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Bug 9389 - PAM libraries have unresolved symbols/cannot be loaded
Summary: PAM libraries have unresolved symbols/cannot be loaded
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 4411
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Infrastructure
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Bugzilla (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High blocker
Assignee: John Davis (zhen) (RETIRED)
: 9393 9462 9477 9483 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-10-20 11:40 UTC by pasi.valminen
Modified: 2011-10-30 23:16 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description pasi.valminen 2002-10-20 11:40:54 UTC
I use pam-0.75-r8 ebuild and to authenticate some users (ftp). The
relevant line in my pam config is (/etc/pam.d/vsftpd)

auth  sufficient  /lib/security/ db=/etc/userdb.db

The .db file was generated with the following command:

dbload -T -t hash -f input_file /etc/userdb.db 

where the input_file had usernames and passwords on alternating lines (plain
text). Now this far everything works. Just wanted to tell to ease up the

Now when I try to log in and tail vsftpd log:
[vsftpd] PAM unable to dlopen(/lib/security/
[vsftpd] PAM [dlerror: /lib/security/ undefined symbol:
[vsftpd] PAM adding faulty module: /lib/security/
and the login fails. No idea how to fix this.
Comment 1 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2002-10-21 20:22:36 UTC
*** Bug 9393 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2002-10-21 20:22:46 UTC
*** Bug 9462 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2002-10-21 20:29:59 UTC
(from the gentoo-dev mailing list) 
glib-1.2.x was the problem all right. I also re-emerged readline, python,  
libtools, and a bunch of other ancillary stuff in my quest for a solution,  
but it seems glib was the main culprit. Problem is, I didn't know where to  
find it to do a re-emerge. emerge -s glib didn't list it. I now know it's  
under sys-devel, but it took some poking and proding to discover this. Once  
I found it, I simply re-emerged (didn't unmerge anything first). 
Comment 4 ajacoutot 2002-10-22 01:46:26 UTC
--> "(from the gentoo-dev mailing list) 
 glib-1.2.x was the problem all right"

Does it mean re-emerging glib+pam would work ?
Is there a quick hack to make PAM work, it is really really blocking for
services authentification (pop, imap...).
Comment 5 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2002-10-22 10:09:32 UTC
*** Bug 9477 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2002-10-22 10:13:17 UTC
*** Bug 9483 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Bjoern Brauel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-10-22 11:24:16 UTC
Is this *really* a glib bug ? I trapped the same problem on alpha with gdm ! 
during compile of gdm, gdm-binary IS (!) linked against pam (-lpam) but doing an
ldd on the resulting binary will NOT show in the linklist !! Thats
unless I repeat the link-step and exchange "-lpam" with "/lib/" After
that gdm authorizes just fine without any complaints about unresolved symbols.
As to the solution , so remerging glib can solve this ? So what has been changed
in the glib ebuild so that it finally avoids the pam problem . If something has
been changed, why hasnt it gotten a new revision number ? 
Comment 8 Denys Dmytriyenko 2002-10-22 12:24:23 UTC
Could it be the latest libtool? I just upgraded it yesterday and after
recompiling uw-imap my mail is not working any more (as I already mentioned in
the forum, I don't have GDM/Gnome and my system is GCC-2.95.3 based)
Problem is that I can't downgrade libtool, because there is no ebuilds for
previous versions of it.
Comment 9 Denys Dmytriyenko 2002-10-22 12:28:40 UTC
BTW, imap binary is not linked against libpam!

root # ldd `which login` => /lib/ (0x40025000) => /lib/ (0x40028000) => /lib/ (0x40031000) => /lib/ (0x40035000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

root # ldd `which su` => /lib/ (0x40025000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40052000) => /lib/ (0x4005e000) => /lib/ (0x40067000) => /lib/ (0x4006a000) => /lib/ (0x4019a000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

root # ldd `which kdm` => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40017000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x400df000) => /lib/ (0x400f0000) => /lib/ (0x400f9000) => /lib/ (0x400fd000) => /lib/ (0x4010f000) => /lib/ (0x40113000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

root # ldd `which imapd` => /lib/ (0x40025000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40029000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40056000) => /lib/ (0x40111000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)
Comment 10 ajacoutot 2002-10-22 12:41:46 UTC
Same for me...

