The output of emerge, even when piped into another command or redirected into a file (and with "--nospinner" option), contains one or more backspace(s). This is bad because heirloom mailx (mail-client/nail) then puts the text into a file "attachment.bin", instead of leaving it in the mail body, where I want it. I think text output that does not go to a TTY should not have backspaces or any other control characters except tabs and newlines in it. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. emerge -upvDN --nospinner world 2>&1 | hexdump -e '1/1 "%03d \n"' | grep 008 Actual Results: Output: 008 (there is one backspace in the output) Expected Results: No output.
Thanks, this is fixed in git now:;a=commit;h=bb320d635acb8d745dedf979075331277253167e
(In reply to comment #1) Great, that was fast! Thanks! :)
This is fixed in and 2.2.0_alpha27.