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Bug 274065 - Plymouth "bootsplash" to get into Portage
Summary: Plymouth "bootsplash" to get into Portage
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-06-13 22:35 UTC by Matija "hook" Šuklje
Modified: 2011-03-20 23:57 UTC (History)
32 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

sys-boot/plymouth-0.7.2.ebuild (plymouth-0.7.2.ebuild,1.03 KB, text/plain)
2009-10-25 03:28 UTC, Christoph Brill (egore) (RESIGNED)
0001-Gentoo-does-not-have-dev-fb-but-dev-fb0-at-least-on-.patch (0001-Gentoo-does-not-have-dev-fb-but-dev-fb0-at-least-on-.patch,762 bytes, text/plain)
2009-10-25 03:29 UTC, Christoph Brill (egore) (RESIGNED)
plymouth-0.7.2-r1.ebuild (plymouth-0.7.2-r1.ebuild,1.06 KB, text/plain)
2009-10-25 12:25 UTC, jcat
plymouth-0.8.3.ebuild (plymouth-0.8.3.ebuild,1.22 KB, text/plain)
2010-07-10 09:18 UTC, Martin Benz
0001-Gentoo-does-not-have-dev-fb-but-dev-fb0-at-least-on-.patch (0001-Gentoo-does-not-have-dev-fb-but-dev-fb0-at-least-on-.patch,804 bytes, patch)
2010-07-10 09:19 UTC, Martin Benz
Details | Diff
QA bugfixes (plymouth-0.8.3-r100.ebuild,1.43 KB, text/plain)
2010-07-12 05:57 UTC, Anton Bolshakov
plymouth-0.8.3-r2.ebuild (plymouth-0.8.3-r2.ebuild,1.43 KB, text/plain)
2010-08-16 14:55 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
plymouth-0.8.3-r3.ebuild (plymouth-0.8.3-r3.ebuild,1.44 KB, text/plain)
2010-08-16 16:00 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
Gentoologo for branding plymouth (gentoo_ply.png,12.99 KB, image/png)
2011-01-12 22:22 UTC, Favero Francesco
Plymouth init script (plymouth.d,277 bytes, text/plain)
2011-01-12 22:22 UTC, Favero Francesco
sys-boot/plymouth git ebuild (plymouth-9999.ebuild,1.88 KB, text/plain)
2011-01-12 22:24 UTC, Favero Francesco
Gentoologo for branding plymouth (gentoo_ply.png,11.61 KB, image/png)
2011-01-16 23:05 UTC, Favero Francesco
Gentoo logo for branding plymouth (gentoo_ply.png,11.61 KB, image/png)
2011-01-16 23:05 UTC, Favero Francesco
makes makes libdrm_intel, libdrm_radeon, libdrm_nouveau independently optional (plymouth-config_optional_DRM.diff,11.46 KB, patch)
2011-02-01 11:31 UTC, Lucian Muresan
Details | Diff
updated ebuild with optional libdrm dependency contriolled by USE and VIDEO_CARDS (plymouth-9999-r1.ebuild,3.11 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-01 11:35 UTC, Lucian Muresan
updated ebuild (patch integrated upstream) (plymouth-9999-r1.ebuild,3.12 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-02 08:12 UTC, Lucian Muresan
plymouth-0.8.3-r4.ebuild (plymouth-0.8.3-r4.ebuild,1.99 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-03 23:48 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
0.8.3-drm-reduce-minimum-build-requirements.patch (0.8.3-drm-reduce-minimum-build-requirements.patch,15.69 KB, patch)
2011-02-03 23:51 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
0.8.3-image-replace-deprecated-libpng-function.patch (0.8.3-image-replace-deprecated-libpng-function.patch,962 bytes, patch)
2011-02-03 23:59 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
plymouth.initd (plymouth.initd,402 bytes, text/plain)
2011-02-04 00:02 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
plymouth-0.8.3-r4.ebuild (plymouth-0.8.3-r4.ebuild,1.99 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-04 00:11 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
updated live ebuild (plymouth-9999-r1.ebuild,2.18 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-04 09:25 UTC, Lucian Muresan
plymouth-0.8.3-r4.ebuild (plymouth-0.8.3-r4.ebuild,1.95 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-04 11:38 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
plymouth-9999.ebuild (plymouth-9999.ebuild,1.84 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-04 11:41 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
plymouth-0.8.3-r4.ebuild (plymouth-0.8.3-r4.ebuild,1.97 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-04 12:34 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
plymouth-9999.ebuild (plymouth-9999.ebuild,1.87 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-04 12:34 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
plymouth-0.8.3-r5.ebuild (plymouth-0.8.3-r5.ebuild,1.94 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-04 14:20 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
plymouth-9999.ebuild (plymouth-9999.ebuild,1.84 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-04 14:20 UTC, Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED)
replacement for the gentoo plymouth logo (gentoo-logo.png,14.16 KB, image/png)
2011-02-20 12:41 UTC, brot

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Matija "hook" Šuklje 2009-06-13 22:35:42 UTC
Plymouth is a very advanced bootsplash that can show also show animations and supports DRM/kernel modesetting, so if the graphical drivers support it the transition from VT to X is flickerless. I think it would be cool to add it to Portage - at least the users with kernel modesetting drivers might welcome it.

As the project started on Fedora, a Gentoo user already asked on the Plymouth mailing list how it would be possible to install it on Gentoo and got this response:

If you want to see what Plymouth is capable of you can see an earlier version on Fedora 10, tested by Phoronix:
...or just search the YouTube :P

There's some more info about the project on Fedora's wiki:
Comment 1 Steven Noonan 2009-10-02 09:54:30 UTC
I'm very much in favor of this. Has there been any progress on this?
Comment 2 Xake 2009-10-02 10:34:19 UTC
First someone would have to make a working ebuild that installs the libs/bins to the correct places.
Next step is to get initscripts make it apperes during boot, disappear when it is logintime, maybe also appear during shutdown time.
Last step is to make a patch for genkernel so it is possible to place it into an initramfs.

Currently I know of noone working on this, and I hope this bug will remain silent until someone has something to present, like for example anything of the above, or need help getting the pieces together.

Comments about "I want this too" will not help, only spam this bugreport and possibly irritate CCs.
But comments like "I have done something and need help with it" will help.
Comment 3 Christoph Brill (egore) (RESIGNED) 2009-10-25 01:13:52 UTC
At least there seems to be an ebuild for it:
Comment 4 Christoph Brill (egore) (RESIGNED) 2009-10-25 03:28:58 UTC
Created attachment 208174 [details]

Updated ebuild for 0.7.2
Comment 5 Christoph Brill (egore) (RESIGNED) 2009-10-25 03:29:52 UTC
Created attachment 208176 [details]

Patch that was necessary to get plymouth running on my system. Might be solved better using some udev-foo.
Comment 6 jcat 2009-10-25 12:25:25 UTC
Created attachment 208201 [details]

plymouth-set-default-theme script requires "nash", so added runtime dep for sys-apps/mkinitrd
Comment 7 Xake 2009-10-25 14:16:51 UTC
It does not really need mkinitrd, you can just as well omit it from the deps.

Having that as a rdepend is somewhat like *-sources rdepend on genkernel becouse it is offers a convenient way to generate kernel- and initrd- files.
Comment 8 jcat 2009-10-26 10:50:50 UTC
Well it feels like it needs something, as the script errors when you run it without the package.  Maybe it should be an option as a use flag?
Comment 9 Anton Bolshakov 2009-11-07 03:37:27 UTC
nash dependency has been removed 3 days ago:

General question: does it work? I mean did you managed to make it run? I found an another guide but can't make use of it.
Can you list down steps briefly for Gentoo specifically?
Comment 10 Steven Noonan 2009-11-07 03:45:00 UTC
I've gotten it to run before. It's not horribly difficult. I did something similar to Fedora's method. I hacked at their mkinitrd to work reasonably well with Gentoo, compiled/installed Plymouth, set up my kernel to use KMS by default on Radeon cards (and of course enabled initrd support), and set grub.conf to use the initrd.

There are some pretty gaping holes feature-wise, though. Gentoo's init system doesn't currently signal Plymouth to let it know whether there's progress, an error, etc. So it will stay on the graphical boot screen until it gets terminated (I set /etc/init.d/local to do this via some command similar to "plymouth --exit"), the user switches VTs or hits escape, or until X starts. It's pretty, but somewhat less functional than you might like.

Plymouth's git repository has some documentation about how to get it to work nicely (in INSTALL or README, I can't remember which).
Comment 11 brot 2010-01-15 07:03:50 UTC
Now that Ubuntu is also using plymouth (with their 10.04 release), it looks like plymouth will be the new standard bootsplash for linux. So imho it should be also supported in gentoo.

And it does not only look cool but also has nice features :)

So, has there been any progress lately?
Comment 12 Christoph Brill (egore) (RESIGNED) 2010-01-16 09:58:42 UTC
I had a short conversation with Roy Marples about bootsplash integration with openrc, which is basically what we want to do. From what I known noone is working on this. But Roy gave me this hint:

I also have a side project called CurSplash which is basically a curses based 
splash screen + progress bar for OpenRC and Linux. I mention this, because you 
can just look at the code to find out how I made this work as early in the boot 
process as possible and how you can hook into the boot events.

Basically, lines 
614-665 are of direct interest and rc_plugin_hook(3) should document that a 
lot better.

Also Ray Strode gave me this hint:

Normally plymouthd is started from the initramfs.

If you start plymouthd with --attach-to-session it redirects all 
messages going to /dev/console to offscreen (boot.log)

Checkout the INSTALL file in the plymouth source tree for some tips.

I currently lack the time to look at this but basically this is all one needs to know to implement it.
Comment 13 brot 2010-04-11 09:19:09 UTC
Is there any progress on this?

(meanwhile, ubuntu also uses plymouth, so i expect it to be (more or less) the standard for bootsplash. So gentoo-users should have the option to use it too.)
Comment 14 Hicham HAOUARI 2010-05-08 16:11:25 UTC
(In reply to comment #13)
> Is there any progress on this?
> (meanwhile, ubuntu also uses plymouth, so i expect it to be (more or less) the
> standard for bootsplash. So gentoo-users should have the option to use it too.)

The attached ebuild works fine with dracut. However, about how to terminate plymouth upon successful boot, it is now handled by gdm.
Comment 15 Olexandr Shalakhin 2010-05-09 22:24:52 UTC
There is already 0.8.3 version on

Waiting for the moment when I can use it with my Gentoo (^_^)
Comment 16 Jens-Uwe Peter 2010-06-08 17:15:46 UTC
This ebuild should depend on multipath-tools. I tried plymouth-set-default-theme -R and get an "which: no multipath in..." error. (Or is this dracut related?)
Comment 17 Martin Benz 2010-07-10 09:17:01 UTC
I've modified the ebuild for plymouth 0.8.3 and also the patch, since the file which needs to be patched was renamed and is located in another directory - to work around the Q/A warning i had to remove 2 other files, maybe ther's another solution?

I was able to install plymouth 0.8.3 and generate the initrd with dracut. But now i get an error:
/pre-trigger/ 20: /lib/udev/console_init: not found
I've found the file which causes the error, ther's the command
/lib/udev/console_init tty0
Since console_init seems to be fedora&co specific, it's not included in gentoo. How could this command be achieved in gentoo? Maybe we need another patch...

If i get it working i could write a howto, maybe someone will make a gentoo specific plymouth bootsplash...
Comment 18 Martin Benz 2010-07-10 09:18:56 UTC
Created attachment 238207 [details]
Comment 19 Martin Benz 2010-07-10 09:19:31 UTC
Created attachment 238209 [details, diff]
Comment 20 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-07-10 21:33:43 UTC
Thank you for the ebuild!  I was looking forward to it. :-)

console_init is installed by 10redhat-i18n (which is, as name says, strictly RH/Fedora specific) up to 006 version.  The latest git version has generic 10i18n.  It includes console_init rewritten in sh.

I've prepared rough fixup for that.  See:
Comment 21 Anton Bolshakov 2010-07-12 05:57:54 UTC
Created attachment 238383 [details]
QA bugfixes
Comment 22 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-07-20 08:42:17 UTC
Bug #329003 - dracut-006-r1 with fix mentioned above.

To run append "quiet splash" to kernel arguments.
Comment 23 rafnov 2010-07-23 09:49:19 UTC
Nice to see the progress.
Btw, anyone tried to get that working with encrypted partitions? Seems that on Fedora plymouth also gives graphical prompt for password:

grep luks /etc/init.d/livesys
plymouth ask-for-password --command="cryptsetup luksOpen $homedev EncHome"
Comment 24 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-07-26 07:32:30 UTC
(In reply to comment #23)
> Btw, anyone tried to get that working with encrypted partitions? Seems that on
> Fedora plymouth also gives graphical prompt for password:

I tried ebuild in Gentoo with dracut-006-r1.ebuild and worked for me.
Comment 25 Martin Benz 2010-07-26 11:50:30 UTC
In /etc/dracut.conf enable the crypt module, by default it is listet under the line "modules to omit" and therefore not enabled.

I read some docs about how to enable plymouth with nvidia drivers under arch and ubuntu, but still get only a blue progressbar at boot - anyone with more success?
Comment 26 Anton Bolshakov 2010-07-26 15:12:02 UTC
Guys, I suggest to move all discussion to the wiki:
and keep this long term bug clear.
Comment 27 Olexandr Shalakhin 2010-07-27 08:37:21 UTC
configure: error: Package requirements (libdrm libdrm_intel libdrm_radeon libdrm_nouveau) were not met:

No package 'libdrm_intel' found
No package 'libdrm_nouveau' found

I am using xf86-video-ati and it seems that there should be patch to allow users to install only used videodriver.
Comment 28 Daniel Kabel 2010-08-02 10:38:41 UTC
I managed to get plymouth working with dracut, but now init seems to hang. Initrd boots, but then the hole console output hangs. If I keep pressing "Enter" the output scrolls along and the system continues booting...
Is anybody else experiencing this? I tried it on two different machines but with the same results...
Comment 29 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-08-16 14:55:27 UTC
Created attachment 243221 [details]

fix for amd64
Comment 30 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-08-16 16:00:33 UTC
Created attachment 243231 [details]

some QA fixes
Comment 31 Nicolas Di Gregorio 2010-10-12 07:48:17 UTC
When I try to install plymouth-0.8.3-r3.ebuild, I receive a message from portage saying thet the package is masked by missing keyword. How to fix that?
Comment 32 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-10-12 15:06:13 UTC
Either add suitable keyword to KEYWORDS variable in the ebuild or append following line to /etc/portage/package.keywords:
sys-boot/plymouth **
Comment 33 Favero Francesco 2011-01-12 22:22:02 UTC
Created attachment 259657 [details]
Gentoologo for branding plymouth

I've just put a random Gentoo image to replace the BIZCOM logo in plymouth :)
Comment 34 Favero Francesco 2011-01-12 22:22:52 UTC
Created attachment 259658 [details]
Plymouth init script
Comment 35 Favero Francesco 2011-01-12 22:24:05 UTC
Created attachment 259660 [details]
sys-boot/plymouth git ebuild

It can be improved but kind of work for me.
Comment 36 Favero Francesco 2011-01-16 23:05:23 UTC
Created attachment 260027 [details]
Gentoologo for branding plymouth

can still be better...
Comment 37 Favero Francesco 2011-01-16 23:05:59 UTC
Created attachment 260028 [details]
Gentoo logo for branding plymouth

can still be better...
Comment 38 Favero Francesco 2011-01-16 23:08:41 UTC
Comment on attachment 260027 [details]
Gentoologo for branding plymouth

Sorry for the duplication
Comment 39 Lucian Muresan 2011-02-01 11:31:01 UTC
Created attachment 261231 [details, diff]
makes makes libdrm_intel, libdrm_radeon, libdrm_nouveau independently optional

This patch makes makes libdrm_intel, libdrm_radeon, libdrm_nouveau independently optional, thus libdrm dependency can be made entirely optional if none of these drivers are enabled, and not even libkms. 
That way, plymouth can be built and used on systems without DRM / KMS support, for usage with uvesafb for example, like users of the proprietary Nvidia or ATI drivers are forced to use for the bootsplash.

Patch also submitted upstream, see
Comment 40 Lucian Muresan 2011-02-01 11:35:03 UTC
Created attachment 261233 [details]
updated ebuild with optional libdrm dependency contriolled by USE and VIDEO_CARDS

This new version of the ebuild honors the patch which makes DRM / KMS optional, and also drops calling any plymouth initrd utility scripts in the install phase as this is totally senseless at that time, the utilities might not even yet be present on the system on a fresh install...
Comment 41 Lucian Muresan 2011-02-02 08:12:34 UTC
Created attachment 261316 [details]
updated ebuild (patch integrated upstream)

Ray Strode, the upstream maintainer commited my patch, so it's no longer needed in the ebuild.
Comment 42 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-02 19:57:35 UTC
FYI: I'm improving ebuild a bit and will commit into tree as soon as I will have write access to it. (I'm waiting for final recruiters approval.)
Comment 43 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-03 23:48:29 UTC
Created attachment 261457 [details]

What's new:
  - libdrm_intel, libdrm_nouveau and libdrm_radeon are optional and controlled
    by USE flags (Lucian Muresan)
  - branding (Favero Francesco)
  - initd script (Favero Francesco, but slightly modified)
  - dropped dracut dependency (it's not required)
  - mounting /boot is not necessary
  - works with libpng-1.4.x
  - static libraries are disabled
  - *.la files handled by autotools-utils eclass
  - EAPI changed to 3
  - more informative postint message

Related new files:
Comment 44 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-03 23:51:00 UTC
Created attachment 261459 [details, diff]

[Related to: plymouth-0.8.3-r4.ebuild]

drm: reduce minimum build requirements

This patch adds the respective configure options to make it possible to disable
libdrm_intel, libdrm_radeon, libdrm_nouveau independently from each other.


The patch is based on work of Lucian Muresan <>
that fixes bug report:

This one is adjusted to version 0.8.3 which doesn't support libkms yet.
Comment 45 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-03 23:59:33 UTC
Created attachment 261461 [details, diff]

[Related to: plymouth-0.8.3-r4.ebuild]

The png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8 function is deprecated and has been removed
from libpng14. Now png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8 is used instead which
is compatible with libpng-1.2.9 and greater.

Patch by Brett Witherspoon <>, see:
Comment 46 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 00:02:53 UTC
Created attachment 261462 [details]

Slightly modified Favero Francesco's plymouth.d (attachment #259658 [details]).
Comment 47 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 00:11:10 UTC
Created attachment 261464 [details]

I have restored dependency >=media-libs/libpng-1.2.16. In #261457 I have unnecessarily changed it to >=1.4.x.

Related files:
  0.8.3-gentoo-fb-path.patch (attachment #238209 [details, diff])
Comment 48 Lucian Muresan 2011-02-04 09:25:31 UTC
Created attachment 261479 [details]
updated live ebuild

 @Amadeusz ?o?nowski: I aligned the live ebuild to yours, now it can even be renamed for the next upstream release if no more essential things will change.
Comment 49 Lucian Muresan 2011-02-04 09:32:53 UTC
(In reply to comment #48)
>  @Amadeusz Żołnowski: I aligned the live ebuild to yours, now it can even be
> renamed for the next upstream release if no more essential things will change.
Maybe it would make sense you'd adopt it in your overlay, too, for other users convenience? Also, i.m.h.o. the sed line adjusting /dev/fb0 makes maintenance of the released ebuilds easier.
Comment 50 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 11:38:53 UTC
Created attachment 261487 [details]

Using PATCHES array instead of manually invoking epatch.
Comment 51 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 11:41:57 UTC
Created attachment 261488 [details]

Live ebuild based on attachment #261479 [details] by Lucian Muresan and stripped from conditions to be git-only and therefore simpler.

