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Bug 39318 - circular dependency between perl and openssl
Summary: circular dependency between perl and openssl
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High critical
Assignee: Gentoo's Team for Core System packages
: 38927 46781 47727 48044 52090 59822 62425 71322 76026 80741 83807 84952 87610 92999 93411 94704 97338 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 33440
Blocks: 62425
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2004-01-25 00:59 UTC by Cory Visi (RETIRED)
Modified: 2006-06-01 16:00 UTC (History)
31 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

perl-5.8.3.ebuild.diff (perl-5.8.3.ebuild.diff,397 bytes, text/plain)
2004-04-17 16:59 UTC, Cory Visi (RETIRED)
libperl-5.8.3.ebuild.diff (libperl-5.8.3.ebuild.diff,466 bytes, text/plain)
2004-04-17 17:00 UTC, Cory Visi (RETIRED)
Details (,48 bytes, text/plain)
2004-04-17 17:01 UTC, Cory Visi (RETIRED)

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-25 00:59:22 UTC
Not sure when this started, but it had to be sometime last week, because I just did a new install last week and this wasn't a problem.

(That's the easy one)

Here's the string of dependencies in the other direction:
# emerge -ep perl
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7c-r1  
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/tcl-8.3.4  
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/libpng-1.2.5-r4  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a-r5  
[ebuild  N    ] x11-base/opengl-update-1.5  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/gawk-3.1.3-r1  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.4.19-r1  
[ebuild  N    ] dev-java/java-config-1.2.4  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/lib-compat-1.3  
[ebuild  N F  ] dev-java/sun-jdk-  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/db-4.0.14-r2  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/miscfiles-1.3-r1  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/cracklib-2.7-r7  
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/glib-1.2.10-r5  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/pwdb-0.61-r4  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/pam-0.75-r11  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/shadow-4.0.3-r9  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/pam-login-3.11  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.11z-r8  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/baselayout-  
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/freetype-2.1.4  
[ebuild  N    ] x11-misc/ttmkfdir-3.0.9  
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/expat-1.95.6-r1  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/ed-0.2-r3  
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.2.1  
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/unzip-5.50-r2  
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/cabextract-0.6  
[ebuild  N    ] x11-base/xfree-4.3.0-r3  
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/tk-8.3.4-r1  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/db-1.85-r1  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.0-r5  
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/python-2.3.3  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/portage-2.0.49-r21  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.4  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/gcc-3.2.3-r3  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r9  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/patch-2.5.9  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/groff-1.18.1-r4  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/cronbase-0.2.1-r2  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/man-1.5l-r6  
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/libperl-5.8.0  
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.0-r12  

Obviously a stage1 install will fail because of this, which is how I found it.

I have no idea how to fix this. The string of dependencies in perl->openssl direction is enormous. If someone figures out how to fix this, I'd be very interested in the procedure they used to debug it.
Comment 1 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2004-01-25 01:13:29 UTC
i dont know why the 0.9.6 ones have perl in DEPEND ... afaict, it's not used

0.9.7 uses perl to call what looks like a sh script during src_install(), so what's up with that, i have no idea
Comment 2 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-25 01:26:32 UTC
This occured using:
Comment 3 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-25 01:29:29 UTC
I think openssl depends on it while building documentation.
Comment 4 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-25 08:01:53 UTC
I noticed that perl is included in many of the experimental stage1 tarballs. This would also fix it, but as long as the releases are still around, it's an issue. Is perl going to be included in stage1 going forward?
Comment 5 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-26 05:30:30 UTC
I also see this dependency circle: autoconf -> openssl -> perl -> autoconf
There are builds in between, one of which is python, which shows up as:

[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/python-2.3.3  +ncurses +gdbm -ssl +readline +tcltk +berkdb -bootstrap +ipv6 -build -ucs2 -doc

Seems to be the only one in the list with IUSE="ssl"

I think perl needs to be built with USE="-ssl" in bootstrap at this point.
Comment 6 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2004-01-26 05:34:31 UTC
autoconf depends directly on perl
openssl depends directly on perl

autoconf does not depend directly on ssl
perl does not depend directly on ssl or autoconf

so can someone narrow down the loop ?
Comment 7 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-26 06:00:02 UTC
I was able to get perl to emerge with:
USE="-ssl -X -java" emerge perl
Comment 8 Daniel Ahlberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-05 05:00:19 UTC
OpenSSL needs perl to run its Configure script. I think this bug should be reassigned to either base-system or python herd.
Comment 9 Daniel Ahlberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-20 11:14:44 UTC
Comment 10 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-21 03:58:09 UTC
(After posting this to the wrong bug, let me see if I can do this right :) )

I could be wrong, but I don't believe emerge -ep perl is giving you what you think it should. It is showing everything that is required to emerge perl based on your USE flags (or lack thereof), but it is also showing you everything that is required to emerge those deps, and the deps of those deps, and the deps of the deps of the deps...

