pyFltk 1.3.3 is now available, both for Python 2.7 and Python 3.4.
(In reply to Justin Lecher from comment #0) > pyFltk 1.3.3 is now available, both for Python 2.7 and Python 3.4. 1. The of pyfltk-1.3.3 fails to even list the Programming langs that are supported. 2. It requires a patch from upstream; 3. It fails with: ImportError: : undefined symbol: _Z24_fl_filename_isdir_quickPKc in the built extension files (for py2.7), for py3.3 and for py3.4. 4. This is fixed with the attached ignore-func.patch. 5. Once built, under py2.7 it does; path/to/image/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages $ python -c "import fltk" Python3 required! This version is titled pyFltk-${PV}_py3. It is a py3 only version and requires a SLOT value to be set. *pyfltk-1.3.3 (23 Jun 2015) *pyfltk-1.3.0-r2 (23 Jun 2015) 23 Jun 2015; Ian Delaney <> +files/fltk_wrap.patch, +files/ignore-func.patch, +pyfltk-1.3.0-r2.ebuild, +pyfltk-1.3.3.ebuild: revbump; patches added to fix runtime import failure of the module in -1.3.0 bump; patches also apply to -1.3.3, a py3 compatible version, SLOT value added accordingly. rm -1.3.0, fixes bug #552252