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Bug 784263 - [TRACKER] Packages that do not enable available tests
Summary: [TRACKER] Packages that do not enable available tests
Alias: None
Product: Quality Assurance
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Trackers (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Quality Assurance Team
Depends on: 212860 524528 784803 785304 795903 795909 798342 799053 808723 825490 826970 830523 836312 836754 853148 855062 855515 902723 920526 932027 932127 934803 935396 939286 939287 939288 939289 939290 939291 946369 731834 731836 732166 761364 766632 767256 783609 784257 784260 785952 786273 789066 790323 790707 792561 795447 795450 795522 795525 795528 795531 795534 795537 795540 795543 795546 795549 795597 795600 795906 795912 796011 796014 796287 796290 796326 796413 796638 796830 796974 797265 797277 797280 797286 797304 797307 797310 797313 797316 797376 797379 797478 797487 797496 797544 797553 797601 797727 797772 797778 797841 797850 797853 797856 797859 797862 797865 797871 797874 797877 797880 797919 797922 798066 798075 798084 798090 798144 798150 798156 798165 798183 798192 798198 798201 798204 798207 798210 798249 798252 798339 798345 798348 798354 798360 798372 798375 798387 798393 798531 798534 798585 798597 798600 798603 798615 798618 798621 798624 798633 798639 798660 798993 799248 799722 799815 802063 802105 804441 804444 806145 807793 808105 808150 808811 808815 808873 808879 808975 809053 809164 809167 809266 809272 809338 809467 809527 809530 809533 809536 809662 809776 810269 810442 810445 810451 810454 810457 818580 823922 828453 832697 833128 834880 835715 835723 836724 836752 836855 837821 838877 839597 840050 841569 841578 844016 853151 856364 905909 908453 911475 921263 921346 926315 936520 938590
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Reported: 2021-04-19 21:02 UTC by Michał Górny
Modified: 2024-12-13 14:44 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Michał Górny archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2021-04-19 21:02:48 UTC
This is a tracker for packages that seem to have good tests upstream, yet their maintainers did not enable them in ebuilds.
Comment 1 Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire ) archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2021-04-25 18:44:29 UTC
Is there a policy that devs have to add tests if they are available?  I looked through the QA policy and couldn't find anything in a non-exhaustive search.