Technically speaking, perl only needs a few things to be emerged (compiler, patching tools, portage of a certaing minimum vintage, and if you have it enabled, one of the DBs - gdbm, berkdb, etc.). It certainly doesn't require openssl to be installed - that is a dep elsewhere in your list, probably an optional dep at that.
Comment 11 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-22 16:58:37 UTC
I'm not using the emerge -ep perl to prove the bug exists. I did a stage 1 build and it broke on the perl emerge because of this circular dependency. The bug is merely illustrated (I hope) with the emerge -ep perl. If you would like to prove this bug exists, simply do a stage 1 build.
Comment 12 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-29 09:34:53 UTC
Perl depends on a minimum version of portage (for characteristics of dependancies, not for compilation). Portage depends on python. Python has an optional depend on openssl. Not much we can do about it on the perl side - base system folks have any thoughts (suggest USE="-ssl" for this step...?)
Comment 13 Robert Coie (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-02 16:39:44 UTC
This is caused by an evil combination of USE="java ssl".  Perl needs berkeley db.
If USE="java" is set, berkeley db needs a jdk, normally blackdown.  This needs
java-config, which needs python.  If USE="ssl" is set, python needs openssl, which
needs autoconf, which needs perl.
Comment 14 Nicholas Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-03 19:37:07 UTC
So... java-config should not require python to be re-built...
Python is already merged... Is java-config requiring a newer
version of python via a depend statement? I haven't research
any of this, but it seems that the python should be coming
from another source.

USE_ORDER="defaults" emerge -dep system | grep -n5 some_package

Will help you work things out easier. The USE_ORDER just eliminates your
personal USE settings temporarily by only reading the default config.

-d prints out lots of info... You're interested in 'parent' and 'candidates'

Might wanna just dump everything to a file and peruse it later.
Comment 15 Nicholas Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-03 19:45:17 UTC
Does the version of python in the stages have an ebuild in the tree still?
If it's missing, that'd be the reason python gets pulled in.
Comment 16 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-04 10:43:04 UTC
*** Bug 38927 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 17 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-04 10:47:19 UTC
Here're the DEPEND trees:

[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.2-r1  +berkdb +doc +gdbm -threads 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]  sys-libs/db-4.1.25_p1-r3  +doc +java +tcltk 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]   sys-devel/libtool-1.4.3-r4  0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]    sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r9  -build +nls -nptl +pic 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]     sys-devel/gcc-3.3.2-r5  +X -bootstrap -build +java -multilib +nls -nogcj -static 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]      sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.4  0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]       sys-apps/portage-2.0.50-r1  -build 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]        dev-lang/python-2.3.3  +X +berkdb -bootstrap -build +doc +gdbm +ipv6 +ncurses +readline +ssl +tcltk -ucs2 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]         dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7d  0 kB 

and the other one...
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7d  0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]  sys-devel/bc-1.06-r5  +readline 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]   sys-libs/ncurses-5.4-r1  -debug 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]    sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r9  -build +nls -nptl +pic 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]     sys-devel/gcc-3.3.2-r5  +X -bootstrap -build +java -multilib +nls -nogcj -static 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]      sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.4  0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]       sys-apps/portage-2.0.50-r1  -build 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]        sys-apps/debianutils-1.16.7-r4  -build -static 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]         sys-apps/coreutils-5.0.91-r4  +acl -build +nls (-selinux) -static 0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]          sys-devel/automake-1.8.3  0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]           sys-devel/autoconf-2.58-r1  0 kB 
[ebuild  N    ]            dev-lang/perl-5.8.2-r1  +berkdb +doc +gdbm -threads 0 kB 
Comment 18 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-04 10:55:42 UTC
Can we just remove the automake dep in sys-apps/coreutils and instead create a patch to the package which has the same effect?
Comment 19 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-04 10:58:08 UTC
actually... n/m i was being stupid with that suggestion... openssl has a direct perl dep, so we need to figure out a way to remove the ssl dep from perl's emerge...  what if we put perl in the bootstrap?
Comment 20 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-04 11:04:30 UTC
*** Bug 46781 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 21 mic 2004-04-05 06:59:54 UTC
2 days ago i tried to make a stage 1 new-installation with the 20040218 tarball.
and there was an error during bootstrap:
openssl wasn't able to build because perl 5 wasn't installed.
today i tried to emerge openssl and it was successful. (emerge openssl)
then i startet the bootstrap again and it was successful, too.
Comment 22 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-14 16:01:08 UTC
Firstly, this has been an open bug now for almost 3 months.

I already suggested that perl be placed in stage1. Perhaps, this isn't acceptable because no one has done anything about it, and this bug still persists.

Here is another suggestion. Add this procedure to bootstrap:

USE="-ssl -berkdb -gdbm" emerge perl

This will build perl properly with minimal additional packages. Now, you have to get perl to rebuild later when other libraries are installed. I'm not sure of the best way to do that.
Comment 23 Benjamin Judas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-16 12:52:06 UTC
*** Bug 48044 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 24 Gregorio Guidi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-17 07:43:29 UTC
Is this bug going to affect 2004.1?
It would be a shame if all users installing 2004.1 from stage1 get stuck
because of this problem.
Comment 25 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-17 11:14:46 UTC
hmm dev-lang/python-2.3.3 has a check for 'USE=build' for the ssl dep... so it must be somewhere else other than python that is bringing it in during bootstrap.
Comment 26 Daniel Schindler 2004-04-17 13:13:00 UTC
just doing an 
emerge -O libperl perl
and then bootstrapping will do the job
(at least it worked for me :-)
Comment 27 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-17 16:59:55 UTC
Created attachment 29525 [details]

