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Bug 935787 - net-libs/grpc-1.65.0 fails tests without shared lib
Summary: net-libs/grpc-1.65.0 fails tests without shared lib
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal (vote)
Assignee: Jason Zaman
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-07-09 13:20 UTC by Agostino Sarubbo
Modified: 2024-08-31 12:13 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

build.log.xz (build.log.xz,52.53 KB, application/x-xz)
2024-07-09 13:20 UTC, Agostino Sarubbo
1-LastTest.log.xz (1-LastTest.log.xz,549.80 KB, application/x-xz)
2024-07-09 13:20 UTC, Agostino Sarubbo

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2024-07-09 13:20:32 UTC

Issue: net-libs/grpc-1.65.0 fails tests.
Discovered on: amd64 (internal ref: ci)

Info about the issue:
Comment 1 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2024-07-09 13:20:33 UTC
CC'ing also the author of the commit (4a585a254225a19337af2376970ba8a19eac1078)
Comment 2 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2024-07-09 13:20:34 UTC
Created attachment 897368 [details]

build log and emerge --info (compressed because it exceeds attachment limit, use 'xzless' to read it)
Comment 3 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2024-07-09 13:20:38 UTC
Created attachment 897369 [details]

1-LastTest.log (compressed because it exceeds attachment limit, use 'xzless' to read it)
Comment 4 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2024-07-09 13:20:39 UTC
Error(s) that match a know pattern:

	103 - compressed_payload_test (Subprocess aborted)
	110 - connectivity_test (Subprocess aborted)
	119 - default_host_test (Subprocess aborted)
	123 - disappearing_server_test (Subprocess aborted)
	131 - empty_batch_test (Subprocess aborted)
	151 - filter_causes_close_test (Subprocess aborted)
	152 - filter_init_fails_test (Subprocess aborted)
	153 - filter_test_test (Subprocess aborted)
	154 - filtered_metadata_test (Subprocess aborted)
	168 - graceful_server_shutdown_test (Subprocess aborted)
	175 - grpc_authz_test (Subprocess aborted)
	194 - high_initial_seqno_test (Subprocess aborted)
	200 - hpack_size_test (Subprocess aborted)
	202 - http2_stats_test (Subprocess aborted)
	219 - invoke_large_request_test (Subprocess aborted)
	227 - keepalive_timeout_test (Subprocess aborted)
	229 - large_metadata_test (Subprocess aborted)
	243 - max_concurrent_streams_test (Subprocess aborted)
	244 - max_connection_age_test (Subprocess aborted)
	245 - max_connection_idle_test (Subprocess aborted)
	246 - max_message_length_test (Subprocess aborted)
	260 - negative_deadline_test (Subprocess aborted)
	262 - no_op_test (Subprocess aborted)
	281 - payload_test (Subprocess aborted)
	287 - ping_pong_streaming_test (Subprocess aborted)
	289 - ping_test (Subprocess aborted)
	309 - proxy_auth_test (Subprocess aborted)
	318 - registered_call_test (Subprocess aborted)
	320 - request_with_flags_test (Subprocess aborted)
	321 - request_with_payload_test (Subprocess aborted)
	327 - resource_quota_server_test (Subprocess aborted)
	329 - retry_cancel_after_first_attempt_starts_test (Subprocess aborted)
	330 - retry_cancel_during_delay_test (Subprocess aborted)
	331 - retry_cancel_with_multiple_send_batches_test (Subprocess aborted)
	332 - retry_cancellation_test (Subprocess aborted)
	333 - retry_disabled_test (Subprocess aborted)
	334 - retry_exceeds_buffer_size_in_delay_test (Subprocess aborted)
	335 - retry_exceeds_buffer_size_in_initial_batch_test (Subprocess aborted)
	336 - retry_exceeds_buffer_size_in_subsequent_batch_test (Subprocess aborted)
	337 - retry_lb_drop_test (Subprocess aborted)
	338 - retry_lb_fail_test (Subprocess aborted)
	339 - retry_non_retriable_status_before_trailers_test (Subprocess aborted)
	340 - retry_non_retriable_status_test (Subprocess aborted)
	341 - retry_per_attempt_recv_timeout_on_last_attempt_test (Subprocess aborted)
	342 - retry_per_attempt_recv_timeout_test (Subprocess aborted)
	343 - retry_recv_initial_metadata_test (Subprocess aborted)
	344 - retry_recv_message_replay_test (Subprocess aborted)
	345 - retry_recv_message_test (Subprocess aborted)
	346 - retry_recv_trailing_metadata_error_test (Subprocess aborted)
	347 - retry_send_initial_metadata_refs_test (Subprocess aborted)
	348 - retry_send_op_fails_test (Subprocess aborted)
	349 - retry_send_recv_batch_test (Subprocess aborted)
	350 - retry_server_pushback_delay_test (Subprocess aborted)
	351 - retry_server_pushback_disabled_test (Subprocess aborted)
	353 - retry_streaming_after_commit_test (Subprocess aborted)
	354 - retry_streaming_succeeds_before_replay_finished_test (Subprocess aborted)
	355 - retry_streaming_test (Subprocess aborted)
	356 - retry_test (Subprocess aborted)
	358 - retry_throttled_test (Subprocess aborted)
	359 - retry_too_many_attempts_test (Subprocess aborted)
	360 - retry_transparent_goaway_test (Subprocess aborted)
	361 - retry_transparent_max_concurrent_streams_test (Subprocess aborted)
	362 - retry_transparent_not_sent_on_wire_test (Subprocess aborted)
	363 - retry_unref_before_finish_test (Subprocess aborted)
	364 - retry_unref_before_recv_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 36 - bad_ping_test (Subprocess aborted)
	382 - server_finishes_request_test (Subprocess aborted)
	387 - server_streaming_test (Subprocess aborted)
	392 - shutdown_finishes_calls_test (Subprocess aborted)
	393 - shutdown_finishes_tags_test (Subprocess aborted)
	395 - simple_delayed_request_test (Subprocess aborted)
	396 - simple_metadata_test (Subprocess aborted)
	398 - simple_request_test (Subprocess aborted)
	418 - streaming_error_response_test (Subprocess aborted)
	433 - test_core_end2end_channelz_test (Subprocess aborted)
	453 - thread_pool_test (Subprocess aborted)
	458 - timeout_before_request_call_test (Subprocess aborted)
	467 - trailing_metadata_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 46 - binary_metadata_test (Subprocess aborted)
	490 - write_buffering_at_end_test (Subprocess aborted)
	491 - write_buffering_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 54 - call_creds_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 57 - call_host_override_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 60 - cancel_after_accept_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 61 - cancel_after_client_done_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 62 - cancel_after_invoke_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 63 - cancel_after_round_trip_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 65 - cancel_before_invoke_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 67 - cancel_in_a_vacuum_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 68 - cancel_with_status_test (Subprocess aborted)
	 97 - client_streaming_test (Subprocess aborted)
-- Could NOT find c-ares (missing: c-ares_DIR)
The following tests FAILED: