After merge --emptytree world my merge stopped writting me error you need Perl 5. What should I do? I am new in gentoo. Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce: 1.I have included many USE-flag oriented on emgeneering calculations.But why does the merge require unproper version of perl. I have included perl explicity. 2. 3. Actual Results: I obtained the message Perl 5 neded. thats all. Expected Results: none. It is instalation from internet/ yesterday I overcome this problem by the fonts on the monitior uffortunately changed when I tried to copy by mouse. Therefore I was forced to begun again. I cant because the new instalation was performed on another computer without system.
try to simply emerge system, NOT --emptytree system please
This is bug 39318, anyway...
moving it out of release bugs then ..
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 39318 ***