Here are three patches to add perl to stage1. I think I did it correctly, but
please let me know if I did not. What does everyone think of this solution? In
addition to being in stage1, I'd like to see perl be included on the Gentoo
Comment 28 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-17 17:00:30 UTC
Created attachment 29526 [details]
Comment 29 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-17 17:01:00 UTC
Created attachment 29527 [details]
Comment 30 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-18 16:28:17 UTC
I think the problem is with dev-lang/python

I believe the 'build?' in DEPEND= should be 'bootstrap?'
Comment 31 Alastair Tse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-19 01:02:25 UTC
not knowing much about stage building, what is the difference between bootstrap and build? 

according to the use.desc, it says that "build" is used in the first half of bootstrapping, does that include python or not? and why has this changed since its been working for python for a long time now.
Comment 32 Daniel Ahlberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-27 06:19:40 UTC
*** Bug 47727 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 33 Daniel Black (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-06-13 21:01:22 UTC
*** Bug 52090 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 34 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-06-23 22:30:49 UTC
As of today, 5 months after opening the bug, this critical bug is still prevelant. A recent stage1 install broke on openssl, which requires perl to build, which requires openssl. Some kind of remedy is needed here; several have been proposed.
Comment 35 Shalom Naumann 2004-07-10 22:18:35 UTC
A few days ago, I emerged system and it was fine. I was having some problems, so I decided to try starting from scratch. Both times I used stage2 for the pentium4. It could be I had different USE flags that time, I can't remember. Anyway, I emerge'd and at OpenSSL, it came up with some message about needing Perl 5. I did emerge perl and that worked fine. Then I did emerge system again and that worked fine (or at least where I'm up to now, a few packages after OpenSSL). 
My make.conf:
CFLAGS="-O3 -march=pentium4 -fomit-frame-pointer"
USE="-gnome alsa bidi bindist directfb emacs fbcon ftp icc java jikes mozilla spell tidy truetype usb wxwindows"
Comment 36 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2004-08-31 17:30:14 UTC
*** Bug 62425 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 37 Greg Hellings 2004-09-23 21:29:48 UTC
This summer I did an installation on my P4 system, and I recall no problems there.  If there was a problem, it was solved by emerging perl like most other people have.  However, today I was working on installing on an old Alphaserver for my school and, lo and behold, when I reached the emerge system step I was up and running happily.  Along comes the step when emerge system emerges autoconf and I get the perl-not-found error.  So I try the logical step of emerging perl, and that doesn't work because perl requires autoconf somehow.  So I do all of this poking around and decide to try USE="-java -ssl -berkdb -gdbm" emerge system.  The emerge is currently running.  However, this did remove the cyclic dependency, it would seem.  Here's some grits:

bootstrap ran fine
emerge system failed on autoconf needing perl
emerge --nodeps perl failed for some problem within perl
removed ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~alpha" from make.conf
emerge --nodeps perl still fails
emerge libtool
USE="-java -ssl -berkdb -gdbm" emerge system

I'll let you all know what the results of the emerge are when I find out.  The bug is still around, but it seems as though adding the "-java -ssl -berkdb -gdbm" at least removes the cyclic dependency.  I don't know how to get that into the system, but it would be nice if that could be added to the defaults for a later stage1-alpha-* tarball, if not to everyone else's tarball if they still have the same problem also.  I'm planning to reinstall Gentoo onto my laptop as soon as I get this Alphaserver out of my dorm room.  I'll check for the problem there too.
Comment 38 Greg Hellings 2004-09-23 21:38:06 UTC
Addition...rather than the first "emerge --nodeps perl" should read "emerge --nodeps libperl perl" ... libperl emerged fine, the problem in that step was in perl somewhere.
Comment 39 Greg Hellings 2004-09-24 04:39:35 UTC
As promised, my update is that USE="-java -ssl -berkdb -gdbm" emerge system is running like a champ.  perl and autoconf have both been emerged wonderfully.  It appears to me as though this is a valid work-around at this point.  Anyone concur?

Comment 40 Carlos Saltos 2004-12-09 18:13:53 UTC
I run into this error today with stage1-x86-2004.3.tar.bz2 ... as a workaround I just issue 'emerge system' again and it works.

this error is preventing to deploy the operating system base !! ... I hope you can fixed for the next release.

jic my emerge info:

Portage 2.0.51-r3 (default-linux/x86/2004.3, gcc-3.3.4, glibc-, 2.6.9-gentoo-r1 i686)
System uname: 2.6.9-gentoo-r1 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz
Gentoo Base System version 1.4.16
Binutils: sys-devel/binutils-
Headers:  sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.4.21-r1
CFLAGS="-O3 -march=pentium4 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
CXXFLAGS="-O3 -march=pentium4 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
FEATURES="autoaddcvs autoconfig ccache distlocks sandbox sfperms"
USE="X apache2 apm arts avi berkdb bitmap-fonts crypt cups dga dio dvd encode f77 foomaticdb fortran ftp gdbm gif gnome gpm gtk gtk2 imap imlib java jikes jpeg kerberos ldap libg++ libwww mad mikmod mmx motif mpeg mysql ncurses nis nls oggvorbis opengl oss pam pdflib png postgres python quicktime readline samba sdl slp spell sse ssl svga tcpd truetype unicode x86 xml2 xmms xv zlib"
Comment 41 Philipp Hasse 2004-12-14 04:56:28 UTC
I parsed the "emerge -pv --debug system" output during a stage1 install and found the following cycling dependency (-> means "needs"):
perl -> db -> sun-jdk (virtual/jdk) -> java-config -> python -> openssl -> perl.
The simpliest way for me here was to add the following line to /etc/portage/package.use: "sys-libs/db -java"
... to break the cycle at sys-libs/db (if you don't want to disable java at all).
After this "emerge -pv system" will install perl before openssl.

