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Bug 346919 - app-office/gnucash-2.4.3 version bump
Summary: app-office/gnucash-2.4.3 version bump
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: GNOME Office (OBSOLETE)
: 356903 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-11-27 04:17 UTC by Tim Harder
Modified: 2011-03-15 10:04 UTC (History)
12 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Updated ebuild for gnucash 2.4.2 (gnucash-2.4.2.ebuild,3.71 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-16 00:58 UTC, Hubert Faulhaber
gnucash.ebuild.diff (gnucash.ebuild.diff,2.54 KB, patch)
2011-03-06 14:22 UTC, Pacho Ramos
Details | Diff
gnucash-2.4.3-fix-tests-linking.patch (gnucash-2.4.3-fix-tests-linking.patch,8.19 KB, patch)
2011-03-06 14:23 UTC, Pacho Ramos
Details | Diff
gnucash-2.4.3-fix-tests-linking2.patch (gnucash-2.4.3-fix-tests-linking2.patch,1.61 KB, patch)
2011-03-06 14:23 UTC, Pacho Ramos
Details | Diff

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Description Tim Harder gentoo-dev 2010-11-27 04:17:41 UTC
The second release candidate for the 2.4.x series was released almost a week ago with a lot more bug fixes.
Comment 1 Torsten Veller (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-12-28 12:06:01 UTC
Sorry, I lack motivation to deal with gnucash at the moment.

Problems with 2.4.0:

- Install fails if 2.2.9 is installed:

- Tests fail

/bin/sh: line 5: 31620 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) GNC_MODULE_PATH="../../../src/engine/.libs:../../../src/calculation/.libs:../../../src/app-utils/.libs:${GNC_MODULE_PATH}" GUILE_LOAD_PATH="../../../src/core-utils:../../../src/gnc-module:../../../src/engine:../../../src/scm:../../../src/app-utils:${GUILE_LOAD_PATH}" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../../../src/app-utils/.libs:../../../src/calculation/.libs:../../../src/engine/.libs:../../../src/gnc-module/.libs:../../../src/core-utils/.libs:../../../src/libqof/qof/.libs:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="../../../src/app-utils/.libs:../../../src/calculation/.libs:../../../src/engine/.libs:../../../src/gnc-module/.libs:../../../src/core-utils/.libs:../../../src/libqof/qof/.libs:${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}" ${dir}$tst
FAIL: test-load-module

  No gnucash being installed it reports this:
  WARN <gnc.engine> failed to load gncmod-backend-xml from /usr/lib64/gnucash

- python detection in configure should be verified:

  Does python-3 really work?
  I could cry when it detects /usr/lib64/debug/usr/lib64:
  PYTHON_LDFLAGS = -L/usr/lib64/debug/usr/lib64 -lpython2.6
  PYTHON_SITE_PKG = /usr/lib64/debug/usr/lib64
  Does it fail if split-debug is not in FEATURES?

  But it installs to /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gnucash
Comment 2 Gilles Dartiguelongue (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-12-28 12:54:24 UTC
if you attach or commit the ebuild, I can deal with python stuff, I've been doing the work for a couple of gnome packages lately so I should be able to handle it.
Comment 3 Torsten Veller (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-12-28 13:49:14 UTC
Gilles, the ebuild is package.mask'ed in the tree.
Comment 4 Gilles Dartiguelongue (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-01-26 11:14:51 UTC
I've gone through extended modifications of the test suite to make it work but I can't see the end of it. All of the guile code is based on C functions that do not get affected by any environment variables making it hard to run the test suite on a system with another version of gnucash installed.

Guile itself is also causing problems by reporting stupid values for linking so it needs filtering.

And tests will most likely not work with FEATURES="userpriv" due to usage of $(shell ...) constructs.

I'll think I'll just commit ebuild fixes to make sure it runs in most cases but there is a high probability I'll just restrict the testsuite.
Comment 5 cburroughs 2011-01-29 15:23:35 UTC
Gilles, are there upstream bugs for the problems you encountered (lack of env variables etc?
Comment 6 Gilles Dartiguelongue (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-01-30 22:46:57 UTC
Guile problem is known as bug #202205.
Comment 7 Gilles Dartiguelongue (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-01-30 22:48:49 UTC
+  30 Jan 2011; Gilles Dartiguelongue <> gnucash-2.4.0.ebuild,
+  +files/gnucash-2.4.0-disable-dynload-test.patch,
+  +files/gnucash-2.4.0-fix-tests-linking.patch:
+  Fix multiple python slots support, fix test failures, disable python module
+  test due to missing files, workaround guile configuration problem, bug
+  #202205. Pin dependencies to appropriate slots. Add missing gnome-keyring
+  dependencies, sort dependencies. Re-enable parallel build since it does not
+  fail for me to get a bit more testing. Closes #346919

Did not unmask it yet, but feel free to do it after checking it builds fine for you as well.
Comment 8 Torsten Kurbad 2011-02-06 12:47:32 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> Did not unmask it yet, but feel free to do it after checking it builds fine for
> you as well.