#  ldd `which imapd` => /lib/ (0x001e0000) => /usr/lib/ (0x001e3000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00214000) => /lib/ (0x002df000)
	/lib/ => /lib/ (0x001c6000)

Everything that has been said about this bug and imap/pop is happening to my
servers too...
Comment 11 ajacoutot 2002-10-22 18:43:23 UTC
there's a big thread on Gentoo forums about this bug:

... but no one found a solution yet, at least not for the imap / pop
authentication problem.
Comment 12 Zhen Lin 2002-10-22 21:45:20 UTC
"env LD_PRELOAD=/lib/ ${command}" seems to fix the problem, at
least with gdm.

So, how to set this as a systemwide environment variable?
Comment 13 Zhen Lin 2002-10-22 22:02:01 UTC
Workaround: Make a symbolic link that points to /lib/libpam[.so[.0[.75]]] in any
directory in /etc/, like this:

ln -s /lib/libpam /usr/local/lib/libpam

Then, either env-update or reboot
Comment 14 Denys Dmytriyenko 2002-10-22 22:20:29 UTC
LD_PRELOAD works for imap/pop, but modifying /etc/ doesn't.
Comment 15 Zhen Lin 2002-10-22 22:37:23 UTC
Ignore my previous comment. Do this instead:
echo "/lib/" >> /etc/

This will be the equivalent of doing an export LD_PRELOAD="/lib/"
Comment 16 Denys Dmytriyenko 2002-10-24 12:22:52 UTC
To solve my imap/pop problem I had to first unmerge all instances of pam &
uw-imap and then reemerge latest versions of them (i.e. pam-0.75-r9)

Now everything seems to work properly:
root # ldd `which imapd` => /lib/ (0x40025000) => /lib/ (0x4002e000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40032000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4005f000) => /lib/ (0x4011a000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)
Comment 17 Donny Davies (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-10-24 21:37:31 UTC
so guys, looks like its a static lib, gcc include dir order thing?

as azarah's released -r9, i trust you're all using/trying it?

should be close this, and open a new one against -r9 if neccesary?

i dunno how useful this information is, sitting here.  the root
cause seems to have been discovered, so...

Comment 18 ajacoutot 2002-10-25 03:34:00 UTC
Well, I emerged r9, but I still have the same problem with imapd/pop3
authentification if I don't issue:
echo "/lib/" >> /etc/

So, for me, that makes no difference with r8.
Comment 19 Zhen Lin 2002-10-25 03:44:11 UTC
Well, I have just emerged pam-0.75-r9 and remerged all packages with a direct
dependency to it, and ldd `which gdm` indicates it is linked to Two
days ago, I manually linked gdm-binary to /lib/ and removed
/lib/ from /etc/, and it was solved. I do not have imapd
so I cannot offer any advice other than modifying the Makefiles and recompiling
manually. [Change -lpam to /lib/]
Comment 20 pasi.valminen 2002-10-25 12:04:45 UTC
I emerged the new pam-0.7.5-r9 package and removed the old one. After that I
emerged the vsftpd again. Still module says: 

Oct 25 19:47:15 [vsftpd] PAM unable to dlopen(/lib/security/
Oct 25 19:47:15 [vsftpd] PAM [dlerror: /lib/security/ undefined
symbol: __db_ndbm_open]
Oct 25 19:47:15 [vsftpd] PAM adding faulty module: /lib/security/

There is no /usr/lib/libpam* nor was there any while I recompiled vsftpd.
Something still wrong here. 
Comment 21 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-10-25 17:06:36 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 4411 ***