Maybe emerge could print a warning message when a cycling dependency is found to be able to solve the problem before a packet merge fails during "emerge system" or simple packet merges (waiting for a "emerge system" to fail and parsing "emerge -pv --debug system" by hand is really ugly).

emerge info USE flags:
USE="3dnow X Xaw3d aalib acl alsa apm arts avi berkdb bitmap-fonts cjk crypt cups dga directfb doc emacs encode f77 fbcon foomaticdb fortran gdbm gif gpm gtk gtk2 imlib ipv6 jpeg kde kerberos ldap libg++ libwww mad mikmod mmx motif mpeg nas ncurses nls nptl nptlonly oggvorbis opengl oss pam pdflib perl pic png python qt quicktime readline sdl skey slang slp spell ssl svga tcltk tcpd tetex tiff truetype unicode usb x86 xinerama xml2 xmms xv zlib linguas_de"
Comment 42 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-01-15 01:16:13 UTC
*** Bug 59822 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 43 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-01-19 06:25:17 UTC
*** Bug 71322 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 44 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-02-06 00:03:39 UTC
*** Bug 80741 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 45 Danny van Dyk (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-06 03:27:11 UTC
rac removed DEPEND=">=portage-2.0.*" from perl and libperl ebuilds. The circular
dependency is no more.
Comment 46 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-02-06 03:28:30 UTC
there's still the problem of db/java ... but i dont know if that's a diff bug or what
Comment 47 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-06 03:32:35 UTC
That's a different bug. Perl depended on a particular version of portage in order to have access to the PDEPEND variable so that we could apply a post emerge ebuild for Safe, which had a security bug. Removing that dep breaks this particular circle. Closing out for now.
Comment 48 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-20 19:12:58 UTC
I'm sorry to do this; go ahead an yell at me if I'm wrong...

I'm reopening this bug because:
The dependency on portage in DEPEND is definitely still there for both libperl and perl.
Therefore, the circular dependency is still in full affect.
There is no mention in the ChangeLog of this dependency being removed or put back since rac originally added it in July 2003.

What's going on with this bug?
Comment 49 Thomas Deutsch 2005-02-21 05:39:25 UTC
Same prob. here last week. I decribet it at a few weeks ago.
Comment 50 Greg Hellings 2005-02-21 07:07:01 UTC
I have been running over the 2005.0 install profile and have not had a problem, but I include at least the USE="-java -ssl" and have not run into this problem since 2005.0 has come out.  That same set of USE flags has worked for me in 2004.3 and I recently put 2005.0 on my latest machine and did not encounter the ciruclar dependcy.  Are you sure that your portage tree is up to date and that you are using the latest version of the Gentoo profile?  It is, of course, most likely that I have not had this problem since including the -ssl flag in my USE because of this bug relying on openssl, but if you want to get past this stage you can use that work around.  If you still encounter the problem, however, then it makes sense that this bug be reopened.  But my status is that I haven't seen it in quite some time.
Comment 51 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-03-02 10:40:46 UTC
*** Bug 83807 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 52 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-03-10 06:10:27 UTC
I am not seeing the loop here. The deps for both libperl and perl include groff and some db/gdbm options - nothing about ssl, openssl, portage, etc. I've checked groff, db, and gdbm, and none of them grep ssl or portage. How is perl a culprit at this point? (used to be, not denying that, just saying I don't see how it is anymore).
Comment 53 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-03-13 01:51:01 UTC
*** Bug 76026 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 54 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-03-13 05:44:48 UTC
*** Bug 84952 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 55 Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-02 09:44:31 UTC
*** Bug 87610 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 56 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-04 09:20:59 UTC
Michael, see comment #41 for a decent description of the circle.  Based on that, feel free to change the summary of the bug to something more appropriate.

Regardless, there's still a circular dependency that breaks most Stage 1 installs (ssl and java are common use flags).
Comment 57 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-05-18 07:28:53 UTC
*** Bug 92999 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 58 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-05-22 04:31:13 UTC
*** Bug 93411 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 59 Aron Griffis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-26 05:29:30 UTC
Attempted to install on alpha using 2005.0 stage1 yesterday.  It failed during
"emerge -e system" with the following message.

>>> emerge (25 of 99) dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7e to /
>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking openssl-0.9.7e.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/openssl-0.9.7e/work
>>> Unpacking openssl-0.9.6m.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/openssl-0.9.7e/work
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7c-tempfile.patch ...                                  
                   [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7e-gentoo.patch ...                                    
                   [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7-arm-big-endian.patch ...                             
                   [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7-hppa-fix-detection.patch ...                         
                   [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7-alpha-default-gcc.patch ...                          
                   [ ok ]
>>> Source unpacked.
Operating system: alpha-whatever-linux2
You need Perl 5.

