1.0.14 - Nov 17, 2016 holland A fix for launchpad bug #1220841 caused plugins that used "SHOW SLAVE STATUS" via the holland mysql lib to fail with an "unknown encoding: binary" error. The changes for LP #1220841 have been reverted. holland-mysqldump A bug was introduced in 1.0.12 which caused mysqldump's lock-method "auto-detect" option to always use lock-tables under MySQL 5.0 environments. (Fixes GH#148) 1.0.12 - Feb 8, 2016 holland The "holland" command no longer attempts to suppress log output when output is not to a terminal. Previously this was done when either the --quiet options was used or if holland detected it was not writing to a console. Now the "holland --quiet" option must be used to suppress output or output can be redirected via standard shell stdio facilities. (Fixes GH#98) Hooks are no longer run during a dry-run (Fixes GH#121; Thanks Mike Griffin!) Holland now supports gpg as a compression option for all backup plugins (Thanks to Ryan Cleere for the contribution and Tim Soderstrom for documenting the improvement) GH#95 Added contrib/holland-commvault; See contrib/holland-commvault/README for a description of this module. holland-mysqldump Various MySQL metadata queries used by the mysqldump plugin were not compatible with MySQL-python 1.2.5 due to the way parameters were passed. (Fixes GH#106). exclude-invalid-views will now handle invalid views using an illegal mix of collation (Fixes LP#1207852). exclude-invalid-views handles unexpected mysql errors more gracefully now. (Fixes LP#1207852) lock-method = auto-detect now considers memory, myisam_mrg and federated engines as transactional when determining whether to use mysqldump --single-transaction (LP #1081261) mysqldump failed to detect invalid views under mysql 5.0 (LP #1262352) invalid strings in show slave status are now handled more gracefully (LP #1220841) Estimating the size of a backup would fail under MariaDB 10.1 due to the numeric value being returned as a Decimal rather than an int object, primarily causing later formatting of the estimated values to fail due to mixing decimal and integer arithemetic. holland now ensures these values are integers. (GH#125) holland-pgdump missing pg_dump/pg_dumpall commands are now handled more gracefully (LP #1206202) The connection used for discovering databases to backup is now closed before pg_dump commands are run (LP #1236618) special characters in the provided password are escaped when generating PGPASSFILE. (GH#116) holland-xtrabackup holland-xtrabackup now uses innobackupex as innobackupex binary as innobackupex-1.5.1 has been deprecated upstream for several releases holland-xtrabackup previously failed to compress xbstream archives regardless of the [compression] configuration for the backupset. (LP#1246562) https://github.com/holland-backup/holland
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=3831172264494f42d621e760593f4d066900d922 commit 3831172264494f42d621e760593f4d066900d922 Author: Aaron Bauman <bman@gentoo.org> AuthorDate: 2020-07-28 18:45:29 +0000 Commit: Aaron Bauman <bman@gentoo.org> CommitDate: 2020-07-28 18:45:29 +0000 */*: Drop more Py2 last-rited pkgs Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/715966 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/714628 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/606680 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/686238 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/710214 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/710028 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/710032 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/656934 