Most of the man pages that I have looked at reference Portage 2.1.3 or some other old version, these should probably be updated before portage-2.2 final ships. $ grep "TH " man/* man/ "COLOR.MAP" "5" "Jul 2007" "Portage 2.1.3" "Portage" man/dispatch-conf.1:.TH "DISPATCH-CONF" "1" "Dec 2005" "Portage 2.1" "Portage" man/ebuild.1:.TH "EBUILD" "1" "Jun 2007" "Portage 2.1.3" "Portage" man/ebuild.5:.TH "EBUILD" "5" "Jun 2007" "Portage 2.1.3" "Portage" man/emaint.1:.TH "EMAINT" "1" "Dec 2005" "Portage 2.1" "Portage" man/emerge.1:.TH "EMERGE" "1" "Jun 2007" "Portage 2.1.3" "Portage" man/env-update.1:.TH "ENV-UPDATE" "1" "Mar 2006" "Portage 2.1" "Portage" man/etc-update.1:.TH "ETC-UPDATE" "1" "Dec 2005" "Portage 2.1" "Portage" man/make.conf.5:.TH "MAKE.CONF" "5" "Jun 2007" "Portage 2.1.3" "Portage" man/portage.5:.TH "PORTAGE" "5" "Jun 2007" "Portage 2.1.3" "Portage" man/quickpkg.1:.TH "QUICKPKG" "1" "Dec 2005" "Portage 2.1" "Portage" man/repoman.1:.TH "REPOMAN" "1" "Dec 2005" "Portage 2.1" "Portage"
Thanks, this is released in 2.2_rc7.