!!! ERROR: dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7e failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 146, Exitcode 1
!!! config failed
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status message.
Comment 60 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-31 22:57:13 UTC
*** Bug 94704 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 61 J Cliff Armstrong 2005-06-03 16:07:21 UTC
i fixed it on my computer by putting -java in my use flags.  for some 
reason 'use="-java" emerge --emptytree system' did not have any effect so i 
actualy made the change to make.conf file.  also worth mention is my system 
emerged over 25 fewer packages with -java set.  im no pro, but i would look at 
java's portage entry as the possible culprit.  in any case im now running on a 
fully functional gentoo 2005.0 system. below is more info:

my make.conf, the only thing dif from when it didnt work was '-java' instead 
of 'java':
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium4 -fomit-frame-pointer"
GENTOO_MIRRORS=" http://csociety-"
USE="X acl acpi alsa apm arts bash-completion cdr cups cjk dga dio dvdr dvd 
ethereal flash ftp gnome gtk gtk2 ieee1394 -java kde lm_sensors matroska ming 
ncurses nocd offensive ogg perl quicktime samba spell sse ssl mmx tcltk tcpd 
truetype usb v4l wifi"

this is the 'emerge -ae system' with 'java' in use flags:

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating system dependencies ...done!
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/patch-2.5.9
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/bzip2-1.0.3
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/cpio-2.6-r3
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/gnuconfig-20050324
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/gettext-0.14.1-r1
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/gzip-1.3.5-r6
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/tar-1.15.1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/gpm-1.20.1-r4
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/ncurses-5.4-r6
[ebuild  N    ] app-shells/bash-2.05b-r9
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/readline-4.3-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/zlib-1.2.2
[ebuild  N    ] app-shells/sash-3.7
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/m4-1.4.2-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/bison-1.875d
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/texinfo-4.8
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/binutils-config-1.8-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/binutils-
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/sed-4.1.4
[ebuild  N    ] dev-python/python-fchksum-1.7.1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/debianutils-2.13.1-r1
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/expat-1.95.8
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/bc-1.06-r6
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/diffutils-2.8.7-r1
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7e-r1
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/glib-1.2.10-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.13
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper-2-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.59-r6
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.8.5-r3
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.6.3
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.7.9-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.4_p6
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-wrapper-1-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.9.5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/miscfiles-1.4.2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/cracklib-2.7-r11
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/pam-0.77-r6
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/pam-login-3.14
[ebuild  N    ] sys-kernel/linux-headers-
[ebuild  N    ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.35-r1
[ebuild  N    ] app-crypt/hashalot-0.3
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.12i-r1
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/libpng-1.2.8
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/freetype-2.1.9-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/libtool-1.5.16
[ebuild  N    ] x11-misc/ttmkfdir-3.0.9-r3
[ebuild  N    ] x11-base/opengl-update-2.2.1
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.2.3
[ebuild  N    ] x11-base/xorg-x11-6.8.2-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/file-4.12
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/which-2.16
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/rpm2targz-9.0-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/utempter-
[ebuild  N    ] x11-terms/xterm-200-r1
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/tcl-8.4.9
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/tk-8.4.9
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/python-2.3.5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/portage-
*** Please update portage to the above version before proceeding.
    Failure to do so may result in failed or improper merges.
    A simple 'emerge -u portage' is sufficient.

[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.10-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/gcc-
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/glibc-
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/make-3.80-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.11-r9
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/libmad-0.15.1b
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/jpeg-6b-r4
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/lcms-1.13-r1
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/libmng-1.0.4
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/tiff-3.7.2
[ebuild  N    ] net-print/cups-1.1.23-r1
[ebuild  N    ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.4-r3
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.17
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/popt-1.7-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/attr-2.4.19-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/acl-2.2.27
[ebuild  N    ] net-fs/samba-3.0.10
[ebuild  N    ] dev-util/pkgconfig-0.15.0
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/glib-2.6.3
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/libogg-1.1.2
[ebuild  N    ] kde-base/kde-env-3-r3
[ebuild  N    ] media-sound/alsa-headers-1.0.8
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.8
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/libvorbis-1.1.0
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/libid3tag-0.15.1b
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/audiofile-0.2.6-r1
[ebuild  N    ] kde-base/arts-1.3.2-r1
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/nasm-0.98.39-r1
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/libsdl-1.2.8-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/lib-compat-1.4
[ebuild  N    ] dev-java/java-config-1.2.11
[ebuild  N    ] dev-java/blackdown-jre-
[ebuild  N    ] dev-java/blackdown-jdk-
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/db-4.1.25_p1-r4
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/groff-1.19.1-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/libperl-5.8.5
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.5-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-process/cronbase-0.3.2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/man-1.5p
[ebuild  N    ] net-misc/iputils-021109-r3
[ebuild  N    ] net-misc/rsync-2.6.0-r4
[ebuild  N    ] net-misc/wget-1.9.1-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/gawk-3.1.3-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/baselayout-1.9.4-r6
[ebuild  N    ] dev-perl/Locale-gettext-1.03
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/help2man-1.33.1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/coreutils-5.2.1-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/findutils-4.1.20-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/grep-2.5.1-r7
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/kbd-1.12-r4
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/less-382-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/man-pages-2.01
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/net-tools-1.60-r11
[ebuild  N    ] sys-process/procps-3.2.5-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-process/psmisc-21.5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/shadow-4.0.5-r3
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/hotplug-base-20040401
[ebuild  N    ] sys-fs/udev-056
[ebuild  N    ] app-editors/nano-1.3.4
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/module-init-tools-3.0-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r8
[ebuild  N    ] net-misc/openssh-3.9_p1-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/pwdb-0.62
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/hdparm-5.9

