after emerge --sync today (2012/01/18) and emerge sys-devel/icecream, I issued icecream-create-env and it failed with: /usr/lib/icecc/icecc-create-env: No such file or directory. That's odd because on other computer that operation completed successfully. I think it may relate to bug #397715 because prior to that /usr/lib/icecc/icecc-create-env existed but after that bug fixed it's gone. 'equery files icecream' shows that it lies in /usr/share/icecc/icecc-create-env
Created attachment 299543 [details, diff] files/0.9.7-icecream-create-env.patch patch needed to resolve this bug
Created attachment 299545 [details, diff] changes needed in icecream-0.9.7.ebuild this together with previous attachement should resolve this bug
I had the same issues with icecream, too. Trying the fixes posted here I noticed that changing the path to icecc-create-env in the icecream-create-env script still isn't enough to get icecream working again. The reason for this is that the path to icecc-create-env is hard coded by some autoconf variable in the icecream client, too. Instead of changing I replaced the patch from bug #397715 which introduced the path change through the one posted here which addresses the same problem: With this patch the env script stays at its former place and the environment setup runs again. Anyhow icecream still doesn't work for me. There's another problem with missing libraries in the icecream environment: bug #407173.
+ 23 Aug 2012; Kacper Kowalik <> + +files/0.9.7-automake.patch, +icecream-0.9.7-r1.ebuild, + -files/0.9.7-automake-1.11.2.patch, -icecream-0.9.6-r1.ebuild, + -icecream-0.9.7.ebuild: + Backport patch fixing build issues with recent automake, drop my patch that + caused bug #399259 by Vu Tran Kien <> Please, reopen if issue persists
+ 23 Aug 2012; Kacper Kowalik <> files/icecream-create-env: + Update path to icecc-create-env wrt #399259, missed in previous commit