Here is the list of all packages that need to be changed over to seamonkey for rdepend's only. If they can not be ported you will need to mask until fixed to work with seamonkey or firefox!!! I would like to see this complete before June 30th. USE flag should be seamonkey!! mozilla use flag will be drop'd from the tree. You will also not that gecko-sdk will be removed from the tree as well. fserb: x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.3 x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.4 x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.6 Mozilla Herd: www-client/skipstone-0.9.2 net-www/netscape-plugger-5.0 net-www/netscape-plugger-5.1.3 net-www/mozplugger-1.5.2 net-www/mozplugger-1.6.2 net-www/mozplugger-1.7.1 net-www/mozplugger-1.7.3 Nakano: www-client/kazehakase-0.2.7 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.1 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.2 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.3 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.4 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.5 www-client/kazehakase-cvs-20050711 www-client/kazehakase-cvs-20060111 Hanno: www-client/galeon-1.3.21 www-client/galeon-2.0.0 www-client/galeon-2.0.1 JoseJX: net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.21 net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.25 Gnome Herd: dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.10.2 dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.12.0 dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.12.1 dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.14.0 dev-util/devhelp-0.10 dev-util/devhelp-0.11 dev-util/devhelp-0.9.3 gnome-base/nautilus-1.0.6-r9 gnome-extra/evolution-data-server-1.2.3 gnome-extra/yelp-2.10.0 WxWindows Herd: dev-util/documancer-0.1.7 gnome-extra/yelp-2.12.1 gnome-extra/yelp-2.12.2 gnome-extra/yelp-2.14.0 gnome-extra/yelp-2.14.1 www-client/epiphany-1.6.0-r3 www-client/epiphany-1.6.3 www-client/epiphany-1.6.4 www-client/epiphany-1.8.2 www-client/epiphany-1.8.3 www-client/epiphany- www-client/epiphany-2.14.1-r1 www-client/epiphany-extensions-1.6.0 www-client/epiphany-extensions-1.6.4-r1 www-client/epiphany-extensions-1.8.1 www-client/epiphany-extensions- www-client/epiphany-extensions-2.14.1 Citizen428: net-news/liferea-0.9.6 net-news/liferea-1.0-r1 net-news/liferea-1.0.15 net-news/liferea-1.0.3 net-news/liferea-1.0.4 Vanquirius: net-misc/pavuk-0.9.32 net-misc/pavuk-0.9.34 Net-IM: net-im/gnophone-0.2.4-r1 Zaheerm: media-libs/swfdec-0.2.2 media-libs/swfdec-0.2.2-r1 media-libs/swfdec-0.3.1 media-libs/swfdec-0.3.2 media-libs/swfdec-0.3.5 Maintainer-Needed (tcort): media-libs/openvrml-0.14.3 Foser: media-libs/freetype-2.1.10 media-libs/freetype-2.1.10-r1 media-libs/freetype-2.1.10-r2 media-libs/freetype-2.1.9-r1 media-libs/freetype-2.2.1 Gnome-Office: mail-client/evolution-2.0.3-r2 mail-client/evolution-2.0.4 Blizzy: dev-util/sashxb-1.0.2 Dev-Tools Herd: dev-util/eclipse-sdk-2.1.3-r5 dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.0.0-r3 dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.0.1-r2 dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.0.2 dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.1.1 OpenOffice Herd: app-office/openoffice-2.0.1-r1 app-office/openoffice-2.0.2-r1 app-office/openoffice-2.0.2-r2 DotNet Herd: dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.10 dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.11 dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.5-r2 dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.6 Dcoutts: dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.10 dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.10-r1 dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.9 Compnerd: dev-java/swt-3.1-r1 dev-java/swt-3.2_pre1 Ruby Herd: dev-ruby/ruby-gtkmozembed-0.14.1
These packages have dep's on gecko-sdk please port them to seamonkey or firefox gecko-sdk use flag will be drop'd at same time as mozilla. Some packages with mozilla rdep also have gecko-sdk dep please make sure you double check your work. I would also like to see these as revisions when they are fixed and add them to p.mask with stable keywords below seamonkey so we can unmask them all at same time please. Compnerd: media-video/totem Flameeyes: media-video/vlc Gnome Herd: gnome-base/librsvg
VLC had nsplugin support removed.
Hi, I am a bit too busy these days, feel free to fix pavuk if needed. Marcelo
I've removed the mozilla use-flag from all openoffice-versions, the newest one already has one for firefox, so no functionality should get lost.
