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Bug 249426 - app-emulation/virtualbox-{ose|bin}-2.0.4 +xorg-server-1.5.2 - unresponsive and console modifications
Summary: app-emulation/virtualbox-{ose|bin}-2.0.4 +xorg-server-1.5.2 - unresponsive an...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Markus Ullmann (RETIRED)
Depends on: 246177
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2008-11-30 23:14 UTC by Stefan de Konink
Modified: 2009-09-12 12:22 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Stefan de Konink 2008-11-30 23:14:34 UTC
When I was finally able to upgrade to xorg-server-1.5.2 my VirtualBox binary installation, completely broke. After the boot of a VM the mouse pointer is still responsive but is unable to click anything. Ctrl-alt-backspace is still operational, but for some reason the 'normal' console terminal is completely fubar too (it looks as if the screen is much bigger than it actually is).

I'm using the nvidia-drivers, kernel 2.6.27-gentoo, and have compiled X with gcc 4.3.2. I have tried the ose edition, without success.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:

paludis 0.28.2
Paludis build information:
        CXX:                   x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ 4.3.1
        CXXFLAGS:              -march=athlon64 -O2 -pipe -msse3
        DATE:                  2008-08-15T21:29:39+0200

        C++ Library:           GNU libstdc++ 20080606

    Reduced Privs:
        reduced_uid:           105
        reduced_uid->name:     paludisbuild
        reduced_uid->dir:      /dev/null
        reduced_gid:           1007
        reduced_gid->name:     paludisbuild

        DATADIR:               /usr/share
        LIBDIR:                /usr/lib64
        LIBEXECDIR:            /usr/libexec
        SYSCONFDIR:            /etc

    Format:                    paludis
    Config dir:                /etc/paludis
    World file:                /var/db/pkg/world

Repository virtuals:
    format:                    virtuals

Repository installed-virtuals:
    format:                    installed_virtuals
    root:                      /

Repository gentoo:
    format:                    ebuild
    location:                  /usr/portage
    append_repository_name_to_write_cache: true
    binary_destination:        false
    builddir:                  /var/tmp/paludis
    cache:                     /usr/portage/metadata/cache
    distdir:                   /usr/portage/distfiles
    eapi_when_unknown:         0
    eapi_when_unspecified:     0
    eclassdirs:                /usr/portage/eclass
    ignore_deprecated_profiles: false
    layout:                    traditional
    names_cache:               /usr/portage/.cache/names
    newsdir:                   /usr/portage/metadata/news
    profile_eapi:              0
    profiles:                  /usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/amd64/2007.0
    securitydir:               /usr/portage/metadata/glsa
    setsdir:                   /usr/portage/sets
    sync:                      rsync://
    use_manifest:              use
    write_cache:               /var/cache/paludis/metadata

    Package information:
        app-admin/eselect-compiler: (none)
        app-shells/bash:       3.2_p48
        dev-java/java-config:  1.3.7-r1 2.1.6-r1
        dev-lang/python:       2.4.4-r4 2.5.2-r8
        dev-python/pycrypto:   2.0.1-r6
        dev-util/ccache:       2.4-r8
        dev-util/cmake:        2.6.2
        dev-util/confcache:    (none)
        sys-apps/baselayout:   2.0.0
        sys-apps/openrc:       0.3.0-r1
        sys-devel/autoconf:    2.13 2.63
        sys-devel/automake:    1.10.2 1.4_p6 1.5 1.6.3 1.7.9-r1 1.8.5-r3 1.9.6-r2
        sys-devel/binutils:    2.19
        sys-devel/gcc-config:  1.4.0-r4
        sys-devel/libtool:     2.2.6a
        virtual/os-headers:    2.6.27-r2 (for sys-kernel/linux-headers::installed)

Repository installed:
    format:                    vdb
    location:                  /var/db/pkg
    builddir:                  /var/tmp/paludis
    names_cache:               /var/db/pkg/.cache/names
    provides_cache:            /var/db/pkg/.cache/provides
    root:                      /
Comment 1 Alessio Cassibba (X-Drum) 2008-12-02 00:27:28 UTC
the same problem occurs with virtualbox 2.0.6?

if you want to test, virtualbox-bin ebuilds are in tree, you can found virtualbox-ose on jokey's overlay[1]

Comment 2 Stefan de Konink 2008-12-02 11:13:52 UTC
It got worse, VirtualBox is only a semi-direct trigger. I have seen this also when VirtualBox was not even started.

It is really the total loss of control.
Comment 3 Stefan de Konink 2008-12-08 04:00:43 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> the same problem occurs with virtualbox 2.0.6?

Yes it does. The problem seems that for 'console' linux host the input is never truly released. But looking at the console fubarness there might be more going on. Windows with tools installed seems to work with issues.

Comment 4 Stefan de Konink 2008-12-08 04:12:58 UTC
And it gets more strange; I terminated X with ctrl-alt-backspace, and now when I restart some windows accept my default keyboard layout dvorak, while others work in qwerty. I think looking at input-event could be the show stopper.
Comment 5 Stefan de Konink 2008-12-15 21:49:03 UTC
Since I see the mouse grabbing issue without virtualbox too and the only 'strange' app that is on is Skype, I have a hunch I should maybe look at QT.
Comment 6 Patrick Lauer gentoo-dev 2009-09-12 12:22:56 UTC
2.x is gone, please use 3.x (3.0.6 at the moment) and reopen if it still happens.