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Bug 94171 - app-editors/vim uses vim-with-x use flag instead of X
Summary: app-editors/vim uses vim-with-x use flag instead of X
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High trivial
Assignee: Vim Maintainers
: 153765 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-05-27 05:29 UTC by Lion Vollnhals
Modified: 2010-06-09 18:40 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Lion Vollnhals 2005-05-27 05:29:04 UTC
app-editors/vim uses "vim-with-x" use flag in order to enable X11 support
instead of using the "X" use flag like other ebuilds do. Furthermore the "vim"
in "vim-with-x" is redundant. It is clear that this use flag affects vim.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:

Expected Results:  
In order to preserve consistency app-editors/vim should use the "X" use flag.
Comment 1 Ciaran McCreesh 2005-05-27 05:51:54 UTC
No it shouldn't.
Comment 2 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-11-02 00:50:53 UTC
*** Bug 153765 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2006-12-29 23:37:09 UTC
why not ?  you're asking vim to enable support for X related things, thus USE=X
Comment 4 Mike Kelly (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-01-11 05:59:44 UTC
As a reference, previous discussion of this was done on Bug #19115 and Bug #20093.

In keeping with my predecessors, I'm also going to say, "No".
Comment 5 Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-02-28 12:55:31 UTC
I don't get why 'vim-with-x' is used instead of X USE flag. bug 20093 was for some people who didn't want to have X enabled for vim even if enabled for their system. Looking to comment 1 [1] let me think the problematic wasn't the same 7 years ago. Now, we can have per-package USE flag so vim should use 'X' USE flag as every other package with optional X related stuff.

[1] "This bug speaks for the usefulness of package dependent use flags - i.e. being able to set USE="-X" _only_ for the vim package."
Comment 6 Jim Ramsay (lack) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-03-01 21:45:47 UTC
In a break with *my* predecessors, I am going to say: "Maybe you're on to something here".

Recent versions of vim do *not* suffer from the same problem as Bug #19115 -> If you have your DISPLAY set incorrectly or vim cannot connect to the X server for some other reason, you still get plain old terminal vim.  So there is no visible difference to users who don't care.

As far as I can tell, the only justification one may give for having a separate 'vim-with-x' USE flag instead of using the standard 'X' is that it allows vim to have a default *contrary* to the stated intention of users, that is: forcing users to opt-in to linking vim against X libraries regardless of whether or not they have set USE="X".

Since I interpret the presence of USE="X" to mean "Where possible, please link against the X libraries", I see no reason for a special flag here.  If users don't care if their vim is linked against X or not, they get whatever their global USE setting happens to be.  No problem.

If users care that their vim is now linked against X, they can opt-out by setting USE="-X" for vim.

To make things extra clear, and hopefully to prevent the "so many complaints" referenced in comment #2 of Bug #20093, I will put a local USE flag description in vim's metadata.xml to explain this for those who care to look, noting that linking app-editors/vim against X does not provide an X GUI, but instead just allows an in-terminal vim to integrate more closely with X, if present, by tying into the clipboard and/or setting the window title, if possible.

I'm going to let discussion fester here (and if no one speaks up here, maybe even try the gentoo-dev list) for a while before I actually make the change, but without any strong argument why I should *not* change it, I intend to make this change.
Comment 7 Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-03-02 14:50:10 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> To make things extra clear, and hopefully to prevent the "so many complaints"
> referenced in comment #2 of Bug #20093, I will put a local USE flag description
> in vim's metadata.xml to explain this for those who care to look, noting that
> linking app-editors/vim against X does not provide an X GUI, but instead just
> allows an in-terminal vim to integrate more closely with X, if present, by
> tying into the clipboard and/or setting the window title, if possible.

I don't think someone who think gvim will come with USE="X" will look at the vim local USE flags description. I don't even think someone will look at local description of a so general USE flag. In addition, vim fits the USE flag general description.
If you want to prevent complains I would recommend an elog message, it would be more visible. IMO, you could try to push an ebuild without an elog message and see if people complain. IIRC, vim is already printing a lot of messages.

Anyway, it would be great to have that fixed.
Comment 8 Mounir Lamouri (volkmar) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-06-07 17:05:01 UTC
I'm going to be annoying but do you have any updates about this bug ?
Comment 9 Jim Ramsay (lack) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-06-09 18:40:30 UTC
After your reminder, I started a small discussion on the gentoo-dev list[1] and quickly decided it was high time to enact this change.  So I made the changes across the board, changing immediately all 'vim-with-x' to 'X' for all versions of vim.

