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Bug 301495 - New package: app-pda/synce-kio4-rapip
Summary: New package: app-pda/synce-kio4-rapip
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on: 340007
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2010-01-19 08:13 UTC by Sergey Popov (RETIRED)
Modified: 2017-01-16 19:25 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

ebuild for app-pda/synce-kio4-rapip-0.1 (synce-kio4-rapip-0.1.ebuild,1.00 KB, text/plain)
2010-01-19 08:14 UTC, Sergey Popov (RETIRED)
New version of ebuild app-pda/synce-kio4-rapip (synce-kio4-rapip-0.1.ebuild,1.24 KB, text/plain)
2010-01-26 07:45 UTC, Sergey Popov (RETIRED)

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Description Sergey Popov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-01-19 08:13:41 UTC
synce-kio4-rapip is KDE4 Synce KIOSlave for Windows Mobile devices(phones and PDAs). Synce are already exists in portage tree, but it is missing some features. One of them is KIO Slave. KIO Slave for KDE3 was already been in tree, but it was removed due to some compilation bugs.

Source archive for this ebuild was made by rpm2targz from Mandriva SRPM.
Ebuild was written by spec file from that SRPM.
Please, post any suggestions of improving this ebuild, because i think that maybe i missed some dependencies or specified it wrong.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Sergey Popov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-01-19 08:14:42 UTC
Created attachment 216878 [details]
ebuild for app-pda/synce-kio4-rapip-0.1
Comment 2 Samuli Suominen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-01-21 16:44:46 UTC
The ebuild should download the (S)RPM file from Mandriva's mirrors, and likely use rpm.eclass to deal with it... no point in retarballing it.
Comment 3 Sergey Popov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-01-26 07:45:51 UTC
Created attachment 217449 [details]
New version of ebuild app-pda/synce-kio4-rapip

Now ebuild uses rpm.eclass and SRC_URI is from Mandriva mirror(and additionally rpmfind)
Comment 4 Sergey Popov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-01-26 07:47:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> The ebuild should download the (S)RPM file from Mandriva's mirrors, and likely
> use rpm.eclass to deal with it... no point in retarballing it.

I tried to fix all of issues, but could you tell me how to properly set SRC_URI to all Mandriva mirrors? /usr/portage/profiles/thirdpartymirrors does not contain aliases for Mandriva mirrors.
Comment 5 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2010-11-12 22:25:14 UTC
All synce related stuff is currently PMASKED; it's unlikely that anything happens here until these problems are resolved. See

# Samuli Suominen <> (04 Nov 2010)
# Over 20 open bugs,
# Bugs assigned to a proxy maintainer without CVS access
# Every package outdated, bug 340007
# Removal 2011-01-01

and the related discussion on the gentoo-dev ml.
Comment 6 Sergey Popov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2017-01-16 19:25:39 UTC
Synce is removed from main portage tree really long time ago. KDE 4 is slowly beeing deprecated, so this bug is not valid anymore

Closing as WONTFIX