I tried to emerge firefox but it kept giving me digest verification failures, i tried to sync couple of times but it did not help. the ebuild fetches tar.bz2 file from http://releases.mozilla.org/. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. comment the masking from package.mask 2. add required keywords 3. emerge www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-3.1_beta1 4. observe failure Actual Results: !!! Digest verification failed: !!! /usr/portage/distfiles/firefox-3.1b1.tar.bz2 !!! Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size !!! Got: 9556516 !!! Expected: 0 Expected Results: new and shiny firefox-bin installation.
I've fixed the manifest in CVS. Seems like a repoman bug since 0 byte distfiles are never valid and therefore it should try to download the file. Commit was with portage-2.2_rc12.
maybe related: - do "repoman manifest" - Ctrl-C during the wget attempts to find a mirror - do "repoman manifest" again, it will succeed thinking the zero-byte created file is valid slightly off-topic: generating a valid Manifest after such mistake is quite difficult, as repoman resists in telling you the downloaded file is wrong, and moving it to the right file manifesting it again seems not to help (I got a nice commit salvo for that on vim). The only solution I found so far is to manually remove the entry from the Manifest file.
In svn r11695 it's fixed to force download in cases when the Manifest contains a digest for a zero-byte distfile.
This is fixed in 2.2_rc13.