(In reply to comment #0) > Maintainer-Needed (tcort): > media-libs/openvrml-0.14.3 I know nothing about this package; I've never even tried emerge'ing it. The only reason my name is in the changelog is because I removed COPYING from dodoc (an automated script found it). I did take a look at it though. The ebuilds aren't maintained and the source doesn't compile with gcc-3.4.6 (Bug #88970). No one has cared to version bump it since 22 Nov 2003 (Bug #92690). No packages in portage depend on this library. There has been no upstream release in almost a year. From looking at, build system changes are required to get this one working with SeaMonkey. Source code changes may be required as well. I filed a bug for tree cleaners (Bug #137775) since this package is broken and no one wants to fix/maintain it.
Come friday at 1900 CDT (1400 UTC) I will be masking mozilla and gecko. I suggest everyone have there packages converted and ready to go at this time as I will mask the mozilla and gecko use flag at same time.
Sorry to be flippant here, but I was going to change ruby-gtkmozembed over to seamonkey and portage is telling me it's package masked. How can I make the nice transitional change from ~ to p.mask ?
(In reply to comment #7) > Sorry to be flippant here, but I was going to change ruby-gtkmozembed over to > seamonkey and portage is telling me it's package masked. How can I make the > nice transitional change from ~ to p.mask ? > This should be handled with same keywords as current stable ... which should also include a revision bump and p.mask entry with seamonkey entry. If you follow these two rules repoman should not complain.
Just a friendly reminder tomorrow mozilla and mozilla-bin along with gecko-sdk will be p.masked both mozilla and gecko-sdk keywords will also be use.masked for everyone!! If no one speaks up with why I should not makes this happen tomorrow night it will be done.
I'm still not sure why the mozilla USE flag has to disappear. It can change meaning and that would be less disruptive. I seriously don't see a serious reason to remove the flag entirely.
Sorry, but can you hold off for a bit longer? I'm stuck on dialup until the beginning of next week (and have been since the 15th :p). I haven't had a chance to fix up the mplayerplug-in yet. I promise I'll get to it first thing on monday, but I really don't want to have to deal with getting the Seamonkey source over dialup. Sorry.
As a few have requested some time to get there packages fixed up for seamonkey I will hold off on the mozilla{-bin}/gecko-sdk p.mask. I will be removing the p.mask entry for seamonkey in abot 3 hours tho, I suggest you all convert your packages.
(In reply to comment #12) > As a few have requested some time to get there packages fixed up for seamonkey > I will hold off on the mozilla{-bin}/gecko-sdk p.mask. I will be removing the > p.mask entry for seamonkey in abot 3 hours tho, I suggest you all convert your > packages. > As I was gonna wait, this has been retracted by ME. Reason 1:) devs refuse to work toward porting to seamonkey while doing revision bumps against busted apps with security issues. That is only reason needed to mask gecko-sdk/mozilla{-bin} tonight.
Adding java to backup compnerd for dev-java/swt.
Jory, Could you please elaborate on the urgency of resolving this? From my understanding, mozilla and gecko have a number of security issues. Could you also offer suggestions for performing the switch over? As in, should we do revbumps to stable for things currently marked stable? Thanks in advance.
do not p.mask your revisions and what not seamonkey is unmasked you can ~arch keyword as long as your willing to move to arch in a week, Yes this is a bit short but best I can offer ya at this time!!
i've added a test version of gnome-python-extras-2.14 to the tree. If things seem to go okay tomm. with people testing, we'll apply similar fixes to the rest of the gnome packages. sparc and ia64 may use.mask seamonkey which will make the logic inside the ebuild easier to write and understand.
i have done: gnome-python-extras yelp epiphany epiphany-extensions gnome herd has left: totem librsvg dev-util/devhelp-0.10 dev-util/devhelp-0.11 dev-util/devhelp-0.9.3 gnome-base/nautilus-1.0.6-r9 gnome-extra/evolution-data-server-1.2.3
I've got a patch to have gtk2hs build against seamonkey (in addition to firefox) however I can't commit it yet because seamonkey is not ~sparc but gtk2hs is.
totem is now done.
nautilus / evolution-data-server are now done. waiting on a seamonkey compile to test fixes for librsvg and devhelp.
librsvg is done, devhelp is done. just waiting on a couple more archs to mark the revision stable. all gnome/gnome-office herd packs should be compliant as of now.