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/592718 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/446122 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/547210 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/359785 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/571396 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/600754 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/677830 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/710716 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/651940 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/695132 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/708978 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/710058 Signed-off-by: Aaron Bauman <bman@gentoo.org> app-backup/holland-backup-example/Manifest | 1 - .../holland-backup-example-1.0.10.ebuild | 39 ----- app-backup/holland-backup-example/metadata.xml | 5 - app-backup/holland-backup-pgdump/Manifest | 1 - .../holland-backup-pgdump-1.0.10.ebuild | 38 ----- app-backup/holland-backup-pgdump/metadata.xml | 5 - app-backup/holland-backup-random/Manifest | 1 - .../holland-backup-random-1.0.10.ebuild | 39 ----- app-backup/holland-backup-random/metadata.xml | 5 - app-backup/holland-backup-sqlite/Manifest | 1 - .../holland-backup-sqlite-1.0.10.ebuild | 39 ----- app-backup/holland-backup-sqlite/metadata.xml | 5 - app-backup/holland-lib-common/Manifest | 1 - .../holland-lib-common-1.0.10.ebuild | 25 ---- app-backup/holland-lib-common/metadata.xml | 5 - app-backup/holland-lib-lvm/Manifest | 1 - .../holland-lib-lvm/holland-lib-lvm-1.0.10.ebuild | 25 ---- app-backup/holland-lib-lvm/metadata.xml | 5 - app-backup/holland/Manifest | 1 - app-backup/holland/holland-1.0.10.ebuild | 54 ------- app-backup/holland/metadata.xml | 5 - app-cdr/burn-cd/Manifest | 2 - app-cdr/burn-cd/burn-cd-1.8.0-r1.ebuild | 31 ---- app-cdr/burn-cd/burn-cd-1.8.1.ebuild | 27 ---- app-cdr/burn-cd/metadata.xml | 16 --- app-dicts/opendict/Manifest | 1 - app-dicts/opendict/metadata.xml | 11 -- app-dicts/opendict/opendict-0.6.7-r1.ebuild | 91 ------------ app-editors/editra/Manifest | 1 - app-editors/editra/editra-0.7.20-r2.ebuild | 54 ------- app-editors/editra/files/editra-0.7.20-wx30.patch | 44 ------ app-editors/editra/metadata.xml | 8 -- app-editors/leo/Manifest | 1 - app-editors/leo/leo-5.6.ebuild | 36 ----- app-editors/leo/metadata.xml | 9 -- app-emulation/playonlinux/Manifest | 2 - .../files/playonlinux-4.2.4-binary-plugin.patch | 17 --- .../files/playonlinux-4.2.4-pol-bash.patch | 35 ----- .../playonlinux-4.2.6-stop-update-warning.patch | 17 --- app-emulation/playonlinux/files/playonlinux-pkg.1 | 33 ----- app-emulation/playonlinux/files/playonlinux.1 | 33 ----- app-emulation/playonlinux/metadata.xml | 15 -- .../playonlinux/playonlinux-4.2.12.ebuild | 118 --------------- .../playonlinux/playonlinux-4.3.4-r1.ebuild | 108 -------------- app-office/taskcoach/Manifest | 1 - .../files/taskcoach-1.4.3-version-check.patch | 25 ---- app-office/taskcoach/metadata.xml | 21 --- app-office/taskcoach/taskcoach-1.4.6.ebuild | 41 ------ app-text/bibus/Manifest | 2 - app-text/bibus/bibus-1.5.2-r3.ebuild | 86 ----------- app-text/bibus/files/bibus-1.5.2-bibus.cfg.patch | 31 ---- app-text/bibus/files/bibus-1.5.2-install.patch | 110 -------------- app-text/bibus/files/bibus-1.5.2-wx30.patch | 158 --------------------- app-text/bibus/metadata.xml | 11 -- dev-db/SchemaSync/Manifest | 3 - dev-db/SchemaSync/SchemaSync-0.9.2-r1.ebuild | 24 ---- dev-db/SchemaSync/SchemaSync-0.9.4.ebuild | 23 --- dev-db/SchemaSync/SchemaSync-0.9.5.ebuild | 23 --- dev-db/SchemaSync/metadata.xml | 12 -- dev-python/squaremap/Manifest | 1 - dev-python/squaremap/metadata.xml | 15 -- dev-python/squaremap/squaremap-1.0.4.ebuild | 26 ---- dev-util/wxglade/Manifest | 1 - .../wxglade/files/wxglade-0.6.3-wxversion.patch | 12 -- dev-util/wxglade/metadata.xml | 11 -- dev-util/wxglade/wxglade-0.8.2-r1.ebuild | 55 ------- media-gfx/fontypython/Manifest | 1 - .../0001-Do-not-crash-on-empty-pogs-list.patch | 21 --- ...nused-code-which-causes-crash-with-wx-3.0.patch | 134 ----------------- ...python-3.0-which-enforces-assertions-on-L.patch | 28 ---- .../fontypython/files/fontypython-pillow.patch | 41 ------ media-gfx/fontypython/fontypython-0.4.4-r3.ebuild | 38 ----- media-gfx/fontypython/metadata.xml | 8 -- media-gfx/fr0st/Manifest | 1 - media-gfx/fr0st/files/fr0st-1.4-colour.patch | 9 -- media-gfx/fr0st/fr0st-1.4-r2.ebuild | 57 -------- media-gfx/fr0st/metadata.xml | 8 -- profiles/package.mask | 38 ----- sci-chemistry/apbs/Manifest | 1 - sci-chemistry/apbs/apbs-1.4.1-r2.ebuild | 129 ----------------- sci-chemistry/apbs/files/apbs-1.4.1-manip.patch | 50 ------- sci-chemistry/apbs/files/apbs-1.4.1-multilib.patch | 92 ------------ sci-chemistry/apbs/files/apbs-1.4.1-python.patch | 122 ---------------- sci-chemistry/apbs/metadata.xml | 25 ---- sci-chemistry/eden/Manifest | 1 - sci-chemistry/eden/eden-5.3-r2.ebuild | 88 ------------ sci-chemistry/eden/files/5.3-makefile-fixes.patch | 60 -------- .../eden/files/eden-5.3-format-security.patch | 96 ------------- sci-chemistry/eden/files/eden-5.3-impl-dec.patch | 28 ---- sci-chemistry/eden/files/makefile-fixes.patch | 25 ---- sci-chemistry/eden/metadata.xml | 12 -- sci-chemistry/p3d/Manifest | 1 - sci-chemistry/p3d/metadata.xml | 21 --- sci-chemistry/p3d/p3d-0.4.3-r1.ebuild | 29 ---- sci-chemistry/p3d/p3d-9999.ebuild | 27 ---- sci-chemistry/pdb-tools/Manifest | 1 - sci-chemistry/pdb-tools/metadata.xml | 12 -- sci-chemistry/pdb-tools/pdb-tools-0.2.1-r1.ebuild | 79 ----------- sci-chemistry/pdb-tools/pdb-tools-0.2.1-r2.ebuild | 83 ----------- sci-chemistry/pdb2pqr/Manifest | 1 - sci-chemistry/pdb2pqr/files/pdb2pka | 13 -- sci-chemistry/pdb2pqr/files/pdb2pqr | 13 -- .../pdb2pqr/files/pdb2pqr-1.9.0-flags.patch | 45 ------ .../pdb2pqr/files/pdb2pqr-1.9.0-install-py.patch | 15 -- sci-chemistry/pdb2pqr/metadata.xml | 15 -- sci-chemistry/pdb2pqr/pdb2pqr-1.9.0-r3.ebuild | 114 --------------- sci-chemistry/prodecomp/Manifest | 1 - sci-chemistry/prodecomp/metadata.xml | 18 --- sci-chemistry/prodecomp/prodecomp-3.0-r3.ebuild | 53 ------- sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-caver/Manifest | 1 - sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-caver/metadata.xml | 8 -- .../pymol-plugins-caver-2.1.2.ebuild | 56 -------- sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-dssp/Manifest | 1 - sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-dssp/metadata.xml | 8 -- .../pymol-plugins-dssp-110430-r1.ebuild | 39 ----- sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-promol/Manifest | 1 - sci-chemistry/pymol-plugins-promol/metadata.xml | 8 -- .../pymol-plugins-promol-3.0.2-r1.ebuild | 60 -------- sci-chemistry/sparky/Manifest | 1 - sci-chemistry/sparky/files/3.115-fix-c++14.patch | 32 ----- sci-chemistry/sparky/files/3.115-ldflags.patch | 61 -------- sci-chemistry/sparky/files/3.115-makefile.patch | 17 --- sci-chemistry/sparky/files/3.115-paths.patch | 13 -- sci-chemistry/sparky/files/3.115-wrapper-r1.patch | 41 ------ sci-chemistry/sparky/metadata.xml | 8 -- sci-chemistry/sparky/sparky-3.115-r2.ebuild | 117 --------------- www-apps/viewvc/Manifest | 1 - www-apps/viewvc/metadata.xml | 13 -- www-apps/viewvc/viewvc-1.1.26-r1.ebuild | 115 --------------- 129 files changed, 3958 deletions(-)