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Bug 849866 - games-fps/freedoom: add ~arm64 and ~ppc64 keywords
Summary: games-fps/freedoom: add ~arm64 and ~ppc64 keywords
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Keywording (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: William Breathitt Gray
Keywords: CC-ARCHES, PullRequest
: 849728 850496 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-06-05 22:37 UTC by Piotr Kubaj
Modified: 2024-09-16 21:36 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
games-fps/freedoom ~arm64 ~ppc64 games-engines/odamex ~arm64 ~ppc64 games-fps/chocolate-doom ~arm64 ~ppc64 games-fps/doomsday ~arm64 ~ppc64 games-fps/gzdoom ~arm64 ~ppc64 games-fps/prboom-plus ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~games-fps/freedoom-data-0.12.1 ~arm64 ~ppc64 media-libs/zmusic ~arm64 ~ppc64 games-util/deutex ~arm64 ~ppc64 media-libs/assimp ~arm64 ~ppc64 games-fps/doom-data ~arm64 ~ppc64
Runtime testing required: ---
nattka: sanity-check+


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Piotr Kubaj 2022-06-05 22:37:49 UTC
Builds and works on both ~arm64 and ~ppc64 (ppc64le).

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
emerge freedoom
Comment 1 NATTkA bot gentoo-dev Security 2022-06-05 22:40:16 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 2 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-06-05 22:45:34 UTC
I'm guessing that a bunch of these Dooms are controllable via some flag so we may end up masking some if they're not useful.
Comment 3 NATTkA bot gentoo-dev Security 2022-06-05 22:48:17 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 4 NATTkA bot gentoo-dev Security 2022-06-05 23:00:18 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 5 NATTkA bot gentoo-dev Security 2022-06-05 23:08:18 UTC
All sanity-check issues have been resolved
Comment 6 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-06-07 22:05:42 UTC
*** Bug 849728 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-06-07 22:07:49 UTC
*** Bug 850496 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Michał Górny archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-09-19 06:45:43 UTC
arm64 done
Comment 9 ernsteiswuerfel archtester 2022-09-19 23:34:47 UTC
freedoom-data fails to build on ppc64 BigEndian, so freedoom can't be built on BE. Also doomsday-2.3.1[freedoom] does not build on ppc64 as a consequence. odamex fails to build too on ppc64.

The other ports build fine on ppc64 BE:

USE tests started on Mo 19. Sep 22:58:32 CEST 2022

FEATURES=' test' USE='' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='-doc -libsamplerate -midi -png -vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='doc libsamplerate -midi png -vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='-doc libsamplerate midi png -vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='doc -libsamplerate -midi -png vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='-doc libsamplerate -midi -png vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='doc libsamplerate -midi -png vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='-doc -libsamplerate -midi png vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='-doc libsamplerate -midi png vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='doc libsamplerate -midi png vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='-doc -libsamplerate midi png vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='-doc libsamplerate midi png vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1
USE='doc libsamplerate midi png vorbis' succeeded for =games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.0.1-r1

FEATURES=' test' USE='' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='-demo display-mode fluidsynth -freedoom -openal -tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='demo display-mode fluidsynth -freedoom -openal -tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='-demo display-mode -fluidsynth -freedoom openal -tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='demo display-mode fluidsynth -freedoom openal -tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='demo display-mode fluidsynth -freedoom openal -tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='demo -display-mode -fluidsynth -freedoom -openal tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='demo display-mode -fluidsynth -freedoom -openal tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='demo -display-mode fluidsynth -freedoom -openal tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='-demo display-mode fluidsynth -freedoom -openal tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='-demo -display-mode -fluidsynth -freedoom openal tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='demo -display-mode -fluidsynth -freedoom openal tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1
USE='-demo -display-mode fluidsynth -freedoom openal tools' succeeded for =games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1

FEATURES=' test' USE='' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='-gles2 -gtk -non-free openmp -telemetry -vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='-gles2 gtk -non-free openmp -telemetry -vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='gles2 gtk -non-free openmp telemetry -vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='gles2 -gtk non-free -openmp -telemetry vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='-gles2 gtk non-free -openmp -telemetry vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='gles2 gtk non-free -openmp -telemetry vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='gles2 -gtk -non-free openmp -telemetry vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='gles2 gtk -non-free openmp -telemetry vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='gles2 gtk -non-free openmp telemetry vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='-gles2 -gtk non-free openmp telemetry vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='gles2 -gtk non-free openmp telemetry vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1
USE='gles2 gtk non-free openmp telemetry vulkan' succeeded for =games-fps/gzdoom-4.8.2-r1

