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Bug 308537 - app-pda/synce-gvfs-0.4 version bump
Summary: app-pda/synce-gvfs-0.4 version bump
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Iain Buchanan
Depends on:
Blocks: 341213
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Reported: 2010-03-08 22:34 UTC by Angelo Arrifano (RETIRED)
Modified: 2010-12-19 00:21 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Angelo Arrifano (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-03-08 22:34:58 UTC
The app-pda/synce-gvfs-0.3 on the tree doesn't work (at least here) with gvfs-1.4.3 (gnome-2.28).

From synce-gvfs-0.3.1 changelog:
* 0.3.1 release for 1.4 gvfs series
* hack the build system for incompatible changes in gvfs-1.4.x

I tried a simple bump but the package build system changed.
Comment 1 Iain Buchanan 2010-10-19 00:38:19 UTC
Please try 0.3.1 from the SynCE overlay.  It's waiting there until someone (mescalinum?) can commit it :)

(devs: What should I do with the bug status in this case since I can't commit?)
Comment 2 Angelo Arrifano (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-10-19 21:24:43 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> Please try 0.3.1 from the SynCE overlay.  It's waiting there until someone
> (mescalinum?) can commit it :)

It builds and executes ok. Problem (unrelated) is that in-kernel rndis-host driver is broken:

usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 6
rndis_host 2-1:1.0: RNDIS_MSG_QUERY(0x00010202) failed, -47
rndis_host 2-1:1.0: eth1: register 'rndis_host' at usb-0000:00:02.0-1, RNDIS device
udev: renamed network interface eth1 to rndis0

So, I cannot test synce-gvfs until I find a solution for this first..

> (devs: What should I do with the bug status in this case since I can't commit?)

I would change to REMIND or LATER.
Comment 3 Iain Buchanan 2010-10-20 13:45:50 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> (In reply to comment #1)
> > Please try 0.3.1 from the SynCE overlay.  It's waiting there until someone
> > (mescalinum?) can commit it :)
> It builds and executes ok.

cool, thanks.
> Problem (unrelated) is that in-kernel rndis-host driver is broken:
> So, I cannot test synce-gvfs until I find a solution for this first..

strange, haven't seen that since 2.6.late-teens!  I think usb-rndis-lite used to fix it so you could try that.  Otherwise try synce-user or -devel lists for more help :)

> > (devs: What should I do with the bug status in this case since I can't commit?)
> > 
> I would change to REMIND or LATER.

they're both "Resolved" though - wouldn't it get lost?  What if I just reassigned it to mescalinum?

thanks :)
Comment 4 Alex Buell 2010-11-06 10:04:41 UTC
Please have a look at this one:

synce-gvfs-0.4 exhibit issues with building but this report was marked as invalid. 

I think the build problems may be because it still includes the wrong version of gvfs, which was 1.4.1, when the latest stable is gvfs 1.6,3, which is required. 
Comment 5 Alex Buell 2010-12-17 14:51:57 UTC
--- synce-gvfs-0.4.ebuild.orig	2010-12-17 14:27:39.833000000 +0000
+++ synce-gvfs-0.4.ebuild	2010-12-17 14:27:50.404000000 +0000
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 src_compile() {
 	econf --with-gvfs-source=./gvfs-src-tree || die "configure failed"
-	emake dist || die "emake dist failed"
+	emake || die "emake dist failed"
 	emake || die "compile failed"
Solves the issue for me :)
Comment 6 Samuli Suominen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-12-19 00:21:24 UTC
Removed from tree (bug 340007 for future restoration).