What’s New Bug Fixes The following vulnerabilities have been fixed: • wnpa-sec-2018-44[1] Bluetooth AVDTP dissector crash. Bug 14884[2]. CVE-2018-16058[3]. • wnpa-sec-2018-45[4] Bluetooth Attribute Protocol dissector crash. Bug 14994[5]. CVE-2018-16056[6]. • wnpa-sec-2018-46[7] Radiotap dissector crash. Bug 15022[8]. CVE-2018-16057[9].
An automated check of this bug failed - the following atom is unknown: net-analyzer/wireshark-2.6.3 Please verify the atom list.
An automated check of this bug failed - repoman reported dependency errors (86 lines truncated): > dependency.bad net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-2.6.3.ebuild: DEPEND: ppc(default/linux/powerpc/ppc32/13.0) ['media-libs/bcg729'] > dependency.bad net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-2.6.3.ebuild: RDEPEND: ppc(default/linux/powerpc/ppc32/13.0) ['media-libs/bcg729'] > dependency.bad net-analyzer/wireshark/wireshark-2.6.3.ebuild: DEPEND: ppc(default/linux/powerpc/ppc32/13.0) ['media-libs/bcg729']
x86 stable
ia64 stable
amd64 stable
hppa stable
ppc64 stable
Stable on alpha.
ppc keywords dropped
arm stable, all arches done.
GLSA Vote: No Maintainer(s), please drop the vulnerable version(s). Version: 2.4.5 : 0
tree is clean.