USE="-doc" sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility-2.31.1-r1 pulls in app-text/gnome-doc-utils Reproducible: Always
That buildtime (not runtime) dependency is always needed as was reported time ago in bug 291880 Simply try to recompile it without gnome-doc-utils and you will see how it fails to build
Hi, thank you for your time but i believe this bug is not resolved or invalid. The software should not use any documentation tools when compiled with -doc, because there should not be any documentation. In my eyes this is a bug that should be fixed.
USE "doc" in gnome packages is not there to prevent any doc installation, it is there to control when to rebuild or not developer docs, this is explained a bit in bug 262491
So does this mean that the USE flag should be called api-doc? And add an option to build without docs USE=-doc. This can at least prevent confusion/bug reports in the future, and give some people what they want.
Well... I think once bug 262491 is solved all will end up being more clear :)