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Bug 932474 (gcc-15) - [Tracker] sys-devel/gcc-15 porting
Summary: [Tracker] sys-devel/gcc-15 porting
Alias: gcc-15
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Toolchain Maintainers
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: c23-porting 933597 933659 933862 934688 936121 936508 936618 936634 936822 936896 936921 936930 937009 937115 937221 937237 937257 937274 937307 937320 937329 937389 937390 937391 937395 937425 937429 937460 937521 937524 937529 937581 937692 937731 937779 937827 937854 937993 938109 938111 938112 938114 938115 938116 938122 938155 938158 938228 938229 938230 938253 938271 938289 938332 938333 938334 938458 938460 938487 938498 938521 938604 938605 938683 938684 938742 939020 939022 939068 939094 939098 939165 939504 939506 939509 939661 939667 939690 939692 939695 939837 939854 939898 939901 940125 940126 940190 940223 940226 940271 940301 940485 940511 940551 941114 941236 941397 941532 941538 941847 942121 942209 942321 942336 942337 942340 942341 942399 942438 942448 942584 942670 943738 943894 944454 944752 944905 945287 945472 945716 945789 945907 945920 946146 946280 946363 946366 946848 946937 946956 947107 947160 947348 947760 947849 948071 948072 948090 948101 948103 948109 948186 948222 948346 932437 932653 933358 933399 933832 934017 934018 934019 934534 934653 935660 935754 935868 936227 936409 936410 936415 936416 936417 936494 936498 936501 936509 936521 936522 936562 936564 936681 936717 936924 937164 937238 937261 937275 937358 937387 937388 937392 937405 937408 937412 937416 937417 937418 937420 937423 937427 937472 937478 937525 937526 937527 937528 937530 937531 937532 937557 937571 937597 937629 937640 937694 937737 937738 937770 937778 937809 937826 937872 937887 937970 937991 938108 938110 938146 938156 938157 938193 938194 938196 938198 938199 938200 938203 938217 938218 938226 938247 938250 938278 938288 938459 938486 938522 938531 938537 938611 938659 938685 938918 938962 939006 939069 939095 939096 939097 939120 939125 939137 939410 939460 939498 939753 939856 939857 939922 940006 940222 940225 940233 940303 940307 940344 940504 940510 940529 940538 940540 940542 940545 940548 940552 940578 940580 940589 940590 940591 940607 940610 940700 941074 941147 941148 941267 941513 941517 941523 941531 941564 941567 941674 941675 941938 941939 941953 942060 942086 942141 942148 942153 942205 942211 942335 942440 942554 942593 942783 942914 943708 943732 943940 944006 944148 944999 945055 945405 945508 945862 946130 946140 946141 946544 946696 946876 946900 946958 946982 946984 947005 947016 947267 947300 947934 947939 948055 948058 948073 948147 948202 948223
Blocks: 937628
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2024-05-22 14:34 UTC by Sam James
Modified: 2025-01-18 12:04 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2024-05-22 14:34:36 UTC
Please file individual bugs and have them block this one.

See No porting doc yet.
Comment 1 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2024-09-19 07:06:02 UTC
(In reply to Sam James from comment #0)
> Please file individual bugs and have them block this one.
> See No porting doc yet.