in the tree for more than 80 days Reproducible: Always
x86 done
arm done
arm64 done
amd64 done
Looking good on ppc64. # cat USE tests started on Sa 19. Okt 18:31:21 CEST 2024 FEATURES=' test' USE='' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='archive -bogofilter calendar clamav dbus -doc gnutls -imap -ldap -libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager nls -nntp notification oauth pdf -perl pgp -python rss session sieve smime spam-report spamassassin -spell startup-notification svg -valgrind -webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive -bogofilter calendar clamav dbus -doc gnutls imap ldap libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager -nls nntp notification -oauth pdf perl pgp -python -rss session sieve smime spam-report -spamassassin spell -startup-notification -svg valgrind -webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive -bogofilter calendar -clamav dbus doc gnutls -imap -ldap -libcanberra libnotify networkmanager nls -nntp notification oauth -pdf -perl -pgp -python -rss session sieve -smime spam-report spamassassin -spell -startup-notification svg valgrind -webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive bogofilter calendar clamav -dbus doc gnutls -imap -ldap libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager nls nntp notification oauth -pdf perl pgp -python -rss -session -sieve smime -spam-report -spamassassin -spell -startup-notification svg -valgrind webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='archive -bogofilter -calendar clamav dbus -doc -gnutls imap -ldap -libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager -nls -nntp notification -oauth pdf perl -pgp -python rss -session -sieve -smime spam-report -spamassassin -spell -startup-notification svg valgrind webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive bogofilter calendar -clamav dbus doc gnutls imap -ldap -libcanberra -libnotify -networkmanager -nls nntp -notification -oauth -pdf perl -pgp -python rss session -sieve -smime spam-report spamassassin -spell startup-notification svg valgrind webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='archive bogofilter -calendar clamav dbus -doc gnutls -imap ldap libcanberra -libnotify networkmanager nls -nntp notification oauth -pdf -perl -pgp -python rss session sieve -smime -spam-report spamassassin -spell startup-notification -svg valgrind -webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive bogofilter -calendar -clamav dbus doc gnutls -imap -ldap -libcanberra -libnotify networkmanager -nls nntp -notification -oauth -pdf perl pgp -python rss session -sieve -smime -spam-report spamassassin spell startup-notification svg valgrind -webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive -bogofilter -calendar clamav -dbus -doc gnutls imap ldap -libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager nls -nntp notification -oauth pdf -perl pgp -python rss session -sieve -smime spam-report spamassassin -spell startup-notification svg -valgrind webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive -bogofilter -calendar -clamav dbus doc gnutls imap ldap -libcanberra -libnotify networkmanager -nls -nntp -notification -oauth -pdf perl -pgp -python rss -session -sieve -smime spam-report spamassassin -spell -startup-notification -svg valgrind webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='archive -bogofilter -calendar clamav -dbus -doc -gnutls imap ldap libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager nls nntp notification -oauth -pdf perl pgp -python rss -session sieve -smime spam-report -spamassassin spell -startup-notification -svg valgrind webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='archive -bogofilter -calendar clamav dbus doc gnutls -imap ldap -libcanberra -libnotify networkmanager nls nntp -notification oauth -pdf perl pgp -python -rss session -sieve -smime spam-report -spamassassin spell startup-notification svg valgrind webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0
Looking good on ppc. # cat USE tests started on Sun Oct 20 18:11:52 CEST 2024 FEATURES=' test' USE='' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='archive -bogofilter calendar clamav dbus -doc gnutls -imap -ldap -libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager nls -nntp notification oauth pdf -perl pgp -python rss session sieve smime spam-report spamassassin -spell startup-notification svg -valgrind -webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive -bogofilter calendar clamav dbus -doc gnutls imap ldap libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager -nls nntp notification -oauth pdf perl pgp -python -rss session sieve smime spam-report -spamassassin spell -startup-notification -svg valgrind -webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive -bogofilter calendar -clamav dbus doc gnutls -imap -ldap -libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager nls -nntp notification oauth -pdf -perl -pgp -python -rss session sieve -smime spam-report spamassassin -spell -startup-notification svg valgrind -webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive bogofilter calendar clamav -dbus doc gnutls -imap -ldap libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager nls nntp notification oauth -pdf perl pgp -python -rss -session -sieve smime -spam-report -spamassassin -spell -startup-notification svg -valgrind webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='archive -bogofilter -calendar clamav dbus -doc -gnutls imap -ldap -libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager -nls -nntp notification -oauth pdf perl -pgp -python rss -session -sieve -smime spam-report -spamassassin -spell -startup-notification svg valgrind webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive bogofilter calendar -clamav dbus doc gnutls imap -ldap -libcanberra -libnotify -networkmanager -nls nntp -notification -oauth -pdf perl -pgp -python rss session -sieve -smime spam-report spamassassin -spell startup-notification svg valgrind webkit -xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='archive bogofilter -calendar clamav dbus -doc gnutls -imap ldap libcanberra -libnotify -networkmanager nls -nntp notification -oauth -pdf -perl -pgp -python rss session sieve -smime -spam-report spamassassin -spell startup-notification -svg valgrind -webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive bogofilter -calendar -clamav dbus doc -gnutls -imap -ldap -libcanberra -libnotify networkmanager -nls nntp -notification -oauth -pdf perl pgp -python rss session -sieve -smime -spam-report spamassassin spell startup-notification svg valgrind -webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive -bogofilter -calendar clamav -dbus -doc gnutls imap ldap -libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager nls -nntp notification -oauth pdf -perl pgp -python rss session -sieve -smime spam-report spamassassin -spell startup-notification svg -valgrind webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='-archive -bogofilter -calendar -clamav dbus doc gnutls imap ldap -libcanberra -libnotify -networkmanager -nls -nntp -notification -oauth -pdf perl -pgp -python rss -session -sieve -smime spam-report spamassassin -spell -startup-notification -svg valgrind webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='archive -bogofilter -calendar clamav -dbus -doc -gnutls imap ldap libcanberra libnotify -networkmanager nls nntp notification -oauth -pdf perl pgp -python rss -session sieve -smime spam-report -spamassassin spell -startup-notification -svg valgrind webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 USE='archive -bogofilter -calendar clamav dbus doc gnutls -imap ldap -libcanberra -libnotify -networkmanager nls nntp -notification oauth -pdf perl pgp -python -rss session -sieve -smime spam-report -spamassassin spell startup-notification svg valgrind webkit xface' succeeded for =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0
Unable to check for sanity: > no match for package: =mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0
All sanity-check issues have been resolved
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): commit 95970bea82200250183d53a48e1256c85d8aa4c8 Author: Bernard Cafarelli <> AuthorDate: 2025-02-25 11:21:13 +0000 Commit: Bernard Cafarelli <> CommitDate: 2025-02-25 11:21:13 +0000 mail-client/claws-mail: stabilize 4.3.0-r2 for ppc, ppc64 Closes: Signed-off-by: Bernard Cafarelli <> mail-client/claws-mail/claws-mail-4.3.0-r2.ebuild | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)