*** Bug 138985 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
why not use !sparc and allow everyone else to use seamonkey for the time being :)
*** Bug 139080 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
for those with liferea please test 1.0.16 I have just added it to the tree with seamonkey dep instead of mozilla. I can only backport to 1.0.15 for stable arch everything else fails to build against seamonkey.
or juste use.mask the seamonkey use flag for now
(In reply to comment #27) > or juste use.mask the seamonkey use flag for now > Very bad advise as I plan to mask mozilla{-bin}/gecko-sdk this friday, Security and myself have finally reached this as official deadline.
As mention in, galeon depends at the moment at mozilla. I tried emerging with USE="firefox" as workaround. But this failed (see So galeon is totally broken without mozilla.
gecko-sharp still has a hard dependency on www-client/mozilla. This is breaking many mono apps. (mono-develop monodoc muine) Blam has some logic to pick between mozilla, firefox or thunderbird in Without mozilla it picks firefox and then fails to compile.
I've added dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.2_rc7 which compiles cleanly against seamonkey without any other issues. As for older versions, I did not have so much luck compiling against seamonkey or firefox. We used to use the latter, but changes in firefox-1.5 caused breakage, which iirc are the same issues with seamonkey. I will have to poke at it some more to verify. I may end up just removing gecko-sdk/mozilla support for all old versions if it really comes down to it.
I've dropped support for embedded browser in < eclipse-sdk-3.2. So dev-tools should be all set now.
I've added mplayerplug-in-3.25-r1 to the tree with gecko-sdk and mozilla removed. It's not stable anywhere yet, but depending on how we go forward with mozilla/gecko-sdk removal, I'm fine with prematurely marking it stable.
(In reply to comment #30) > gecko-sharp still has a hard dependency on www-client/mozilla. This is breaking > many mono apps. (mono-develop monodoc muine) I just tried switching the dependency to www-client/seamonkey, and it seems to build and operate correctly. Someone from dotnet should probably verify.
From my IRC convo with nichoj: <snip> 11:12 <@latexer> nichoj_work: the key part is getting the consuming applications of gecko-sharp all working fine as well.11:14 <@nichoj_work> latexer: indeed. I'm pretty sure seamonkey is supposed to be a drop in replacement though 11:14 <@nichoj_work> latexer: need any help testing? 11:15 <@latexer> nichoj_work: dsd and some user 'nemo' have been working on it some. 11:15 <@latexer> nichoj_work: i may find time this week to work on it while i'm on vacation. 11:15 <@latexer> nichoj_work: nothing really testable, the main apps to worry about are blam, monodoc, and monodevelop. 11:15 <@latexer> nichoj_work: you should consult with dsd_ about what all he's got done/tested, etc. 11:15 <@latexer> i know there was at least one small display bug with one of them. </snip> I'm on vacation away from work this week, so I'll try to find some time hacking on this the next day or two.
Blam is patched here: Should be safe to import this into portage. Will do that soon. monodoc is harder - the seamonkey libgtkmozembed reveals a problem where the front screen of monodoc is blank until you click on it. Needs to be investigated further.
Created attachment 91599 [details] This one works with the help of <kojiro> on irc
(In reply to comment #37) > Created an attachment (id=91599) [edit] > This one works with the help of <kojiro> on irc > "This" is dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.14.0
(In reply to comment #36) > monodoc is harder - the seamonkey libgtkmozembed reveals a problem where the > front screen of monodoc is blank until you click on it. Needs to be > investigated further. >
*** Bug 140160 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 140191 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 140233 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I have to say after reading and watching you all play this out it is a joke. Your policies are bullshit. The apply to what you want them to apply to. Mozilla has been infested with many major security issues for well over 45 days now and you all still refuse to accept the fact that it needs to be masked and removed from the tree. UPSTREAM will not be putting out ANY revisions for 1.0.x BRANCH, so wake up and mask the damn package already and get this shit over with.
Did you really just *have* to say it? Are you sure? Having trouble letting go, are we? Nobody's forcing you to be on this bug, or even to be involved with this issue. So give it a rest and let it go, and leave us in peace, please.
Created attachment 92157 [details] An example where seamonkey does gecko-sharp no favours dev-util/monodevelop-0.11 generates the attached error on startup after remerging gecko-sharp-0.11 (and monodevelop): replacing seamonkey as the mozilla-* dependency. Probably deserves its own bug, but since using seamonkey as a dependency replacement for mozilla in gecko-sharp isn't supported yet...
hm, monodevelop-0.11 does not exist in the portage and I don't have any problems with monodevelop-0.10 and gecko-sharp built against firefox, with my patches.
mondevelop-0.11 is a typo. I also finally got gecko-sharp working under firefox. However, I didn't need to patch anything. I just set: MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to "/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox" How is the default for this usually set?
