Created attachment 322278 [details] gnash-0.8.10-r2 build.log Building current stable gnash version fails with gcc-4.7, see log attached.
A WORKSFORME fix can be found in bug 432876.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 423675 ***
I need to reopen this bug because the gnash package found in portage still fails to build without the upstream patch for gcc-4.7.
Works fine here. What USE flags?
The following USE-flags were set (not much has changed since the attached build log): X agg dbus egl ffmpeg gtk kde nls nsplugin opengl sdl sdl-sound ssl vaapi The error seems to happen within the kde4 code.
Indeed, builds with USE="-kde".
Anyway, just to make sure it doesn't get lost: Some time ago I've posted the upstream fix twice, both in the -unrelated- bug 423675 and in my other bug 432876 for gnash, I thought that was enough duplicity already.
Fixed in CVS.