Hi, I was just going to do an emerge -u world when it choked on the new mc package with a 404 not found. mc-4.6.0-pre1-2002-10-29-22.diff.bz2 --11:54:52-- http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/gentoo/distfiles/mc-4.6.0-pre1-2002-10-29-22.diff.bz2 => `/usr/portage/distfiles/mc-4.6.0-pre1-2002-10-29-22.diff.bz2' Resolving www.ibiblio.org... done. Connecting to www.ibiblio.org[]:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found 11:54:52 ERROR 404: Not Found.
the patch seems to not be making it out to ibiblio, something internal, thanks for letting us know :)
hmmm, is this still not fixed ? i've been getting this error since the ebuild appeared in portage.
brad, for some reason the translations are chewing up any and all available diskspace in /var/tmp/portage (3Gigs at last check).
Can someone provide a log, I've tried and tried to reproduce to no avail. I've had several complaints of this, so I'm aware its happenening just have no means to figure out why yet :)
Well, is anyone still having this problem? It seems to me that it is fixed.
I still get mc.hlp at more than 1,176 GB. mc-4.6.0_pre1-r3 How do I create the log Mr. Cowan request?
I'm marking as invalid, because I masked these builds because I can't find out why some people are having this problem, I'm not going to use any more snapshots unless there is a major reason