Do you want me to merge these packages? [Yes/No]

and this is it with '-java':

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating system dependencies ...done!
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/patch-2.5.9
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/bzip2-1.0.3
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/cpio-2.6-r3
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/gnuconfig-20050324
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/gettext-0.14.1-r1
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/gzip-1.3.5-r6
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/tar-1.15.1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/gpm-1.20.1-r4
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/ncurses-5.4-r6
[ebuild  N    ] app-shells/bash-2.05b-r9
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/readline-4.3-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/zlib-1.2.2
[ebuild  N    ] app-shells/sash-3.7
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/tcl-8.4.9
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/db-4.1.25_p1-r4
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/texinfo-4.8
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/groff-1.19.1-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-process/cronbase-0.3.2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/man-1.5p
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/libperl-5.8.5
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.5-r5
[ebuild  N    ] dev-python/python-fchksum-1.7.1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/m4-1.4.2-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/bison-1.875d
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/binutils-config-1.8-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/binutils-
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/sed-4.1.4
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/debianutils-2.13.1-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/portage-
*** Please update portage to the above version before proceeding.
    Failure to do so may result in failed or improper merges.
    A simple 'emerge -u portage' is sufficient.

[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.10-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/gcc-
[ebuild  N    ] sys-kernel/linux-headers-
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/glibc-
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/expat-1.95.8
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/bc-1.06-r6
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/diffutils-2.8.7-r1
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7e-r1
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/glib-1.2.10-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.13
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper-2-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.59-r6
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.8.5-r3
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.6.3
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.7.9-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.4_p6
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-wrapper-1-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/automake-1.9.5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/miscfiles-1.4.2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/cracklib-2.7-r11
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/pam-0.77-r6
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/pam-login-3.14
[ebuild  N    ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.35-r1
[ebuild  N    ] app-crypt/hashalot-0.3
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.12i-r1
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/libpng-1.2.8
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/libtool-1.5.16
[ebuild  N    ] x11-misc/ttmkfdir-3.0.9-r3
[ebuild  N    ] x11-base/opengl-update-2.2.1
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.2.3
[ebuild  N    ] x11-base/xorg-x11-6.8.2-r1
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/tk-8.4.9
[ebuild  N    ] dev-lang/python-2.3.5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/file-4.12
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/which-2.16
[ebuild  N    ] app-arch/rpm2targz-9.0-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/utempter-
[ebuild  N    ] x11-terms/xterm-200-r1
[ebuild  N    ] net-misc/iputils-021109-r3
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/popt-1.7-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/attr-2.4.19-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/acl-2.2.27
[ebuild  N    ] net-misc/rsync-2.6.0-r4
[ebuild  N    ] net-misc/wget-1.9.1-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/gawk-3.1.3-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/baselayout-1.9.4-r6
[ebuild  N    ] dev-perl/Locale-gettext-1.03
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/help2man-1.33.1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/coreutils-5.2.1-r5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/findutils-4.1.20-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/grep-2.5.1-r7
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/kbd-1.12-r4
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/less-382-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/man-pages-2.01
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/net-tools-1.60-r11
[ebuild  N    ] sys-process/procps-3.2.5-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-process/psmisc-21.5
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/shadow-4.0.5-r3
[ebuild  N    ] sys-devel/make-3.80-r1
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/hotplug-base-20040401
[ebuild  N    ] sys-fs/udev-056
[ebuild  N    ] app-editors/nano-1.3.4
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/module-init-tools-3.0-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r8
[ebuild  N    ] net-misc/openssh-3.9_p1-r2
[ebuild  N    ] sys-libs/pwdb-0.62
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/hdparm-5.9

Do you want me to merge these packages? [Yes/No] 

i hope this is helpful.
Comment 62 Lars Weiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-04 04:08:11 UTC
This bug prevents me from building a stage3 with catalyst on ppc.  This is the
issue with ssl-USE-flag set.  When I take it out, the dependency loop will be

How can I build a stage3 with ssl enabled?
Comment 63 Eero Volotinen 2005-06-04 06:00:38 UTC
(In reply to comment #62)
> This bug prevents me from building a stage3 with catalyst on ppc.  This is the
> issue with ssl-USE-flag set.  When I take it out, the dependency loop will be
> resolved.
> How can I build a stage3 with ssl enabled?

emerge perl first. it is workaround
Comment 64 Lars Weiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-04 06:56:52 UTC
(In reply to comment #63)
> emerge perl first. it is workaround

stage3 (say release) building with catalyst is an automated process.  Everything
that breaks must be fixed in the portage-tree.

May it be a solution to put openssl into PDEPEND of perl if the ssl-USE-flag is
Comment 65 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-04 07:08:26 UTC
(In reply to comment #64) 
> May it be a solution to put openssl into PDEPEND of perl if the ssl-USE-flag 
> enabled? 
While I'm not opposed enough to stonewall this in any sense of the word, its 
really an abuse of PDEPEND - PDEPEND is supposed to be post depends that 
complete the installation of a package. The portage team graciously added this 
at my request years ago so we could work around issues with needing to force 
certain packages to be installed after another package. 
bah. that said, if it works, i'm game :) 
Comment 66 François Bertel 2005-06-07 14:19:43 UTC
I am at section 6.d Progressing from Stage2 to Stage3 of the handbook.
And when I do:

time emerge --emptytree system

It stops with this message:

>>> md5 files   ;-) files/digest-openssl-0.9.7e
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/digest-openssl-0.9.7g
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/openssl-0.9.7e-no-fips.patch
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/gentoo.config-0.9.7g
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/openssl-0.9.7d-smime.patch
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/openssl-0.9.7g-mem-clr-ptr-cast.patch
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/digest-openssl-0.9.7c-r1
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/digest-openssl-0.9.7d-r2
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/digest-openssl-0.9.7e-r1
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/openssl-0.9.7-alpha-default-gcc.patch
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/openssl-0.9.7-hppa-fix-detection.patch
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/openssl-0.9.6m-gentoo.diff
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/openssl-0.9.7g-no-fips.patch
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/addppc64support.diff
>>> md5 files   ;-) files/openssl-0.9.6-mips.diff
>>> md5 src_uri ;-) openssl-0.9.7e.tar.gz
>>> md5 src_uri ;-) openssl-0.9.6m.tar.gz
>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking openssl-0.9.7e.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/openssl-0.9.7e-r1/work
>>> Unpacking openssl-0.9.6m.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/openssl-0.9.7e-r1/work
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7c-tempfile.patch ...          [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7e-gentoo.patch ...            [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7-arm-big-endian.patch ...     [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7-hppa-fix-detection.patch ... [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7-alpha-default-gcc.patch ...  [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7e-no-fips.patch ...           [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7e-ptr-casting.patch ...       [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7g-mem-clr-ptr-cast.patch ...  [ ok ]
 * Applying openssl-0.9.7e-x86_64-bn-asm.patch ...     [ ok ]
>>> Source unpacked.
Operating system: i686-whatever-linux2
You need Perl 5.

!!! ERROR: dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7e-r1 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 158, Exitcode 1
!!! config failed
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status message.

real    9m23.308s
user    7m50.276s
sys     3m28.285s

Here is the output of emerge --info:

Gentoo Base System version 1.4.16
Portage (default-linux/x86/2005.0, gcc-3.3.5-20050130,
glibc-, 2.6.11-gentoo-r3 i686)
System uname: 2.6.11-gentoo-r3 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
Python:              dev-lang/python-2.3.4-r1 [2.3.4 (#1, Mar 10 2005, 18:18:11)]
dev-lang/python:     2.3.4-r1
sys-apps/sandbox:    [Not Present]
sys-devel/autoconf:  [Not Present]
sys-devel/automake:  [Not Present]
sys-devel/libtool:   [Not Present]
CFLAGS="-Wno-error -Wall -Wshadow -W -O3 -march=pentium4  -fomit-frame-pointer
CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3/share/config
/usr/share/config /var/qmail/control"
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/terminfo /etc/env.d"
CXXFLAGS="-Wno-error -Wall -Wshadow -W -O3 -march=pentium4  -fomit-frame-pointer
-pipe -Woverloaded-virtual"
FEATURES="autoaddcvs autoconfig ccache distlocks sandbox sfperms strict"
LINGUAS="fr en"
USE="x86 X Xaw3d a52 aac acpi aim alsa apm arts audiofile avi bash-completion
berkdb bitmap-fonts bonobo bzlib cdparanoia cdr crypt cups divx4linux doc dv dvd
dvdr dvdread emacs emboss encode esd examples fbcon ffmpeg fftw flac foomaticdb
fortran ftp gb gdbm gif glut gnome gnustep gphoto2 gpm gstreamer gtk gtk2
imagemagick imlib ipv6 jack java javascript jpeg kde ladcca lcms libg++ libwww
mad mikmod mime mng motif mozilla mp3 mpeg mpi msn nas ncurses nis nls nptl ogg
oggvorbis openal opengl oscar oss pam pdflib perl png posix python qt quicktime
readline samba scanner sdl sndfile sockets sox speex spell sse ssl svg symlink
sysvipc tcltk tcpd tetex threads tiff truetype truetype-fonts type1-fonts
unicode usb v4l wmf wxwindows xine xinerama xml xml2 xmms xpm xv xvid zlib
linguas_fr linguas_en userland_GNU kernel_linux elibc_glibc"
Comment 67 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-06-28 14:16:48 UTC
*** Bug 97338 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 68 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-12 04:54:02 UTC
This is still open?? I thought that the build flag addition to dev-lang/perl got
us past the perl portion of this loop. If that's so, please let me know so I can
remove perl from the cc list here. If not, also let me know :) Thanks,

Comment 69 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-14 07:51:03 UTC
Since I reopened ths bug in February of 2005, there has been no posting to say that it was taken 
care of.  At that time, I was able to reproduce the problem reliably, as were many others.

