Current stable portage (=sys-apps/portage- prints out the following message if a failure occurs: * * ERROR: app-misc/gizmod-3.3 failed. * Call stack: *, line 49: Called src_compile * environment, line 2139: Called _eapi2_src_compile *, line 634: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * emake || die "emake failed" * The die message: * emake failed * * If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant. * A complete build log is located at '/var/log/portage/app-misc:gizmod-3.3:20090523-104158.log'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/gizmod-3.3/temp/environment'. * This ebuild is from a repository named 'sunrise' * The problem, especially for bug-wrangling is, that in almost all cases emerge --info is needed and in many cases the complete build.log is needed (at least the bug-wrangler might not be able to decide if the maintainer needs it). To increase the bug report quality, I suggest one of the following changes. 1) Change "If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant." to "If you need support, post emerge --info and the complete build log". 2) Put the output of emerge --info at the beginning of build.log and change "If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant." to "If you need support, post the complete build log". Additionally the user's uselfags for the package that failed, should be added to the beginning of the build.log.
I second this one. From bug-wrangler's point of view this would hopefully help at least with those bug-reporters who actually read the messages portage prints out after an emerge failed...
As I already mentioned on irc, I think it would be really helpful if at a failed emerge directly one file would be created, which the user just has to attach. This file could contain emerge --info, emerge -vp of the current package, the "top most build" error, it could be too diffifult to grep it out of the build.log, and any other information we like to add. This creation should be triggered by a feature so that we have a maintainer mode for that.
Created attachment 194090 [details, diff] Adjust emerge's die message for better bug reports.
Created attachment 195048 [details, diff] Adjust emerge's die message for better bug reports. Change emerge -pq $CATEGORY/$PF to emerge -pqv =$CATEGORY/$PF. Thanks to Poly-C.
Thanks, this is in svn r14521.
This is fixed in 2.1.7 and 2.2_rc45.