(In reply to comment #47) > mondevelop-0.11 is a typo. I also finally got gecko-sharp working under > firefox. However, I didn't need to patch anything. I just set: > MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to "/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox" How is the default for this > usually set? > MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME is no longer exported from firefox, as what MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME will take precedence if you have seamonkey, thunderbird and firefox all export it. this was the sense of the rpath-patches. I use absolute paths for gecko-sharp and remove all stupid parts from the startup-script for monodevelop :)
*** Bug 141093 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Just wanted to mention that at least totem-1.5.4, epiphany-2.15.4 and yelp-2.15.4 build with xulrunner out of the box.
galeon is all done now.
*** Bug 141242 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 141395 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 120826 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 111989 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 130812 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
blam is fixed, ready for when gecko-sharp makes the jump
*** Bug 81805 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
(In reply to comment #1) This effects dev-util/monodevelop-0.10
*** Bug 146096 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
So, any progress here? This bug has been practically silent for two months. :(
*** Bug 149200 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This bug should not just die away, since mozilla(-bin) will probably be masked because of open security issues soon. here is a list of ebuilds which still appear to depend on www-client/mozilla in some way: dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.10 dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.11 dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.5-r2 dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.6 dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.10 dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.10-r1 dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.9 dev-java/swt-3.1-r1 dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.12.0 dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.12.1 dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.14.0 dev-ruby/ruby-gtkmozembed-0.14.1 dev-ruby/ruby-gtkmozembed-0.15.0 dev-util/documancer-0.1.7 dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.0.1-r2 dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.0.2 dev-util/sashxb-1.0.2 kde-base/xparts-3.5.0 media-libs/swfdec-0.2.2 media-libs/swfdec-0.2.2-r1 media-libs/swfdec-0.3.1 media-libs/swfdec-0.3.2 media-libs/swfdec-0.3.5 net-im/gnophone-0.2.4-r1 net-misc/pavuk-0.9.32 net-misc/pavuk-0.9.34 net-news/liferea-0.9.6 net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.21 net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.25 net-www/netscape-plugger-5.0 net-www/netscape-plugger-5.1.3 www-client/epiphany- www-client/epiphany-extensions-1.8.1 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.1 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.2 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.3 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.4 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.5 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.9 www-client/kazehakase-0.4.0 x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.3 x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.4 x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.6
Soooo... what's left?! dotnet herd (unconditional dependency): dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.5-r2 dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.6 dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.10 dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.11 --- haskell herd (drop mozilla use flag): dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.9 dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.10 dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.10-r1 --- java herd (drop mozilla use flag or drop this ebuild version): dev-java/swt-3.1-r1 --- gnome/python herds (drop mozilla use flag): dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.12.0 dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.12.1 dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.14.0 --- ruby herd (drop firefox use flag): dev-ruby/ruby-gtkmozembed-0.14.1 dev-ruby/ruby-gtkmozembed-0.15.0 --- wxwindows herd (drop this version): dev-util/documancer-0.1.7 --- dev-tools herd (drop mozilla use flag): dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.0.1-r2 dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.0.2 --- no maintainer (unconditional dependency, nothing depends on it -> drop?) dev-util/sashxb-1.0.2 --- kde herd (drop mozilla use flag): kde-base/xparts-3.5.0 --- zaheerm (drop mozilla use flag): media-libs/swfdec-0.2.2 media-libs/swfdec-0.2.2-r1 media-libs/swfdec-0.3.1 media-libs/swfdec-0.3.2 media-libs/swfdec-0.3.5 --- net-im herd (drop mozilla use flag) net-im/gnophone-0.2.4-r1 --- vanquirius (drop mozilla use flag): net-misc/pavuk-0.9.32 net-misc/pavuk-0.9.34 --- dang (drop mozilla use flag or drop this ebuild version): net-news/liferea-0.9.6 --- josejx/mozilla herd (remove from || deps) net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.21 net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.25 --- mozilla herd (replace the bogus dep w/ firefox{,-bin},seamonkey) net-www/netscape-plugger-5.0 net-www/netscape-plugger-5.1.3 --- gnome herd (drop firefox use flag) www-client/epiphany- www-client/epiphany-extensions-1.8.1 --- nakano/matsuu (drop firefox/mozilla use flags, stabilize for 146902 and clean up the cruft) www-client/kazehakase-0.3.1 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.2 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.3 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.4 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.5 www-client/kazehakase-0.3.9 www-client/kazehakase-0.4.0 --- wxwindows herd (unconditional dependency, bump for Bug 130969) x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.3 x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.4 x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.6
www-client/kazehakase fixed.
xparts fixed.