FEATURES=' test' USE='' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='-alsa -dumb -fluidsynth mad net opengl -pcre -portmidi -sdl2-image -sdl2-mixer server -vorbis -zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='alsa dumb -fluidsynth -mad net opengl -pcre portmidi -sdl2-image -sdl2-mixer server -vorbis -zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='-alsa dumb -fluidsynth -mad net opengl -pcre -portmidi -sdl2-image sdl2-mixer server -vorbis -zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='alsa -dumb -fluidsynth -mad net -opengl -pcre -portmidi sdl2-image -sdl2-mixer -server vorbis -zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='-alsa -dumb fluidsynth mad net -opengl pcre portmidi -sdl2-image -sdl2-mixer server vorbis -zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='alsa dumb fluidsynth mad net opengl -pcre portmidi -sdl2-image sdl2-mixer server -vorbis zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='-alsa dumb fluidsynth -mad net opengl -pcre portmidi sdl2-image sdl2-mixer server -vorbis zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='alsa dumb -fluidsynth mad -net -opengl pcre -portmidi -sdl2-image -sdl2-mixer -server vorbis zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='alsa dumb -fluidsynth mad net opengl pcre -portmidi -sdl2-image -sdl2-mixer -server vorbis zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='alsa -dumb fluidsynth mad net opengl pcre portmidi -sdl2-image sdl2-mixer -server vorbis zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='-alsa dumb fluidsynth mad net -opengl -pcre portmidi sdl2-image sdl2-mixer -server vorbis zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2
USE='-alsa dumb fluidsynth mad net opengl pcre portmidi sdl2-image -sdl2-mixer server vorbis zlib' succeeded for =games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2

FEATURES=' test' USE='' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='-alsa -fluidsynth -mpg123 -sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='alsa -fluidsynth -mpg123 -sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='-alsa fluidsynth -mpg123 -sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='-alsa -fluidsynth mpg123 -sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='-alsa fluidsynth mpg123 -sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='alsa fluidsynth mpg123 -sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='-alsa -fluidsynth -mpg123 sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='alsa -fluidsynth -mpg123 sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='-alsa fluidsynth -mpg123 sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='alsa fluidsynth -mpg123 sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='-alsa -fluidsynth mpg123 sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4
USE='-alsa fluidsynth mpg123 sndfile' succeeded for =media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4

FEATURES=' test' USE='' succeeded for =games-util/deutex-5.2.2
USE='-man -png' succeeded for =games-util/deutex-5.2.2
USE='man -png' succeeded for =games-util/deutex-5.2.2
USE='-man png' succeeded for =games-util/deutex-5.2.2
USE='man png' succeeded for =games-util/deutex-5.2.2

 FEATURES=' test' failed for =media-libs/assimp-5.2.4-r1
USE='-samples' succeeded for =media-libs/assimp-5.2.4-r1
USE='samples' succeeded for =media-libs/assimp-5.2.4-r1

FEATURES=' test' USE='' succeeded for =games-fps/doom-data-1.9
USE='' succeeded for =games-fps/doom-data-1.9
Comment 10 Piotr Kubaj 2022-09-20 00:33:42 UTC
Well, I checked on ppc64le (as mentioned in the 1st comment). Gentoo should really split ppc64 and ppc64le, but until it's done, there's no reason to block keywording because of BE, since it works fine on LE.

Maybe it's possible to check for endianness in the ebuild and die there on BE?
Comment 11 James Le Cuirot gentoo-dev 2022-09-20 08:06:05 UTC
This can be masked through the arch/ppc64/big-endian profile.
Comment 12 ernsteiswuerfel archtester 2022-09-20 10:48:37 UTC
(In reply to James Le Cuirot from comment #11)
> This can be masked through the arch/ppc64/big-endian profile.
No objections as there seem to be plenty of other doom engines which build fine on ppc64. USE=freedoom has to be masked too for games-fps/doomsday then.
Comment 13 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2023-11-29 04:23:24 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit d3ce69bae15760a1d9b732588541c46c54fcafb3
Author:     Matoro Mahri <>
AuthorDate: 2023-11-28 20:28:07 +0000
Commit:     Sam James <>
CommitDate: 2023-11-29 04:20:43 +0000

    profiles/features/big-endian: mask games-fps/freedoom
    Signed-off-by: Matoro Mahri <>
    Signed-off-by: Sam James <>

 profiles/features/big-endian/package.mask | 14 ++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)
Comment 14 matoro archtester 2023-12-06 06:10:24 UTC
I've opened an upstream PR for odamex:
Comment 15 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2023-12-18 21:57:09 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit 1e57cc70a7184fbf1d5be6a0df47bab5c59fa6d6
Author:     Matoro Mahri <>
AuthorDate: 2023-12-18 21:39:15 +0000
Commit:     James Le Cuirot <>
CommitDate: 2023-12-18 21:53:52 +0000

    games-engines/odamex: add patch to fix ppc64 build
    And tunes i386 SIMD options.
    Signed-off-by: Matoro Mahri <>
    Signed-off-by: James Le Cuirot <>

 .../files/odamex-10.4.0-backport-pr928.patch       | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 games-engines/odamex/odamex-10.4.0-r1.ebuild       |  1 +
 2 files changed, 67 insertions(+)
Comment 16 matoro archtester 2023-12-19 05:21:49 UTC
ppc64 done

all arches done