I have pushed 9999 to my overlay, too.  Lucian Muresan, thanks!
Comment 52 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 11:50:22 UTC
(In reply to comment #49)
> (In reply to comment #48)
> ...
> >  @Amadeusz Żołnowski: I aligned the live ebuild to yours, now it can even be
> > renamed for the next upstream release if no more essential things will change.
> Maybe it would make sense you'd adopt it in your overlay, too, for other users
> convenience? Also, i.m.h.o. the sed line adjusting /dev/fb0 makes maintenance
> of the released ebuilds easier.

I think patches are better, because if patch will fail you immediately see that something important has been changed.  With sed you might miss that.

Multi-purpose (live&stable) ebuild is nice, but in fact imho it's easier to maintain shorter and simpler one even if one needs to change a bit. Converting from live to stable is just a matter of updating URI, src_prepare() and possibly PATCHES.
Comment 53 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 12:34:03 UTC
Created attachment 261498 [details]

dracut dependency is required. Sorry for confusion. :-)
Comment 54 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 12:34:43 UTC
Created attachment 261500 [details]

dracut dependency is required. Sorry for confusion. :-)
Comment 55 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 13:14:13 UTC
I've just updated wiki:

Please correct me if I have missed something.
Comment 56 Lucian Muresan 2011-02-04 13:56:56 UTC
I added info about the fact that plymouth actually can be used also without DRM or libkms drivers, maybe lots of users which for some reason cannot use such a driver do not know this.
Comment 57 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 14:18:38 UTC
(In reply to comment #56)
> I added info about the fact that plymouth actually can be used also without DRM
> or libkms drivers, maybe lots of users which for some reason cannot use such a
> driver do not know this.

Cool, thanks. (I've put it into a note block.)

Comment 58 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 14:20:09 UTC
Created attachment 261506 [details]

Updated postinst message with link to wiki and did a few other fixes in the ebuild.
Comment 59 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-04 14:20:33 UTC
Created attachment 261508 [details]

Updated postinst message with link to wiki and did a few other fixes in the ebuild.
Comment 60 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-16 08:24:48 UTC
I'll commit ebuild for 0.8.3 today/tomorrow CEST evening with ~amd64 keyword. Does plymouth-0.8.3-r5 works for all of you?

I'll later do tests on some x86 machine.
Comment 61 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-18 00:42:23 UTC
Gentoo logo's red letters have some tiny artifacts in solar theme and it could be bigger. I'll try to improve it unless someone's willing to do it.

Also need to perform a few more tests. Sorry for delay.
Comment 62 brot 2011-02-20 12:38:48 UTC
To get rid of the artifacts i took the logo at and made a 150x157 png of it. looks good if you ask me, but if the other logo is better i will try to get rid of the artifacts.
Comment 63 brot 2011-02-20 12:41:21 UTC
Created attachment 263153 [details]
replacement for the gentoo plymouth logo

alternate gentoo logo for plymouth, replaces /usr/share/plymouth/bizcom.png
Comment 64 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-02-21 22:42:49 UTC
Tested with radeon and nouveau. brot reported to me it works with intel as well. Eventually committed into tree as plymouth-0.8.3. I've also updated Wiki page and removed 0.8.3-r5 from my overlay.

Thank you all for contribution and feel free to report future bugs. :-)
Comment 65 acidrums4 2011-03-18 23:03:24 UTC
Don't know if this is the right place to ask for this question; but why plymouth depends of gtk? I have not installed it, is strange that I should install it and its dependencies only for plymouth.
Comment 66 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-03-18 23:28:22 UTC
(In reply to comment #65)
> Don't know if this is the right place to ask for this question;but why
> plymouth depends of gtk? I have not installed it, is strange that I should
> install it and its dependencies only for plymouth.

Upstream doesn't support making it optional, although it could be made in an ebuild with some hacks. Please file another bug report about that if you're interested in that feature. I'd take a deeper look at it later.
Comment 67 acidrums4 2011-03-19 11:20:32 UTC
(In reply to comment #66)
> Upstream doesn't support making it optional, although it could be made in an
> ebuild with some hacks. Please file another bug report about that if you're
> interested in that feature. I'd take a deeper look at it later.

Thank you so much for your answer, here is the bug report:
Comment 68 Amadeusz Żołnowski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-03-20 23:56:37 UTC
I'm closing. Any issues with Plymouth please file as new bug reports.