--binpkg-respect-use < y | n > Tells emerge to ignore binary packages if their use flags don't match the current configuration. (default: ´n´)
Created attachment 196994 [details, diff] introduce --binpkg-respect-use option
What's the difference between using this and -k vs -K (--usepkg vs --usepkgonly)? A quick test shows that -k will only use the binary package is the use flags match while -K will always use the binary package.
(In reply to comment #2) > What's the difference between using this and -k vs -K (--usepkg vs > --usepkgonly)? A quick test shows that -k will only use the binary package is > the use flags match while -K will always use the binary package. mingramm@fewslaptop ~/portage/bla/trunk $ emerge -upKg xulrunner --binpkg-respect-use=n [binary U ] net-libs/xulrunner- [] USE="-custom-optimization -dbus* -gnome* -java -startup-notification*" mingramm@fewslaptop ~/portage/bla/trunk $ emerge -upkg xulrunner --binpkg-respect-use=n [binary U ] net-libs/xulrunner- [] USE="-custom-optimization -dbus* -gnome* -java -startup-notification*" mingramm@fewslaptop ~/portage/bla/trunk $ emerge -upkg xulrunner --binpkg-respect-use=y [ebuild U ] net-libs/xulrunner- [] USE="dbus gnome startup-notification -custom-optimization -java" mingramm@fewslaptop ~/portage/bla/trunk $ emerge -upKg xulrunner --binpkg-respect-use=n [binary U ] net-libs/xulrunner- [] USE="-custom-optimization -dbus* -gnome* -java -startup-notification*" mingramm@fewslaptop ~/portage/bla/trunk $ emerge -upKg xulrunner --binpkg-respect-use=y -k and -K ignore the use flags (--binpkg-respect-use=n is exactly the old behavior) Did you specifie -N? This triggers the use flag check too.
(In reply to comment #2) > What's the difference between using this and -k vs -K (--usepkg vs > --usepkgonly)? A quick test shows that -k will only use the binary package is > the use flags match while -K will always use the binary package. Well, not sure about -k, but --newuse is supposed to trigger that behavior. It's good to have a separate option though. (In reply to comment #1) > Created an attachment (id=196994) [edit] > introduce --binpkg-respect-use option Thanks, this is in svn r13802 (with small tweaks by me).
This is fixed in 2.2_rc34.
This is fixed in 2.1.7.