> before I start wandering to far in the darkness.

Please file a new bug where we can discuss this without 10 years of history :)