However, I am very pleased to report that during a recent Stage 1 install, I had no problems with 
perl and/or perl dependencies.  I think this bug may actually be licked.

Can I suggest that we keep it open to get a few more reports that the problem is gone?  This bug 
is 23 months old and was fixed once only to reappear again, so I recommend a solid report 
before closing the bug.
Comment 70 Kurt Peppard 2005-11-14 18:42:38 UTC
I don't believe my current stage 1 difficulty is related to this particular bug.
While doing "emerge -e system" the process stopped at
dev-perl/Locale-gettext-1.03 with the following error messages:

Can't locate ExtUtils in @INC (@INC contains /etc/perl
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .)
at Makefile.PL Line 1.

BEGIN failed--compliation aborted at Makefile.PL Line 1.
Make*** No targets specified and no makefile found.

!!!Error: dev-perl/Locale-gettext.1.03 failed

Danged, there was another error related to the line number that I
Comment 71 Kurt Peppard 2005-11-14 18:42:38 UTC
I don't believe my current stage 1 difficulty is related to this particular bug.
While doing "emerge -e system" the process stopped at
dev-perl/Locale-gettext-1.03 with the following error messages:

Can't locate ExtUtils in @INC (@INC contains /etc/perl
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .)
at Makefile.PL Line 1.

BEGIN failed--compliation aborted at Makefile.PL Line 1.
Make*** No targets specified and no makefile found.

!!!Error: dev-perl/Locale-gettext.1.03 failed

Danged, there was another error related to the line number that Ill have to dig
out of the portage logs if you need it. Sorry, it didnt copy and paste into my
word processor before I let it all go.

Emerging Make didnt solve the problem. However, emerging Perl did solve the
problem. After emerging Perl, the system continued its build properly (that is,
until it arrived at autoconf which required automake - which I emerged and went
about my business.)

Another little glitch that Ive encountered in all of this is that emerge -e
system --resume is giving me the message that it seems there is nothing left to
resume, when, in fact, only about 10% of the system is complete. Just a minor
little irritation in terms of excess repeat time in emerging the system. I dont
understand it yet, but, Im just a truck driver whom never finished high school.

If you need more info (such as my make.conf file) let me know. I do put more
into it than Im qualified to use, but, I want a few things in place for that
occasion when I have time to learn more.

With My Respect,


There is no higher religion than human service.
To work for the common good is the highest creed.
- Albert Schweitzer
Comment 72 Michael Cummings (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-15 12:50:56 UTC
(In reply to comment #70)
> Can't locate ExtUtils in @INC (@INC contains /etc/perl

That's definitely fodder for a different bug. Sounds like the perl in use was
either a minimal(long story, different bug) or a "build" version (stripped of
everything but the interpreter) for doing the bootstraps, and not the actual
perl install. EU::MM is a core module - if you have a normal (none-minimal or
build version) of it installed, you have at least that module.
Comment 73 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-12-07 06:58:50 UTC
It's back! In full effect!
Comment 74 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-01-27 11:34:12 UTC
Cory, how so?  We now pull perl into the stage1 tarball, so it is *always* available (though minimally) so openssl couldn't possibly be failing in trying to find perl.  Any and all of these other reports of failings in perl are completely unrelated to *this* bug specifically.
Comment 75 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2006-01-27 11:56:19 UTC
> i dont know why the 0.9.6 ones have perl in DEPEND ... afaict, it's not used
> 0.9.7 uses perl to call what looks like a sh script during src_install(), so 
> what's up with that, i have no idea

to reply to myself after having look through the openssl code many times since, the openssl build system uses perl itself so we cant "fix" it
Comment 76 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-03-21 19:22:45 UTC
Well, this has been somewhat "fixed" since we started with the extremely minimal perl with USE="build" in our stage1 tarball.  Since all that openssh really needs is the "perl" executable, this resolves the problem.  We have not gotten a response from Cory when he said that the circular dependency is back, but I'm not sure how.

Cory, could you please explain under what circumstances you're getting this again?  Considering that we have perl in the stage1 tarball, you shouldn't *ever* hit this bug again.
Comment 77 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-05-24 11:14:22 UTC
On 12/07/2005 this bug was still a problem.  However, as you have stated, perl is now part of stage1 (hurrah!)  This perfectly fixes the problem in a beautiful way, because perl is a great tool for install scripts (I happen to use it myself).  As of 05/01/2006, I have built from stage1 with no problems.

Thank you for making this possible.  I'll wait a couple days, and if you don't mind, I'd like to do the honors of closing this bug :)
Comment 78 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-05-24 11:18:44 UTC
I'd also like to mention that I noticed perl is now part of the LiveCD as I suggested in Comment 27 on 04/17/2004.  Again, this is a great change.  Please keep these changes in place and let This Bug be a reference as to why you shouldn't remove it!
Comment 79 Cory Visi (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-01 16:00:57 UTC
As discussed, I am closing the bug because it has been solved.