Created attachment 308507 [details] Build Log After enabling the use-flag openexr, devil fails to compile with the following message: libtool: compile: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../include/IL -I ./../src-IL/include -I ./../include -msse -msse2 -msse3 -pthread -I/usr/inclu ./../src-IL/src/il_nvidia.cpp:22:27: fatal error: nvcore/Memory.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
Created attachment 308509 [details] Emerge --info
Created attachment 309801 [details] devil-1.7.8.patch the configure option --with-nvtt=yes/no is causing this which is by default ON you are using an overlay (probably sunrise) which provides nvidia-texture-tools and the build system of devil tries to enable the option, but cannot find the header. The build system of nvidia-texture-tools does _not_ install that header by default which is weird. I'm maintaining that package at sunrise atm and will look into that issue. However the attached patch should go into the devil-ebuild anyway which disables nvtt support unconditionally. This makes sense unless nvidia-texture-tools will be imported into portage.
Yes, I have nvtt installed (manually - the nvtt from sunrise was/is broken). Thanks for the patch, I'll try it out the other day.
if the nvtt from sunrise is broken for you then file a bug or contact me in #gentoo-sunrise maybe you tried to enable cuda useflag which needs gcc less than 4.5 (the scrollback shows that too, but I guess I will add a check in pkg_setup for that)
I have revbumped this in sunrise. It installs all headers now and I could successfully compile it and devil with nvtt enabled. Linking is consistent. I also added a check for the cuda useflag since it is broken for gcc4.5 and higher.;a=tree;f=dev-util/nvidia-texture-tools
Created attachment 309831 [details, diff] devil-1.7.8-nvtt.diff this is a proposal in case nvidia-texture-tools will be added to the tree. It has an nvtt useflag added.
+*devil-1.7.8-r1 (04 May 2012) + + 04 May 2012; Julian Ospald <> +devil-1.7.8-r1.ebuild, + +files/devil-1.7.8-ILUT.patch, +files/devil-1.7.8-nvtt-glut.patch: + revbump, nvtt and glut flags added, wrt #411565 and #375841 +*nvidia-texture-tools-2.0.8-r1 (03 May 2012) + + 03 May 2012; Julian Ospald <> + -nvidia-texture-tools-2.0.8.ebuild, +nvidia-texture-tools-2.0.8-r1.ebuild: + force shared libs, cause static is broken on ~arch this is fixed
I have disabled nvtt for stable devil-1.7.8.