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Bug 72030 - amd64 depends for media-sound/teamspeak2-client-bin- are incorrect
Summary: amd64 depends for media-sound/teamspeak2-client-bin- are incorrect
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: AMD64 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Danny van Dyk (RETIRED)
: 82003 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 86861
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2004-11-21 22:25 UTC by Alastair Porter
Modified: 2005-04-14 05:30 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Patch to work around locale relocation error (teamspeak2-gconv.patch,457 bytes, patch)
2005-02-11 07:28 UTC, Herbie Hopkins (RETIRED)
Details | Diff

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Description Alastair Porter 2004-11-21 22:25:42 UTC
On an amd64 system, the emul-* libraries needed to run the teamspeak2 client need to be exactly version 1.0, as commented in bug 55893. Any emul- packages other than 1.0 cause a runtime error 230

Additionally, without app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs-1.0, a relocation/linking error is encountered, as explained at:

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. get an amd64 system / install gentoo
2. emerge teamspeak2-client-bin

Actual Results:  
Runtime error 230

After installing 

./TeamSpeak.bin: relocation error: ./TeamSpeak.bin: undefined symbol:

Expected Results:  
Software should start.
Adding these lines to the depends for teamspeak2-client-bin makes it work:
        amd64? ( =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-1.0
                 =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs-1.0 )
Comment 1 Christian Parpart (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-12-09 02:58:24 UTC
eradicator, is this now fixed? I'm still not *YET* having an amd64 box in order to test this myself, but another bug hinted me to this bug already not beeing fixed.

Although, it looks like only =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs-1.0 is missing as depend in "amd64? ()".

Comment 2 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-12-09 03:21:34 UTC
It works for me, but I use my own libs rather than the emul-* stuff...
Comment 3 Thomas Pohl 2004-12-28 03:09:24 UTC
Ah Hi there!

I had a little problem with this: 

If I want to install emul-linux-x86-baselibs-1.0, I have to remove emul-linux-x86-glibc. But without this, my Steam isn't running. So I made some experiments and got them both's a little bit unordinary but maybe it will help for diagnostic....

1) emerge the emul-xlibs 1.0 and gtklibs-1.0 as mentioned above
2) emerge emul-linux-x86-glibc
3) emerge emul-linux-x86-baselibs-1.2
4) emerge --nodeps =emul-linux-x86-baselibs-1.0

I had a second terminal open and typed TeamSpeak sometimes....I noticed, that it started when baselibs-1.0 were merged completely but 1.2 not removed. So I pressed Crtl+C when he wanted to unmerge 1.2. Now I can run TS2 and Steam...

I tested it a few times - if I wait until 1.2 is unmerged it won't run anymore.
Comment 4 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-01-03 03:50:12 UTC
This is an emul- problem, and I don't like emul-, so I'm handing it off to kugelfang
Comment 5 Waldo 2005-02-07 19:26:54 UTC
Just want to confirm.  Same problem, same runtime error. amd64.

using 1.2-r3 of emul-linux-x86-xlibs
using 1.1 of emul-linux-x86-glibc

Haven't tried any of these half-fixes.  Guess i'll unemerge ts2 for the moment...

Comment 6 Herbie Hopkins (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-11 03:03:04 UTC
Appears to be some kind of locale relocation problem:

# TeamSpeak
Runtime error 230 at 0805D21F
# mv /usr/lib/gconv /usr/lib/gconv.bak
# ln -s /usr/lib32/gconv /usr/lib/gconv
# TeamSpeak
[TS runs normally]
Comment 7 Herbie Hopkins (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-11 07:28:01 UTC
Created attachment 51002 [details, diff]
Patch to work around locale relocation error

A simple workaround for this is to set GCONV_PATH="/usr/lib32/gconv" prior to
running teamspeak. This patch to teamspeak2-client-bin- adds
this to the /opt/bin/TeamSpeak script which solves this problem for me.
Comment 8 Tony Murray 2005-02-12 09:38:36 UTC
I also had this problem, but my gconv was in a different location...

export GCONV_PATH="/emul/linux/x86/usr/lib/gconv"
Comment 9 Herbie Hopkins (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-03-03 10:08:08 UTC
The underlying cause of this error is some hardcoded paths in /lib32/ (or /lib32/tls/ See bug #77229.
Comment 10 Herbie Hopkins (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-03-15 06:35:32 UTC
*** Bug 82003 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 11 Waldo 2005-03-15 20:39:55 UTC
Here's my solution:

edit /opt/bin/TeamSpeak to look like this:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/teamspeak2-client:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
export GCONV_PATH="/usr/lib32/gconv"
exec /opt/teamspeak2-client/TeamSpeak.bin "$@"

Now you can do /opt/bin/TeamSpeak from a shell (or set up an alias in .bashrc) and it will run fine.

This probably should be changed so you don't have to do it manually.  I'd also like to see a GNOME menu item appear, but maybe that would be asking for too much :)

Comment 12 Herbie Hopkins (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-14 05:30:52 UTC
FIXED with >=sys-libs/glibc-