Created attachment 98806 [details] gnophone-0.2.4-r2.ebuild Gnophone does not build in amd64 and i do not have a x86 machine where to build/test. Please try and report back if it works.
ruby-gtkmozembed fixed
liferea is fixed. For the gnome stuff, it's not that easy. Those packages are stable on platforms that don't have firefox, so seamonkey must be substituted for mozilla.
*** Bug 150299 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
These other archs you speak of do not have security teams and should be ommited from the equation to resolve this overly outdate security issue that is still in portage.
Jurek, please drop the mozilla dep from jscall-sharp-0.0.2_pre20060925. Thanks
(In reply to comment #72) > Jurek, please drop the mozilla dep from jscall-sharp-0.0.2_pre20060925. Thanks And mozilla-firefox-bin as well, nothing will ever compile against it.
Vanquirius: net-misc/pavuk-0.9.32 net-misc/pavuk-0.9.34 neither version is compatible with firefox-1.5 nor seamonkey. Making it a canadite for removal from tree.
Offending dev-java/swt ebuilds removed.
All misbehaving dev-util/eclipse-sdk ebuilds gone.
net-misc/pavuk-0.9.34 done. net-misc/pavuk-0.9.32 is stable on some archs, so 0.9.34 needs to get stable first - bug #152932
jscall-sharp fixed. Sorry guys, I'm not even sure why did I put mozilla/firefox-bin there.
Updated on the other dotnet herd packages. I've just converted all the ~arch stuff to work with seamonkey and firefox, and added gecko-sharp-0.11-r1 which deps on either seamonkey or firefox. I can remove the old offending packages/deps as soon as I get more testing from users on bug #98839 and blam-1.8.2-r1 is stabalized (bug #153308). Hopefully that's today or tomorrow.
dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp dev-haskell/gtk2hs dev-util/sashxb media-libs/freetype media-libs/swfdec net-im/gnophone net-misc/pavuk net-www/netscape-plugger x11-libs/wxmozilla Those who can need to inform mozilla herd of status .. netscape-plugger sashxb and swfdec are all p.masked. So please report the status so we can continue to make progress to get mozilla out of the tree.
gecko-sharp is ready as soon as everything that depends on gecko-sharp is. I wouldn't say thats the case yet. monodoc and liferea suffer the bug described in comment #36 even with the latest seamonkey
(In reply to comment #80) > dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp dev-haskell/gtk2hs dev-util/sashxb media-libs/freetype > media-libs/swfdec net-im/gnophone net-misc/pavuk net-www/netscape-plugger > x11-libs/wxmozilla > > Those who can need to inform mozilla herd of status .. netscape-plugger sashxb > and swfdec are all p.masked. So please report the status so we can continue to > make progress to get mozilla out of the tree. > sashxb is getting removed from the tree.
*** Bug 130273 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
OK, problem described in comment #36 is fixed in seamonkey-1.0.6. gecko-sharp is also no longer depending on mozilla, also it looks like monodoc was fixed a while back.
*** Bug 124704 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
What's left?! dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.6 - still depends on mozilla and is depended on by other ebuilds (even recently stabilized ones, like Bug 153308, I really don't get this?!) dev-dotnet/gecko-sharp-0.11 amd64/x86 need 0.11-r1 stable, none stabilization bug filed... --- dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.9 dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.10 dev-haskell/gtk2hs-0.9.10-r1 USE=mozilla needs to die there... --- x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.3 x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.4 x11-libs/wxmozilla-0.5.6 No progress with this one, needs to be package.masked... --- net-im/gnophone - package.masked for gnome-1 removal media-libs/swfdec - already package.masked for removal by seemant dotnet/haskell/wxwindows folks - ping! This is really long overdue and getting annoying.
wxmozilla-0.5.7_pre20070102 is in the tree. i'll unmask it when it's ready and remove 0.5.6.
like, done, and stuff..
Wheeeee, all done! *plop*