Hi Gilles,

thanks for the patches. Worked for me now (x86), although I had to set MAKEOPTS="-j1" to get it running.

Comment 9 Gilles Dartiguelongue (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-07 09:35:58 UTC
@torsten, thanks for your report. Could you open a new bug report with your full build.log so I can check what's wrong with MAKEOPTS=-j>1 ?
Comment 10 Hubert Faulhaber 2011-02-16 00:58:34 UTC
Created attachment 262667 [details]
Updated ebuild for gnucash 2.4.2

I modified the 2.4.0 ebuild to compile with gnucash 2.4.2.

Modifications made:
- added dependency for gwenhywfar to use "gtk"
- removed linking patch
- set MAKEOPTS=-j1 for installation

Not tested much, works for me though.
Comment 11 Gilles Dartiguelongue (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-16 09:18:50 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
> - removed linking patch

did you actually run the testsuite ?

> - set MAKEOPTS=-j1 for installation

why ? was there any error ?
Comment 12 José Romildo Malaquias 2011-02-28 10:35:53 UTC
GnuCash 2.4.3 has just been released.
Comment 13 Samuli Suominen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-28 22:32:18 UTC
*** Bug 356903 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2011-03-06 14:22:57 UTC
Created attachment 264937 [details, diff]
Comment 15 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2011-03-06 14:23:45 UTC
Created attachment 264939 [details, diff]
Comment 16 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2011-03-06 14:23:58 UTC
Created attachment 264941 [details, diff]
Comment 17 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2011-03-06 14:25:05 UTC
I tried to bump it to 2.4.3 but, during tests running, looks like their modified by /dev/null permissions from:

crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 mar  6  2011 /dev/null

To simply rw for root user, leading me to a broken system :-S
Comment 19 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2011-03-07 10:12:23 UTC
But, what changed permissions during test phase? It's the first time I suffer it on five different machines, then, I don't think (yet) it's a "random" udev problem :-/
Comment 20 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2011-03-11 16:48:55 UTC
Reproduced again:

# ls -l /dev/null 
-rw------- 1 root root 85 mar 11 17:48 /dev/null

Is sandbox supposed to allow things change /dev permissions at src_test phase?
Comment 21 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2011-03-12 06:30:13 UTC
sandbox must allow writing to /dev/null otherwise you cant even redirect to it:
    foo 2>/dev/null

as for differentiating between write() and chmod()/chown()/etc..., see Bug 316321 for why this isnt feasible today
Comment 22 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2011-03-12 07:29:35 UTC
also, while in the future we can perhaps catch this, it would still mean that the package would need fixing as sandbox would be configured to mark any chown/chmod attempts on /dev/null as a violation.
Comment 23 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2011-03-12 11:18:34 UTC
(In reply to comment #21)
> sandbox must allow writing to /dev/null otherwise you cant even redirect to it:
>     foo 2>/dev/null
> as for differentiating between write() and chmod()/chown()/etc..., see Bug
> 316321 for why this isnt feasible today

Thanks a lot for the info :-D

(In reply to comment #22)
> also, while in the future we can perhaps catch this, it would still mean that
> the package would need fixing as sandbox would be configured to mark any
> chown/chmod attempts on /dev/null as a violation.

I agree, but was a bit "surprised" about sandbox letting package to "break" /dev/null... now all is more clear to me. Regards
Comment 24 Daniel Gerstner 2011-03-15 07:27:51 UTC
The /dev/null-bug ist fixed in gnucash 2.4.4
"Bug #644556: Running the test as root happened to
                remove /dev/null. Check for this and also fix the
                respective test. Additionally, it turned out the log
                system never gave notice about a log output file that
                was unwritable. Added an appropriate CRITICAL error
Comment 25 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2011-03-15 10:04:47 UTC
+*gnucash-2.4.4 (15 Mar 2011)
+  15 Mar 2011; Pacho Ramos <> -gnucash-2.4.0.ebuild,
+  -files/gnucash-2.4.0-fix-tests-linking.patch, +gnucash-2.4.4.ebuild:
+  Version bump with a lot of bugfixes, remove old.