libxml2 doesn't contain a definition of xmlFRee anymore /var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/inkscape-1.3.2/work/inkscape-1.3.2/src/object/uri.cpp:86:9: error: 'xmlFree' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'xmlFreeURI'? To fix this change src_prepare in the ebuild to contain src_prepare() { cmake_src_prepare sed -i "/install.*COPYING/d" CMakeScripts/ConfigCPack.cmake || die sed -i '\#include <libxml/uri.h>#a \ #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>' src/object/uri.h || die } Reference:
emerge -vp libxml2
I mean, that's really weird since bug 923247 exists and is fixed.
Did you file a random bug based on an upstream commit without hitting the error yourself nor searching for existing bugs?