19:52 < Betelgeuse> zmedico: ping 19:55 < zmedico> Betelgeuse: pong 19:57 < Betelgeuse> zmedico: What does Portage do to news item with News-Item-Format it does not support? 20:07 < zmedico> Betelgeuse: hmm, that header seems to be completely ignored atm. the parsing code for the other headers is pretty fault tolerant though, so unsupported stuff shouldn't make it crash (will just show a warning) 20:08 < Betelgeuse> zmedico: We should make it handle it like unsupported EAPI, tell people to upgrade Portage 20:08 < zmedico> yeah 20:08 < Betelgeuse> I think the news item format needs new filters 20:09 < Betelgeuse> will open a bug
Thanks, this is fixed in svn r14086.
This is fixed in 2.2_rc39.
This is fixed in 2.1.7.