I have KDE 4.2 installed and kdelibs-3.5.10 for k3b. When I try to send someone a message from kopete it crashes Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install kopete:4.2 and kdelibs:3.5 kdeprefix enabled 2. Run kopete and try to chat with anybody (I use jabber) Actual Results: It will crash with: !!!!!!! ERROR !!!!!!! - KHTML default stylesheet version mismatch. Aborting. Check your installation. File usedwas: /usr/kde/3.5/share/apps/khtml/css/html4.css. Expected STYLE_VERSION 1 Problem could be fixed by adding STYLE_VERSION 1 to that file, so there is actually no problem in it's content, but it would be much better if kopete will look in /usr/kde/4.2
How the crap you managed to install kdelibs-3.5.9? :D you should update to 3.5.10 problem will wanish.
In fact problem reappeared after upgrade to 3.5.10-r2 from 3.5.9 with hand-fixed html4.css. But I think it shouldn't matter at all. Kopete should look to /usr/kde/4.2 not 3.5
Please check with: env if KDEDIRS is still set systen wide and execute an env-update && source /etc/profile this should fix your problem :)
env | grep KDEDIRS returns nothing
in this case set in /etc/env.d/43kdepaths-4.2 KDEDIRS=/usr/:/usr/kde/4.2 and 45-kdepaths-3.5 KDEDIRS=/usr/kde/3.5 I had the same problem since kde4 that KDEDIRS should not be needed anymore but on my system I always have to set KDEDIRS manually for not getting into problems like you have.
Shouldn't it be done by ebuild?
It is always said that KDEDIRS is not needed anymore but I can't agree with it. I always have to rewrite the env-files for KDE after an update or upgrade. BTW, did it solve your problem?
Yes it fixed the problem. I removed STYLE_VERSION from 3.5's file and kopete still works. After removal from 4.2's file it crashes with error, but points to correct file. So now it is using good html4.css. Is it hard for ebuild to put this variables?
No, it is not hard, KDEDIRS has been removed from the ebuild several month ago. Propably someone from the KDE team could explain why it is sometimes needed.
Comment 8 got me totally confused: where do you want these variables? in kde4.2? in kde3? in kopete? in kdelibs? Never mind, we have made several changes in kde3 eclasses and $PATHs so i guess it should be fixed, if not please reopen